Kids may have been more “lawless” in those golden, bygone days, but they probably had more fun at Halloween. Evidence for this of was recorded in minutes of the Oct. 14, 1946 WG council meeting headed by Irving L. McCathran. The following was edited slightly to protect the innocent (joking!).
“The matter of what might happen in W.G. at Halloween was considered. It was noted that Wesleyan Services Guild was having a party for boys. The Lions Club was having a party in Gaithersburg which might remove danger of so much damage of the previous year!! (my emphasis & exclamation). Councilman Bean moved and seconded by Councilman Heller that $25 ($305 in 2015 dollars) be used to hire three men to preserve order on Halloween in W.G.!(my emphasis again). The motion was passed and the Mayor suggested Councilman Billheimer should see about securing the three men.”
It was an interesting time in the life of WG. Happy Halloween to one and all from a ghost of your past, Bwwa, Ha, Ha, Ha!!
The MAD Archives Typist