Lot and Block » Lots p 11, 12-17 & 22, Block 9 Old Lots 2-4, Block 7
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Built » c. 1875-85 Assessment records indicate 1885
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Owner(s) » Richard H. Willet, by 1879 (lot 14 #62) Thomas L. Koontz, 11 May 1903 (#611); 17 November 1906 (lot 13 #686) Ada R. Koontz, 27 May 1918 (#996, lots 13-14) through at least 1932 B. K. Teepe & R. K. Isherwood William K. Teepe (1979), born 1906 in the house. … Peter D. Nagrod & Karen Kells, by 1988 Peter D. Nagrod, 18 April 1989 (liber 8783 folio 669)
Remarks » Appears in assessment records as Lot 13 block 9. Original size was 14×40. Willet was an Association Trustee and was a partner in the lumber firm of Willet & Libbey (N.Y. Ave, corner of 6th Ave, N.W.). His year-round house was at 412 13th Street, N.W. In 1888, he was included in the Washington Elite List, residing at 1220 Connecticut Ave, N.W. Mrs. Teepe was Tom Koontz’ sister. Lot 22 deeded by Town to Ada Koontz, 1943. Present wrap-around porch added by Teepe. House in yard moved to 102 Center Street . Wm. K. Teepe practiced law before becoming an officer of the DC Juvenile Court. He retired by 1975.
Sources » Edwards, 85, 207; NR form; 1943 deed in “Abandonment” files, Land Records, Town Archives; D.C. Directory, 1873; Washington Elite List (Blue Book), 1888; Willet & Libbey ad, 1889; Phil Edwards notes; Town Directories; Assessment records; Shantz p. 75; County tax records.