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4 April 2012 | Approved: 2 May 2012

Chairman Challstrom called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. In attendance were commissioners Samantha Beres, Joe Clark, Brenda Gumula, Peter Nagrod and Steve Werts. Also in attendance were HPC member Margot Bohan and resident John Tomlin.

Approval of Agenda

Peter Nagrod moved to approve the agenda. Samantha Beres seconded the motion. Chairman Challstrom asked for additions. Peter Nagrod requested the addition of the Washington Grove Lane sidewalk and Charlie requested the addition of a follow up discussion about Town block corner survey priorities and the compilation of the Annual Report for the Town Meeting. Approved, as amended: 6-0.

Approval of the Minutes

Peter Nagrod moved to approve the minutes from March 7, 2012. Brenda Gumula seconded the motion. Approved: 6-0.
Peter Nagrod moved to approve the minutes from March 26, 2012. Brenda Gumula seconded the motion. Approved: 6-0.

Public Appearances

There were no public appearances.

Survey Plat Approvals

Charlie Challstrom shared a list of Town plats available in electronic form from the State Archives website. A discussion about indexing, plat numbers, deeds, historical markers, current markers and the survey process ensued.

Peter Nagrod moved to approve the Block 14 Survey for filing in the Montgomery County Land Records. Samantha Beres seconded the motion. Approved: 6-0.
Peter Nagrod moved to approve the Block 16 Survey for filing in the Montgomery County Land Records. Samantha Beres seconded the motion. Approved: 6-0.

The Commission discussed the next block corner survey priorities. Most of the Block 1 corner markers are delineated because of private property survey markers. The Commission decided that, because of the proposed Town Crest Redevelopment Project, starting with Block 3 would make the most sense. Joe Clark will put forth this recommendation to the Town Council.
Peter Nagrod moved to go forward with the Block 3 Survey. Samantha Beres seconded the motion. Approved: 6-0.

Building Permit Applications

  • The Town Clerk gave a brief update on the denied building permit application for the enclosure of a garage at 201 Maple Road. Mr. Snyder has withdrawn his request for a Board of Zoning Appeals hearing. He will do a new request in the next two (2) weeks or so.
  • 358 Ridge Road – Brenda Gumula reported that the application is complete, Notice To Neighbors sign is posted and all necessary survey points have been located. Brenda Gumula moved to approve the building permit for a fence at 358 Ridge Road. Joe Clark seconded the motion. Approved: 6-0.

Towne Crest Redevelopment Update

Chairman Challstrom gave an update. The hearing before the Planning Board has been pushed to September 2012. The Commission discussed forest conservation, a recent meeting with attorneys, the HPC review of the proposed plan, PD 30 zoning, budget impacts, next steps, the political nature of the process and the Town Planning Commission’s role.

LOS Meadow Update

It has been decided that it would be best to stop referring to the land adjacent to upper Ridge Road as the “LOS Field” and start calling it the Washington Grove Meadow. Using the LOS designation is not only incorrect but it causes confusion with the staff at Park & Planning because it indicates ownership. The Town owns the Washington Grove Meadow and M-NCPPC has an easement on the property. The easement is, as stated on the preliminary plan of the development, “for the purpose of maintaining the historic context of the Town”. The Commission discussed annexation.

Sidewalk Update

Peter Nagrod reported that Montgomery County will be starting the construction on the sidewalk along Washington Grove Lane in June. Notices will be given to residents along Washington Grove Lane during the next two (2) weeks.

Report from the Town Council

Joe Clark reported that the Town Council has engaged the law firm of Knopf & Brown to help with the review of the proposed redevelopment of the Towne Crest apartment complex. He also noted that Town Attorney Bill Roberts resigned. He will stay on through the end of the fiscal year. Joe also reported that the bid from Potomac Disposal was accepted by the Council, the new budget includes repaving Ridge Road from 326 to 358, Town taxes will remain the same, two (2) people are running for Council and the idea of being proactive with ideas to address the possibility of the closure of our post office.

Other Business

Charlie Challstrom brought up the Annual Report for the Town Meeting and the State requirement for the same. There was a brief discussion.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

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