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22 July 2003 | Approved: 26 August 2003

HPC members present: Bob Booher, Chair, Clare Cavicchi, Chris Kirtz, Ed Mroczka, and David Neumann. Peggy Odick also attended as liaison to the Town Council.

The July 22, 2003 meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission began at 7:00 p.m. with the approval of the agenda. The Chair asked Chris Kirtz to take minutes.

Open item from the last meeting

The Commissioners approved the minutes of the May and June meetings. Bob Booher agreed to check with Larry French to determine the status of the design guidelines upon which Larry was working and to determine necessary next steps.

Other Work Session Items

The Commissioners discussed how to better publicize their work and encourage people to come in for early consultation. It agreed a reference in the Town Council meeting minutes and a write up in the WG Bulletin might be helpful. Ed Mroczka agreed to check with Kathy Lehman regarding any space, timing, or other limitations on getting HPC items in the Bulletin.

Public Review Session

Ed Mroczka recused himself as a Commissioner and, as a property owner, requested early consultation on his ideas on adding a second floor and rear addition to his house. Mr. Mrocska brought computer generated and other drawings and elevations. These greatly assisted the informal discussion between him and the Commissioners regarding his plans. Mr. Mroczka took notes and asked the Commission not to prepare a written review. He advised the Commission he would come back later with more formalized plans — at that time — clarifying if he wanted a second “informal discussion” or if he wanted a written review.

Public Work Session

The Commissioners then finalized:

  1. an amended list and working definition of Contributing and Non-Contributing Structures;
  2. the text of a one page handout describing the HPC’s purpose and procedures designed to be part of the standard handout package applicants receive when they come to Town Hall to apply for a building permit; and
  3. permit review procedure language to be incorporated into the current Washington Grove "Application for Building Permit" cover sheet.

Other Business

In light of August being a vacation time, the Commission decided that its next meeting would be on the third Tuesday in September, on September 18th.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:38 p.m.

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