19 July 2011 | Approved: 16 August 2011
Members David Stopak, Mimi Styles, and Gail Littlefield, and Town Council Liaison Joli McCathran. The meeting began at 7:30 pm in the Town Hall kitchen. There was no key available to open the Council meeting room.
Approval of Agenda and Adoption of Minutes
The proposed agenda was adopted unanimously with modifications. The minutes of the June 21 meeting, taken by Gail Littlefield, were read and approved with minor modifications/corrections.
There were no projects to be reviewed.
Report by Council liaison; Humpback Bridge
Georgette will be spokesperson for the town on the bridge issue. Georgette, Charlie Challstrom, and Ann Briggs met with the town attorney, who advised everyone to get Nancy King to get CSX and the town to the table to discuss.
CSX is lowering its tracks in some places.
Permit review procedure
David and Bob will draft something on the proposed revisions to take to Planning Commission for approval. It will then go to Council for its approval.
Future workshops
Deferred to next meeting.
Town Bulletin
Mimi read her last submission, which everyone agreed was appropriate for the bulletin. She will submit some additional text regarding economic benefits of preservation for the next Town bulletin.
Discussion on Anti-mansionization ordinance
Deferred to next meeting.
Archivist job description
Deferred to next meeting. Tour of archives. Mimi will contact David Newmann to find out when he is available for an archives tour.
New Business
- Heritage Days participation in 2012. We agreed we should get on Peggy Erickson’s calendar for Fall 2011.
- HPC liaison to Planning Commission. It was agreed that someone should call Charlie Charlstrom to arrange for an HPC member to serve as rotating liaison to the Planning Commission starting in September.
- Casey Field. Shelley Winkler has arranged an information meeting at Town Hall on August 1 with County officials regarding Casey 6 and 7. At issue are buffer/hedgerows, tree islands, vistas, bike path, and the far tree line. Details to follow in the Town newsletter. The Field Committee will prepare a wish list for the County.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.