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7 May 2008 | Approved:

Chairman John McClelland called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. on May 7. In attendance were Commissioners Charlie Challstrom, Joe Clark, Peggy Ebner, Bob Evans and alternate Missy Yachup. Also in attendance were Town residents Sheldon Bierman, Bob Booher, Ann Briggs, Ralph Hurst, David Stopak, Shelly Winkler and Judy Young.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the April 2 meeting were approved.

Building Permits

The following building permit applications were considered:

  • 501 Brown Street – A permit for the construction of an addition to the residence was unanimously approved.
  • 101 Center Street – A permit for the construction of a 4′ fence on the property was unanimously approved pursuant to Article 7, Section 3.328.

Business License Application

An application for a business license to operate Sheba’s Beauty Salon in the Commercial Corner was approved. The mayor will be asked to write a letter to the owner that occupancy of the leased space is approved so that the owner may use it in securing other necessary permits.

Zoning Ordinances

Mr. Bierman suggested that the Commission give consideration to modifying the Town’s 30′ height restriction for residences to permit peaked roofs up to 35′ when needed to permit a full second story on a residence.

Master Plan

Commissioner Challstrom reviewed the status of the draft revised Master Plan. Language regarding walkways approved at last month’s meeting needs to be incorporated, and maps and photos are to be added. The new section on water resources will be revised pursuant to suggestions of the State of Maryland official responsible for working with municipalities on their master plans; that official described our draft plan as a “model” for other municipalities. Mr. Booher asked that the concept of neighborhood districts under Section 9, “Development and Preservation Strategies,” be reinserted in the draft. It was noted that the Commission continues of the view that the creation of districts based on historical significance would trigger provisions in Maryland Statute 66B which would result in mandatory review and approval processes involving the Historic Preservation Commission. A final draft of the revised Master Plan will be presented at the June meeting of the Planning Commission for adoption.

Encroachment Issues

The Commission discussed situations in which fences and other fixtures have been built on Town property by residents. The Chairman is writing to one resident calling attention to the need for a fence to be removed from Town property.

Operational Procedures for Compliance Officer

The outlines of a set of procedures for the utilization of the Compliance Officer was submitted by the Commission to the Town Council, which agreed with the general direction being taken. It was suggested that the procedures be utilized in connection with the just-approved permit for construction at 501 Brown Street.

Report from Town Council

Commissioner Challstrom reported that Barbara Hawk had moved out of Town and therefore had resigned her position on the Board of Zoning Appeals, and that a replacement for her, as well as an alternate, was needed. The Council approved an ordinance governing use of the Woodward Park field, and a resolution to clarify and implement the ordinance is being finalized.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m.

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