18 March 2014 | Approved: 20 May 2014
Members Bob Booher, Gail Littlefield, Wendy Harris, David Stopak, and Mimi Styles were present. Also, Charlie Challstrom, PC Chairman, Chris Kirtz, Town resident, and Ed Roberts (8:15pm arrival) , Town resident, were present during parts of the meeting. Chris Kirtz expressed his approval of achieving HPC review of permit applications prior to PC review. The meeting began at 7:35 pm at the Town Council chambers
Approval of Agenda and Adoption of Minutes.
The agenda was approved as modified. The Feb 18 2014 meeting minutes were approved, as corrected.
Projects/CSX bridge.
On March 18th a new set of 70% drawings of the planned modifications to the bridge arrived from the contractor. Bob will update his previous draft comments. Members of the HPC will review the comments and offer edits. Gail will ask Clare Kelly to send us documents relating to the 2005 nomination of the bridge to the county Atlas and Master Plan. Bob and others will do a walk around the bridge to record the current condition of the bridge’s character-defining features.
203 2nd Avenue/PC meeting report.
Bob, Charlie, and David reported on discussion at PC meeting regarding Eva Polson’s 2nd Ave house, which was heavily damaged in a fire. Non-compliance issues are: Part of the porch is on town property; setbacks are grandfathered. Town attorney Sue Ellen circulated a proposed ordinance, which will be addressed at the Mar 27th PC work session. Georgette has emailed Eva that she needs a boundary survey, a demolition permit and a building permit. Ed Roberts expressed his concerns that the burned shell of the house was unsafe and exposed the town to potential liability issues. Bob has sketched, photographed, and measured the shell.
David reported on the license and easement options discussed at the meeting. Conveyance to Eva of the non-complying square footage was also discussed.
Records Management.
Deferred. HPC needs to fill out form for Archives. David reported that the PC filled out the state records management form in draft.
HPC Budget/Archives.
Deferred. Pat Patula submitted an annual report.
Mimi said Pat has drafted entries.
HPC permit review.
PC members Freda and Brenda drafted an amendment to PC permit process that inserts HPC review in process and as a requirement for PC consideration of building permit application. “Applications” in draft needs to be changed to “permitting process.” HPC needs to look at its process to make sure it is consistent with new PC language. HPC should consider revising our design guidelines. MAHDC guidelines, including those for rural resources, should be consulted. For instance, what information should applicants bring before HPC? Sketches of preferred design solutions would be helpful. FAQ’s regarding the new process would be helpful. Wendy will work on this.
Preservation Awards.
Needs to be discussed at next meeting.
Next meeting date changed. To April 22nd, due to conflicts for several members.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 pm.
Gail Littlefield