301-926-2256 [email protected]

16 December 2014 | Approved: 20 January 2015

Members Bob Booher, Gail Littlefield, Wendy Harris, Mimi Styles, and David Stopak were present. Mayor Joli McCathran, TC liaison Georgette Cole and resident Joe Clark were also present. The meeting began at 7:30 pm at the Town Council chambers.

Approval of Agenda and Adoption of Minutes.

The agenda was approved. November minutes were deferred.

Building permit.

Joe Clark, 402 Grove, presented his updated plans for his shop roof project, which had been provided in advance of the HPC meeting. The plan documents were adequate for the HPC review. Mimi will draft the HPC recommendation.

TC report.

Dave reported on the TC meeting, at which the TC approved an easement for 203 Second Ave without HPC input

Houses on Town Property.

203 Second Ave.

HPC members expressed their concern about easements being approved without HPC review. Mayor McCathran suggested that the HPC prepare a bullet list of recommended changes to the 203 Second Ave easement for consideration by the TC. HPC will also prepare a bullet list of recommended changes to the Easement Ordinance, eg., to add HPC review of easements into the ordinance.

315 Grove Avenue.

The HPC voted to draft recommended changes to the easement and resolution for 315 Grove Avenue (prepared by the Town Attorney), for consideration by the TC. Also agreed to were recommended changes to the attachments to the easement. Gail will draft new language for consideration by the HPC.

Steatite Quarry:

Wendy reported that based on Charlie’s delineation of Town and County boundary lines, the site (as presently defined) lies slightly outside of Town property. In upcoming months she will work on further defining the site’s actual extent. The possible presence of an archaeological site in this location may become important if the County decides to develop Piedmont Crossing Park.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 pm.

Gail Littlefield

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