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6 April 2011 | Approved: 4 May 2011

Commission Chair Eric Gleason called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. In attendance were Commissioners Samantha Beres, Georgette Cole and Steve Werts. Also in attendance was resident Peter Nagrod.

Approval of Agenda

Samantha Beres moved to approve the agenda. Georgette Cole seconded the motion. Eric Gleason added a discussion and clarification of the Town permitting process as 4a. Approved: 4-0.

Approval of the Minutes

Georgette Cole moved to approve the minutes from March 2, 2011. Samantha Beres seconded the motion. Approved: 4-0.

Public Appearances

There were no public appearances.

Clarification of Permit Process

There was a discussion that centered around possible ways to make the permitting process easier on the residents and the Commission members. This discussion resulted in the following language that will be added to the instruction sheet:

  • "A building permit application that does NOT require a review by the Historic Preservation Commission should be submitted two (2) weeks before the scheduled Planning Commission meeting when the expectation is a vote by the Planning Commission for approval at the next meeting."
  • "A building permit application that DOES require a review by the Historic Preservation Commission should be submitted one (1) week before the scheduled Planning Commission meeting when the expectation is a vote by the Planning Commission for approval at the meeting in five (5) weeks."

Building Permit Applications

202 Ridge Road – The Commission examined the plans for this project. There was a discussion about the Town deck requirements vs. Montgomery County deck requirements. The Commission will recommend that the applicant check the box marked “deck” on the application and submit the application for both the deck and the addition. This action will assure that the proper inspections are completed regardless of the height of the deck. Samantha will get in touch with the applicant.

Report from the Town Council

See Exhibit A. Georgette Cole explained the cuts to the Planning Commission’s budget. The tough economic times will hold the Town to one (1) block corner survey per year instead of the proposed two (2).

Other Business

Eric Gleason asked the Commission to concentrate on the priority list again as it will be on the agenda for the May meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.

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