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2 September 2015 | Approved: 7 October 2015

Chairman Nagrod called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. In attendance were commissioners David Hix, John McClelland, Deborah Mehlferber, and Steve Werts. Others in attendance were Councilor Georgette Cole, Mayor Joli McCathran and residents John Hutchinson, Bud O’Connor, Jane Seegal and Ryan Young.

Approval of Agenda

David Hix moved to approve the agenda. Deborah Mehlferber seconded the motion. Peter Nagrod moved the metes and bounds discussion to Public Appearances.
Approved, as amended: 5-0.

Public Appearances:

Jane Seegal (315 Grove Ave.) asked for assurances from the Town that heavy equipment will not be allowed on Grove Avenue or 2nd Avenue during the restricted hours noted in the conditions of the Public Ways & Property Permit for 203 2nd Avenue. She stated work using heavy equipment occurred on Saturday, August 29, 2015 past 7:00 PM. There was a discussion about the County noise ordinance and the restrictions imposed by the Town on the Public Ways & Property Permit. In conclusion, Peter Nagrod will contact contractor Gene Eadey and remind him of the terms of the signed agreement.

Bud O’Connor (409 5th Ave.) presented enlarged copies of the metes and bounds survey recently completed by Survey Associates. He will send an electronic copy to Mayor McCathran who will forward to the Town attorney. The O’Connor application is now complete. The Planning Commission reinforces their recommendation for approval by the Town Council.

Approval of the Minutes

David Hix moved to approve the August minutes. Steve Werts seconded the motion. There were a few changes. Approved, as amended: 5-0.

Building Permit Applications

404 Grove Ave. – Brenda Gumula distributed her recommendations ahead of the meeting. She noted three (3) of the four (4) property corners were located. It seems PEPCO dug up the property corner in question last spring when putting wires underground. The Commission asked resident Ryan Young to contact PEPCO and remind them of their obligation to replace the corner marker. John McClelland moved to approve the building permit application for a fence at 404 Grove Avenue contingent upon replacing the NW corner property marker. Peter Nagrod seconded the motion. Approved: 5-0.

Block 11 Survey of Residual Town Land – Discussion

Chairman Nagrod started a round robin-style discussion about the survey results and potential solutions. The Commission concluded this was a difficult situation and decided on the following:

  • Town land should be cleared of privately-owned items, specifically fences, ponds and pumps thus providing equal access to all homes involved
  • The PC should propose an ordinance change which would for six (6) foot high fences on these unique five (5) properties
  • The Town should clear the access path to 6 The Circle

John McClelland moved to accept the Plat of Survey, Part of Park & Alley, Block 11 prepared by Snider & Associates Land Surveyors (June 10, 2015). Deborah Mehlferber seconded the motion. Approved: 5-0.

The Commission recommends letters be written to the surrounding residents telling them of the current action. John McClelland will work on an ordinance allowing for 6 foot fences on specified property lines for these specific properties:

  • 315 Grove Avenue – rear
  • 319 Grove Avenue – rear & South side
  • 203 2nd Avenue – rear
  • 8 The Circle – rear
  • 6 The Circle – rear

House Files – Status Report

Deborah Mehlferber reported the group met in August where they completed work on two (2) more properties. This brings the total to 34 properties. The group also discussed the possibility of using Excel spreadsheets for this information. Their work is prioritized by new building permit applications and homes for sale getting top priority.

Report from Town Council

There was no report from the Town Council this month.

Other Business

  • Shared Use Bike Path – Peter Nagrod reported he and Charlie Challstrom are still waiting for a meeting with Kathy Shepherd, a County bike path person. In summary, there are many players in this project and there are also budgetary issues. This item is not in the County Improvements Plan to date, which potentially puts it five (5) plus years out. A lot hinges on the connection of Amity Drive to Crabbs Branch Way. There may be a path along Oakmont Avenue when it is repaired in the near future. Oakmont Avenue repair is on the C.I.P. The Town will have to monitor these two (2) issues.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.

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