2 May 2018 | Approved: 6 June 2018
Peter Nagrod called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. In attendance were Commissioners Georgette Cole (Alternate), Dave Hix, John McClelland, Deb Mehlferber and Steve Werts. Also present were residents Charlie Challstrom, Robert Johnson, and Virginia Quesada. Historic Preservation Member Gail Littlefield and Mayor McCathran were also in attendance.
Approval of Agenda:
John McClelland moved to approve the agenda. Deb Mehlferber seconded the motion. John McClelland requested the addition of proposed ordinance changes. Mayor McCathran requested the addition of a Code Enforcement Officer. Approved: 5-0, as amended.
Public Appearances:
Virginia Quesada and Robert Johnson presented a Public Ways and Property Permit application for a drain pipe under their driveway apron and flagstone walk which are partially on Town land. The Commission reviewed the drawings. Dave Hix moved to approve the Public Ways & Property Permit for the culvert installation at 400 Center Street. Deb Mehlferber seconded the motion. Approved: 5-0.
Approval of the Minutes:
Dave Hix moved to approve the April minutes. Steve Werts seconded the motion. Approved: 5-0, as amended.
Building Permit Application:
117 Grove Avenue – Dave Hix explained the situation with the needed foundation repairs. There is no change in the footprint involved with the repairs. In order to go through the County process, the application will be stamped by the Town.
334 Ridge Road – Dave Hix explained the proposed plans and the Commission reviewed the drawings. Dave Hix moved to approved to approve the additions at 334 Ridge Road as presented. Steve Werts seconded the motion. Approved: 5-0.
411 Chestnut Avenue – Dave Hix and Deb Mehlferber explained this 2-part building permit application for fencing and a deck. Only one survey marker could be located, therefore, a boundary survey must be obtained for the fence work. John McClelland moved to approve the deck portion of this permit application. Steve Werts seconded the motion. Approved (deck only): 5-0. Deb will notify the residents about the need for a boundary survey in order to complete the fence work.
Proposed Dog Park:
Chairman Nagrod reported the vote at the Special Town Meeting was 71 for a dog park in Washington Grove and 29 against. The next step will be a Town Council vote to allow a dog park on the recommended site 3-A.
203 Permanent Easement – Update on Porch Steps:
The steps remain the same.
Report from Town Council:
John McClelland reported on the following:
- Rick Levine from Potomac Disposal came to the meeting of the Town Council to explain the new method of refuse and recycling collection.
- The public hearing for Ordinance 2018-02; Ordinance To Authorize Sale Of Land Occupied By Main Buildings Initially Constructed In Part On Land Owned By The Town Of Washington Grove, was set for June 11, 2018.
- The Council discussed applying reflective tape on Town fire hydrants.
Update of Draft Ordinance 2018-02; Ordinance to Establish a Process for Sale of Surplus Properties for Main Buildings Constructed in Part on Land Owned by the Town of Washington Grove:
A public hearing will be held on June 11, 2018.
Master Plan – Update:
Strategy has been discussed. The June meeting will include a full discussion about the Master Plan. The project is in good shape but some fine tuning is still needed. Gail Littlefield reported the HPC will have comments to add about the Historic Register Nomination work as well.
Washington Grove House Records – Status Report:
Georgette Cole reported 196 properties have been completed.
Other Business:
Mayor McCathran reported after some research she got two (2) names of Code Enforcement Officers the Town could consider for our needs. Each works for $100.00 per hour on an on-call basis.
Mayor McCathran reported the fence near Towne Crest which was demolished by a tree, belongs to the apartment complex not the Town. There was a discussion about who should remove the wood and how to ensure the fence was replaced.
Ordinance 2018-04: John McClelland presented ordinance changes for Article VII and Article IV. The Commission discussed the benefits of including sketches/illustrations. John McClelland moved to send Ordinance 2018-04 containing changes to Article VII and Article IV to the Town Council. Dave Hix seconded the motion. Approved: 5-0.
It was mentioned that this was Councilor John McClelland’s last meeting as he was not running for Council this year. Peter thanked John for all his work. Applause, applause!
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.
Kathryn L. Lehman, Town Clerk