5 September 2000 | Approved: 3 October 2000
Chairman Jim Leng called the meeting to order at approximately 7:35 p.m. Commissioners Vicki Andrews, Irene Carrato, John McClelland, Allen Winter and Bob Evans were present. Also present were Bob Ellis and Jack Kontgias (Bailey Thompson LLC) and Town residents Tony and Connie DeIuliis. Commissioner Peggy Odick was absent.
Jim Leng said that a public hearing was held regarding the commercial corner. Mayor Compton will be forming a committee to determine which direction the Town should take regarding the commercial corner. Should the Town allow Bell to proceed on their own or should we wait to hear from a committee? He said that the consensus seemed to be that the Town should stay with the present ordinance; at the public hearing, it was decided to leave the decision regarding which direction to take to a committee. It was noted that the Planning Commission is not (and should not be considered) the same group as Mayor Compton’s committee regarding the commercial corner.
Jim also discussed the issue regarding porches ( i.e. Town residents going into the front yard setback of their property to add an open three-sided porch with a roof (for those residents who do not already have a porch).
Allen Winter said that a status report regarding the WSSC parcel was sent to all Planning Commission members at the end of July. Jim Leng will review the subdivision plat, the Forest Conservation Plan and the Forest Stand Delineation Plan for accuracy and completeness before they are filed with the land records. The first house (using the Fredericksburg design) is scheduled to be built in the fall. The drawings of the proposed houses are available for viewing in the Town office.
Bob Ellis said that the parcel needs to be cleaned up in order to sell the houses; he will work with Jack Kontgias in making arrangements for this. The amount of clean-up needs to be determined. Jim Leng said that the Town should save as many of the hardwood trees as possible and only clear the underbrush. Other shrubbery could be planted that would also be attractive. Bob Ellis suggested that Mr. McCarthy (their forestry expert) look at the parcel to determine what trees and plants to save. Jim Leng said that Mr. McCarthy should mark the trees that are to be saved. Once the parcel is clean, switches (very thin trees) will be planted.
The four corners of the large parcel have already been marked. We are waiting for WSSC to approve the language and sign the subdivision plat before the Town signs it.
Jack Kontgias and Bob Ellis discussed the new subdivision of Lots 3 and 4 (in Washington Grove Hills). There will be three lots for building in addition to the lot containing the existing house. The existing trees will be left on the property in a forest conservation easement. There will be an ingress/egress agreement between the property owners (for the three new homes); the Town will have the responsibility for maintaining and plowing Ridge Road only. There will be no dedication of land for public use required of these lots because the zoning in existence is being used. Bob Ellis said that these homes will have wells but Adry@ water service for future use will be installed.
Allen Winter had no report from the Town Council.
The minutes from the meeting on July 11 were approved as corrected.
The minutes from the special meeting on July 18 were also approved as corrected.
Vicki Andrews asked about including attachments to the minutes. Mary Challstrom will be asked about this as some of the attachments distributed at the meetings should be considered confidential.
John McClelland said that a building permit was issued to Mr. Rapkievian for building a shed. He will check with Mary Challstrom about whether a building permit was issued to Rev. Joseph Clark regarding his sheds on Chestnut Road, or if he even needed a permit to connect the sheds.
It was moved by John McClelland, seconded by Vicki Andrews and unanimously passed to adjourn the meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.