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Ordinances Article XIII—Application of County Legislation

Section 1. Exemption from County Legislation

Pursuant to the authority granted by the Charter of the Town of Washington Grove and by the laws of the State of Maryland and Montgomery County, Maryland, the Town of Washington Grove is exempt from all Montgomery County legislation, except for the following chapters of the Montgomery County Code:

3A. Alarms
5. Animal Control
7. Bicycles
8. Buildings (with the exception of Chapter 8-26(n) and (o))
8A. Cable Communications
11. Consumer Protection
17. Electricity
18. Elm Disease
19. Erosion and Sediment Control and Storm Water Management (with the exception of Chapter 19-17)
21. Fire and Rescue Services
22. Fire Safety Code
24. Health and Sanitation
26. Housing and Building Maintenance Standards
27. Human Relations and Civil Liberties Liberties
29. Landlord-Tenant Relations
31B. Noise Control (for the purposes of Chapter 31B, the Town’s RR-1, RR-2, RR-3 and FR Zones are Residential Zones and the Town’s C-L Zone is a Commercial Zone)
31C. New Home Warranty and Builder Licensing
40. Real Property
57. Weapons

and any other provisions of the laws of Montgomery County necessary to enforce the aforesaid chapters.

Section 2. Amendments to County Legislation

References to chapters of the Montgomery County Code in Section 1 above shall also apply to future amendments to said chapters when such amendments are adopted and enacted by the Montgomery County government.

Section 3. Right to Further Exemption

The Town of Washington Grove hereby reserves the right, to the extent provided by State law, to exempt itself from all or any part of the chapters of the Montgomery County Code made applicable to the Town by Section 1.

Section 4. Enforcement of County Legislation

The Town of Washington Grove hereby reserves the right to request Montgomery County to administer and enforce within the Town such laws of Montgomery County as shall hereby become applicable in the Town.

Section 5. Applicability

This Article shall have prospective and retrospective applicability.

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