6 March 2013 | Approved: 3 April 2013
Chairman Challstrom called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. In attendance were commissioners Brenda Gumula, Peter Nagrod, Freda Temple, Steve Werts and David Young. Also in attendance was HPC member Mimi Styles.
Approval of Agenda
David Young moved, Peter Nagrod seconded that the agenda be approved. Approved: 5-0.
Approval of the Minutes
Brenda Gumula moved, David Young seconded that the Planning Commission minutes for February 6, 2013 be approved. The Commission made two (2) spelling corrections. Approved: 5-0.
Public Appearances
There were no public appearances.
Building Permit Applications
A permit for the addition of a garage at 315 Brown Street was reviewed by the Commission. Peter Nagrod presented his written review of the project. The project meets all of the requirements for height, setbacks and lot coverage. Peter’s recommendation is for approval at the April meeting after the HPC has completed its review.
Public Ways and Property Permit
Chairman Charlie Challstrom explained the need for follow-up on Ordinance 2012-07 which was approved by the Council on January 14, 2013 and enacted on February 14, 2013. He presented a draft "Application for Public Ways and Property" and the Commission spent considerable time reviewing and amending the document. The application was amended by adding e-mail contact, a specific length of time for which the permit is valid (90 days unless otherwise specified), and a stipulation that the permit is not transferable. The Commission also reviewed samples from University Park which were provided by the Town attorney. The Planning Commission decided that it would be more prudent to begin using the application, as amended, with the expectation that we would continue to update and revise as we accumulated experience and advice. In order to allow for the approval of permits to occur outside the monthly meeting of the Planning Commission, Steve Werts was delegated with the authority to review and authorize such permits.
Steve Werts moved to authorize the Planning Commission’s use of the amended Application for Public Ways and Property Permit and the designation of a Commission member to review and approve when necessary. Brenda Gumula seconded the motion. Approved: 5-0.
Towne Crest Update
Chairman Challstrom gave a summary of the recent hearings with the County Hearing Examiner. He praised Attorney David Brown and the Town representatives who testified. There was a brief discussion about the timeline and what can be expected next.
Deer Park Bridge Update
Chairman Challstrom reported that communication with all involved parties continues. The target start date is June 2014.
Block Survey Priorities
Financial uncertainties have caused the Town to hold its money close. Mayor Cole has recommended that we hold off on block surveys until further notice.
Report from Town Council
- McCathran Hall – David Young reported that requests for proposals (RFP) have been sent out. The Mayor will open them at the March 11th meeting of the Town Council.
- WGCMP – David Young reported that feedback was sent to M-NCPPC representative Brenda Sandberg and is making its way to the decision-makers.
David also reported that there were three (3) public appearances at the February meeting. The residents came to discuss; horseshoe pits, the snow removal policy and streetlight shields.
Continued Discussion Re: Draft Ordinance No. 2013-02
Chairman Challstrom asked if anyone on the Commission had any further input. Steve Werts reported that Montgomery County requires a railing on anything that is taller than 30 inches, anything with footers requires an inspection and that decks must meet accessory building setbacks. The Commission discussed, at length, exemptions from County and Town permits. It was decided that Article IV, Section 5 of the Town code should be amended to reflect that decks of any height will now require a permit from both the Town and Montgomery County. This change leaves the only exemptions from Town permits as follows; trellis’, clotheslines, arbors, patios and pergolas.
Other Business
- Schank Garage (302 Ridge Rd.): Town inspector Larry Plummer checked the setbacks for this project and they are fine. Another inspection for the height of the building will happen after the shingles are in place. Steve Werts and Mike Schank did a measurement of the height and determined that the current height is 19 feet 10 inches. The Commission decided that because the height is so close the maximum allowed by our ordinances and because there is still insulation, plywood, paper and shingles yet to be installed, a reminder letter about accessory building height requirements should be sent to the Shanks.
- 344 Ridge Road: Charlie Challstrom reported that, at long last, this dwelling is legally occupied per Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services. Now the proper assessments can begin.
- 201 Maple Road: Owner Jim Snyder applied to Montgomery County for a change of his address. Montgomery County referred Mr. Snyder to the Town.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:34 p.m.