2 October 2013 | Approved: 6 November 2013
Chairman Challstrom called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. In attendance were commissioners Brenda Gumula, Peter Nagrod, Freda Temple, Steve Werts and David Young. Also in attendance were Town Councilor Joli McCathran and Historic Preservation Commission member Gail Littlefield.
Approval of Agenda
Brenda Gumula moved, David Young seconded that the agenda be approved. Chairman Challstrom added review of CSX/Deer Park Bridge Plans to #5. Approved: 5-0.
Approval of the Minutes
Steve Werts moved, Peter Nagrod seconded that the Planning Commission minutes for September 4, 2013 be approved. There were two (2) minor corrections.
Approved, as amended: 5-0.
Public Appearances
Linda Winter (201 Grove Ave.) came to ask about permitting requirements for a fence replacement. She presented a house location survey. She also asked if a permit was necessary if the plan was to simply replace an existing fence. Chairman Challstrom explained that when you remove and replace a structure, in this case a fence, you must first obtain a permit. He also explained that a boundary survey is required in order to be sure that the fence is on the resident’s property. The permit applications process was explained. Linda will look into surveyors.
Building Permit Applications
- 121 Washington Grove Lane – The property owner was not in attendance. The Commission discussed property corners, lack of process and conditional approval. Chairman Challstrom stated that he found two (2) property corners on the North side of the property and none on the South side. A discussion ensued. Peter Nagrod moved, David Young seconded to approve the permit application with the caveat that the fence on the South side of the property must not go beyond the South wall of the home. The Clerk will compose a letter explaining this caveat for the property owner to sign. Approved: 5-0.
- 302 Chestnut Avenue: The Commission looked at the HPC preliminary review. The resident has not yet submitted a building permit application.
Public Ways and Property Permit Applications: Chairman Challstrom presented permit applications from a WSSC contractor who has been hired to re-line certain sewer lines in Town. A discussion ensued. The Commission will report to the Mayor and the contractor the following concerns that need further clarity:
- Definition of a mulch mat.
- Length of the projects.
- Restoration of all areas to their original state.
- Notification to Neighbors.
- Impact on Trees.
- M-NCPPC approval.
- Equipment staging
- Request an on-site consultation, because of the mapping errors and to verify that the proposed entrance to the work area is the best available.
The PC will continue with its communication with the contractor and M-NCPPC with the expectation of a formal approval at the November meeting of the Planning Commission. The idea of taking before and after photos was discussed.
CSX/Deer Park Bridge Plans
The Commission reviewed the documents that CSX refers to as the 30% plan. A discussion ensued. The PC will recommend that CSX applies for a Public Ways and Property Permit. This permit application will be reviewed by the PC and the HPC. The PC will recommend approval of the 30% plan by the Mayor noting that it is their charge to aid in the protection of Town property. This project is in close proximity to Town land and should be closely monitored. Gail Littlefield noted that the Deer Park Bridge is eligible for placement on the National Register of Historic Places.
County Zoning Ordinance Proposed Revisions
Chairman Challstrom suggested the Commission review an e-mail exchange between him and Shelley Winkler on Sept. 17th in order to become more familiar with some of the details that will affect the Town. CT Zones, Mother-in-law apartments (Granny Pods) and Master Plan revisions are among some of the important issues. Brenda Gumula expressed confusion about the integrity of the Master Plan process. She stated that the language seems to indicate that the Master Plans will no longer have the clout that they currently do. Charlie stated that the Town will have to be vigilant in their monitoring of zoning changes.
Report from Town Council
David Young reported that the Washington Grove Conservation Meadow Park Maintenance Plan will be presented to M-NCPPC representative Brenda Sandberg’s bosses for review on October 22, 2013. He also reported that Town employees and members of the TC, PC and HPC (depending on availability) will participate in Ethics Training on October 18, 2013.
Other Business
There was no other business.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:33 p.m.