301-926-2256 [email protected]

17 December 2013 | Approved: 21 January 2014

Members Bob Booher, Gail Littlefield, Wendy Harris, David Stopak, and Mimi Styles were present. Also, Joli McCathran, council liaison, and Pat Patula, Town Archivist, were present. The meeting began at 7:35 pm at the Town Council chambers.

Approval of Agenda and Adoption of Minutes.

The agenda was approved as modified. The November minutes were approved as corrected.



Records management.

Pat Patula prepared a set of recommendations on bringing the Washington Grove archives and town records into compliance with the Hall of Records standards. (memo attached.) Various issues were discussed. The HPC will put this subject on its list for inclusion at the mutual meeting in January.

Gaithersburg Area Sector Master Plan

David reported that there were no changes that impacted the Gaithersburg vicinity.


Mimi and Pat will draft something.


Pat reported that humidity in the archives room fluctuated from 20-70%. It should be around 50%. There is not enough air flow.

Around 100 pages of old handwritten minutes need to be transcribed. Pat will contact Garrett Park about costs.

The computer has lots of space available.

Mutual Meeting.

Jolie will contact Georgette about scheduling.

Archeological Resources in the meadow.

Wendy raised issues about protection of the archeology sites in the Meadow. A site survey would cost $3-4K. This issue should be addressed at the Mutual meeting.

Railroad Street Master Plan.

This issue should go on the Mutual Meeting agenda.

Mutual meeting.

The HPC agenda items prioritized are (1) Archives/records management, (2) early review of permits by HPC, (3) archeology sites in the meadow, (4) Railroad St master plan.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 pm.

Gail Littlefield

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