5 June 2013 | Approved: 2 July 2013
Chairman Challstrom called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. In attendance were commissioners Brenda Gumula, Peter Nagrod, Freda Temple, Steve Werts and David Young. Also in attendance were Mayor Cole, HPC member David Stopak, Town Council Member Joli McCathran and residents Emily Brown, Ralph Hurst, Glenn Perry, Kristin Perry, Bruce Rothrock, Nick Suzich and Ryan Young.
Approval of Agenda
Brenda Gumula moved, Peter Nagrod seconded that the agenda be approved. Chairman Charlie Challstrom for confirmation of attendance at the next meeting scheduled for July 3, 2012. The meeting was changed to Tuesday, July 2, 2013. Brenda asked for a Towne Crest update to be added. Approved: 5-0.
Approval of the Minutes
Peter Nagrod moved, David Young seconded that the Planning Commission minutes for May 1, 2013 be approved as amended. Approved: 5-0.
Public Appearances
There were no public appearances.
Proposal for Zoning Text Amendment; Side Set Backs for Main Buildings
Chairman Challstrom explained the proposed change. He said that the concept of the sum of two sides makes sense for overall density in new developments but it is not really relevant in Town. This is a "first cut" at trying to accommodate the variety of smaller sized lots in the RR-1 zone. This proposal protects everyone with the same 10 foot minimum side set back. A lengthy discussion about benefits for others (not just Brown/Young), allowing for more sensitive renovations and how to treat non-compliant properties ensued. Steve Werts stated that he didn’t want to do this in a piecemeal fashion. He liked the idea but wants to take the time to do something better. He would also like to compile a list of the non-compliant properties and see what effect this change would have on them. He asked Emily Brown and Ryan Young if this change would help them. They said they were not sure. The PC as a whole seemed to believe that although this proposed change was not ideal, it was a step in the right direction. Vote: 4 in favor; 1 abstention
Request for Boundary Survey Waiver
Kristin and Glenn Perry (202 Grove Ave.) asked for a waiver of the boundary survey requirement because their construction was a considerable distance from the historical property line. Chairman Challstrom gave a background of the current requirements as stated in the Town document known as “Information for Applicants for Building Permit”. The Perry’s have no corner markers and no information in the Town files. Brenda Gumula spoke in favor of the boundary survey for clarity of ownerships sake. Peter Nagrod spoke in favor of addressing this requirement on an individual basis stating that this construction was far enough from the fence that historically indicates the property line. A discussion about making exceptions and being fair to all ensued. The Perry’s will get a boundary survey.
Building Permit Applications
- 202 Grove Ave. – This building permit application is for an addition; mudroom, kitchen, eating area and screened porch. The HPC review has been completed. Peter Nagrod moved to approve this application pending the receipt of a boundary survey. Brenda Gumula seconded the motion. Approved: 5-0.
- 404 Grove Ave. – This building permit application was put on hold pending further clarity of the roof overhang and the side setbacks. A boundary survey is also necessary.
- 122 Chestnut Ave. – This building permit application is for an addition. Nick Suzich explained the details. He understands that a boundary survey is required. Peter Nagrod reported that the height and setback requirements are met. The Commission approved the application pending the receipt of a boundary survey. Approved: 5-0.
Ordinance No. 2013-02; Building Permit Regulations
Chairman Challstrom explained the need for a height limit of 7 feet for a trellis. Peter Nagrod questioned the language concerning climbing plants. Peter Nagrod moved to finalize the language to present to the Town Council for the July public hearing. Steve Werts seconded the motion. Approved: 5-0.
Report from Town Council
Council Liaison David Young reported that;
- The State legislators presented their accomplishments of the 2013 session.
- The new Council members took the oath of office and new Council responsibilities were assigned.
- The Mayor and Council had a discussion about Woodward Parks use permits; one-time uses vs. repeated uses. Peter Nagrod stated that he was considering the volunteer position of Woodward Park Coordinator.
Annual PC Report Review
Chairman Challstrom reported that the Annual Report will be sent to the State after the Town Council reviews the document at their meeting on June 10, 2013.
Other Business
- Freda Temple reported that she has completed her online State training.
- Chairman Challstrom reported that the Town was still waiting for the County Hearing Examiner’s decision about the LMA-910 for the Towne Crest redevelopment project. He also reported that the forest conservation variance approval action by the Town did not go in our favor.
- The Commission was reminded of the change in the July meeting to Tues. July 2nd. No new business.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.