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1 October 2008 | Approved: 5 November 2008

Chairman McClelland called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. In attendance were Commissioners Charlie Challstrom, Bob Evans, Steve Werts and alternate Missy Yachup. Also in attendance were Town residents Bob Booher, Georgette Cole, Tom Land and Mike Schank.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes for July and September were approved.

Building Permits

The following building permits were reviewed by the Planning Commission (PC):

  • 409 Center Street – Deck application approved unanimously. Action taken to assist the resident in attaining a Montgomery County permit for footer inspection/approval in case deck is enclosed in the future.
  • 302 Ridge – Mike Schank presented a building permit for an addition to his home. He noted that he had been to the HPC twice, and had changed his plans from a second story addition with no change in footprint to a two story addition because of HPC input. The PC acknowledged that input had been received from the HPC. Permit for addition approved unanimously per Article 7, Section 9 of the Schedule of Standards.

Ordinance Revision

Commissioner Challstrom led the continued discussion regarding a proposal to adjust the buildable lot coverage percentage based on lot size (see Attachment A.) He stated that some property owners would be affected positively by the proposed change but that currently no owners would be adversely affected. The commissioners agreed that the proposed change would help to apply a more uniform and fair schedule of standards throughout the town. Chairman McClelland noted that the proposed change also includes an increase for accessory buildings from 1 story to 1.5 stories. A motion by Chairman McClelland for the PC to accept the proposed building ordinance changes and to send them on to the Town Council (TC) was approved unanimously.

Master Plan Update

Commissioner Challstrom initiated a discussion on the Compilation of Proposed Master Plan Changes based on input from the public hearing on September 3, 2008 (see Attachment B.) The commissioners voted on the proposed changes and will set them aside till the public record is closed on October 20 and then they will be incorporated into the Master Plan in November.

  • Set #1: Commissioner Evans moved to approve changes as suggested. Approved unanimously.
  • Set #2: Commissioner Evans moved to retain existing language and not adopt the language for the “No Bridge Alternative”. Approved unanimously.
  • Set #3:
    • Part 1: Commissioner Challstrom will ask Ann Briggs to clarify her comments.
    • Part 2: No change.
    • Part 3: Commissioner Challstrom moved to add the “turtle bullet.” Approved unanimously.
    • Part 4: No change.
    • Part 5: Commissioner Challstrom moved to add proposed language. Approved unanimously
  • Part 6: Commissioner Challstrom moved to add proposed language with noted changes. Approved unanimously.
  • Part 7: Commissioner Challstrom moved to add proposed language with noted changes. Approved unanimously.

344 Ridge Road

Commissioner Werts initiated a discussion regarding the building site at 344 Ridge noting that the owner’s Montgomery County Permit expired two to three years ago and that there is a potential liability issue on the property. The commissioners agreed that the owner needs to apply for a new Montgomery County and Town permit. Chairman McClelland will notify the resident, town clerk and county officials.

Surplus Land

The Commissioners discussed the proposed transfer of Town land to private ownership. Commissioner Challstrom stated that the hearing has been held and the record is closed and the matter is up to the Town Council.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.

Missy Yachup

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