301-926-2256 washgrove@comcast.net

6 May 2009 | Approved: 3 June 2009

Chairman McClelland called the meeting to order at 7:37 p.m. In attendance were Commissioners Charlie Challstrom, Bob Evans, Eric Gleason, Steve Werts and Missy Yachup. Also in attendance were Georgette Cole, Ralph Hurst and Bud O’Connor.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes for April 1, 2009 were approved as amended.

Public Appearances

Bud O’Connor came to ask for an update on encroachments, specifically porches, which may have been discovered during the Town block corner survey project. Charlie Challstrom explained that upon completion of the surveys of the blocks that radiate from The Circle, letters about any encroachments would be sent to residents. There is one (1) block remaining. There was a brief discussion about long-term lease options. Mr. O’Connor also asked for an update concerning the proposed in-fill development and lot coverage ordinance. Charlie Challstrom explained that the HPC/PC joint work sessions have begun and for the time being the proposed lot coverage ordinance is being held in abeyance.

103 Brown Street

Chairman McClelland stated that he had a meeting with architect Ralph Hurst in order to further clarify the Planning Commission requirements for fixing the common roof violation. A discussion about common roof, setting precedents, old ordinances, BZA opinion, history, covenants and new permits ensued. Eric Gleason brought up a gambrel roof option. The Planning Commission asked Ralph Hurst to do real drawings of two proposed options; gambrel and single pitch all the way across. Ralph committed to giving drawings to PC members before the June meeting.

Center Street Obstructions

It was stated that the owner of 301 First Ave. was encroaching on Town property with barrels, plants and a car. This action is going against the guidance given by the Planning Commission. A discussion ensued.

Report from Town Council

Charlie Challstrom submitted a written report (see Exhibit A).


There were no building permits to review.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:58 p.m.

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