301-926-2256 [email protected]

Lot and Block » Lots 1-2, Block 7 Old Lots 1-2, Block B
Name Holly
Built » by 1885 (c.1883-5)
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Owner(s) » Sarah C & Norman A Reid, 1888 (#35); Deeds JA11:253 & 256, JA38:108) James Walter Duvall, 1903 (#630; Deed TD 27:193) Clyde D. Garrett, 1916 (#969) Samuel H. & Sallie L. Walker, 1929 (#1138; liber 498 folio 77) Henry & Grace Becraft, 1931 (#1157; liber 518 folio 319) Walter M. & Ethel B. Spellman, 1942 (liber 887 folio 333) Edward Hogan, 1946 (liber 1046 folio 66) Elmer & Alissa Warnke, 1950 (liber 1461 folio 187) Robert B. Myers, 1956 (liber 2210 folio 252) Thomas H. & Betty B. Watson, 13 August 1976 (liber 4827 folio 462) Jay & Evelyn Bowersox, 1987
Remarks » One of the first 10 houses built outside The Circle. Duval died in DC, will dated 2-17-16 (20:149). Henry Becraft bought houses in the Grove to renovate and sell them for profit. House converted to year-round use by the Becrafts who also installed fishpond and dug out the house’s cellar. The Spellmans ran a store for many years (formerly owned by Mrs. Spellman’s family-Burns?)–later taken over by Hershey. (See 103 Grove Avenue for more on Hershey’s store.) The name Holly was given to the house before street numbers were used. The Myers built the screened side porch, enclosed front porch into small narrow room, converted storage room into first-floor bedroom and installed first-floor bath.
Sources » Edwards, 90-91, 116, 202; Page Milburn, 11; Record of Leases, 1883-1906; 1886 Plat of Grove Ave; Edwards House History Worksheet; Jay Bowersox Report, 4-30-1990; Assessment records; 1946 tax list.

Updates & Anecdotes

Source » Referenced in August 2010 bulletin
103 Grove Avenue Photo

Soliciting any helpful information! Who were the original owners (before the Reid’s in 1888)? When was the side fireplace added? The property at 105 Grove Avenue was originally part of 103 Grove. Does anyone know if there was a dependent structure at 105 (for servants?) Do others have knowledge of the lore that an upstairs back bedroom was used as a birthing room? If you have any information (substantiated or not) about the earlier days of Holly, or photographs, would you please share them with us? You may hand-deliver information to the Archivist c/o the Town Office, or pass it along electronically ([email protected]), or ask us to pick it up from you! All information will be shared with Sandy Klingenberg, added to this update and original photos will be returned. Thank you!
103 Grove Avenue

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