A Note on Post Office Box Rental Fees
Existing residents with a PO Box: If you are billed for the PO box you have had, that box, whatever size, will become no-fee! Only one box per residence. When you are billed, take the bill and proof of Washington Grove residence (i.e. something with your physical address: MD drivers license, utility bill, bank statement) to the Acting Postmaster at the Washington Grove PO. He will take care of it. If you already paid, the Postmaster should issue you a refund for your payment.
New residents who wish to get a PO box: You will get a free box of the smallest size you if take proof of Washington Grove residence (i.e. something with your physical address: MD drivers license, utility bill, bank statement) to the Acting Postmaster at the Washington Grove PO. He will take care of it. You can also choose to pay for a larger box.