301-926-2256 [email protected]

Town Council News

Next meeting: Monday, May 12, 7:00 p.m., in the Council Room.

This months Council actions included the renewal of our refuse and recycling collections contract with Waste Management.
Senator Paul Hogan, along with Delegates Barkley, Stern and King, will address the Mayor and Council at the May 12th meeting. The public is invited to attend!

Town Budget Work Session Scheduled

Monday, April 28 7:30 p.m. in the Council Room.
Come, learn, and participate as the Town Council balances competing priorities putting together a budget for the Town Meeting approval in June.

Town Elections

Nominations for Mayor and Council have closed. Town elections will be held on Saturday, June 14, from 4-7 p.m. at McCathran Hall.

The nominees are:

Mayor (1-year term) John Compton
Council (two 3-year terms) Darrell Anderson
Tom Land

Humpback Bridge:

Representatives from the Department of Public Works & Transportation presented a “Phase I Concept Plan” for Deer Park Bridge. The objectives of this plan are: to determine and document the life expectancy of the bridge; to determine allowable CSX clearance; to determine the best solution for the problem. The Concept Plan should be complete by autumn 2004.

Casey Field:

The current plan is still in the Wetlands Committee awaiting a site visit and approval of the proposed location of the Amity Drive/Crabbs Branch Way connection.

Shady Grove Sector Master Plan:

A Park & Planning draft plan is now available for examination at the Town Office. Proposed are narrowly differing options for an Urban Center with 5,000 residents, or a Town Center with “only” 4,000 residents. New zoning would include relocation of the County service uses, multi-story buildings (4, 6 or 12 story) in the immediate Metro vicinity some re-configured roads, 2 school sites, park improvements, etc. An elementary school site is proposed for the Casey property behind our Legacy Open Space preserved field!

Planning Commission News

Next meeting: May 6, 7:30 p.m. Council Room.
The public is invited to attend. At the meeting on April 1st, the Commission considered whether a prospective tenant, “Twice-As-Nice” met the use regulations of our Commercial Zone.

Permits were approved for the following:L

122 Chestnut Ave. bath remodel

Building Permits:

If you are going to erect a building or structure (including fences), make structural alterations to, or move any existing building or other structure, you must first obtain a building permit from the Washington Grove Planning Commission. The Town zoning ordinance governs setbacks, lot coverage and height. Applications are available at the Town Office at 301-926-2256. The permit fee is $10.00, payable to the Town of Washington Grove. Interior renovations, which involve electrical, plumbing, or load-bearing changes, generally require a County permit. The Town must first sign off all applications for County-required building permits. The Historic Preservation Commission will review most permits as well.

Planning Commission Vacancy

The Mayor & Council are looking for someone to fill a seat on the Planning Commission that will be vacated this summer. Interested parties should contact Mayor Compton, 301-330-8264.

Historic Preservation News

Next meeting: May 20, 7:30 p.m. Council Room.
The HPC continues to work on a list of contributing structures.

Reviews are being written for a garage at 410 Oak St., a bathroom remodel at 122 Chestnut Ave. and a deck at 102 Center St.The public is invited to attend the meetings.

Recreation Committee News

Next meeting: May 7, 2003, 7:30 p.m. Council Room.
The public is invited to attend

Grove Artists to teach Art Classes

The Recreation Committee is sponsoring art classes for children ages K – 6th Grade. Classes begin April 25th at 4:00PM in McCathran Hall.

Music Weekend Programs are set!

As always, the 3rd weekend in June is Music Weekend. Mark your calendars, invite your friends & family, and get ready for the fun!

Summer Opportunities:

Enjoy working with kids? A limited number of paid camp counselor positions will be available with Summer in the Parks this year. Interested candidates need to be 14 years of age or older (in order to obtain a work permit) and available to work M-F from 1:15 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. for the entire month of July. There will also be a number of volunteer positions available eligible for earning credit for service learning hours. Interviews will be conducted for both positions in April and May. For more information or to be considered for a position please call Karen Kelly at 301-987-9529.

Maple Lake News

Maple Lake clean up day
Saturday, May 3rd from 10AM – Noon.
Please bring your rakes, wheelbarrows, large trash bags and shovels. We are hoping for another good turn-out. Our lake environmental consultant, John Mudre, will also be there. Questions???

Call John Hutchinson “Hutch” at 301-926-8767(h) or 301-240-3148(w).

How about a summer in the sun at the Lake?
Life guard positions available. This job offers competitive pay, nice hours and a beautiful setting. Contact Dodie Tippens at301-869-1682.

Woman’s Club News

Club House Clean-Up! April 26th, 8 a.m.
Please bring your rakes, garden gloves, pruners, and bags! Volunteers are warmly received and much appreciated. Call Kitty Vogan for more information 301-840-9416.

Flower Show Set for June 1, 2003.

Woman’s Club Yard Sale is Coming!!

The annual yard sale to benefit the Woman’s Club
Saturday, June 7, 2003.
Contact Mary Kay Dubois, 301-926-8941, or Kitty Vogan, 301-840-9416, if you have donations for the sale. Please be kind to those who are putting this event together and make sure that your items are clean and in good condition. No clothing please!

The Bunny was Busy!

After a week of rain, we were fortunate to have a beautiful, sunny day and a big turn-out for the Annual Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 12th. More that 1,200 eggs were hidden for 60 children to find. Many thanks are due to all who donated refreshments and/or volunteered. A special thank you is due to Tami Williams, who coordinated the refreshments. Thanks to some of the youngest volunteers who decorated the Town Hall: Dylan, Marie, and Jessie Hodges & Lainey and Annie Selby. Thank you also to Jane Klinger and Molly Debelius who helped with the wind chime craft and to our resident Town Easter Bunny, Sean Howard.

Still Talkin’ Trash!

Bulk trash pickup scheduled for April 26th.
Collection may include furniture, appliances (not those with Freon), rugs, large toys, small auto parts, etc. Materials may not include construction by-products, large automotive parts or tires. Items must be placed curbside by 7 a.m..

Recyclable yard waste, when properly bundled or bagged, will be picked up by Waste Management. If Waste Management misses your bundle or bag, please contact Nick Suzich, 301-869-9638 or [email protected].

Town Maintenance will pick up brush that is piled curbside. Please make sure your pile is visible. If you are missed by Town Maintenance, please contact John Tomlin, 301-869-5854 or [email protected].

Trash Poll.

The Mayor and Council are considering the idea of trash pickup and recycling pickup on the same day. Wednesday is the day of choice. We are asking for public comment. Please call the Town Office, 301-926-2256 or e-mail [email protected] with your thoughts.

The Unknown “Cleaner-upper”..

If you were wondering who did such a nice spring clean-up in the park area between Oak Street and Clapperton Courts, a little bird said that it was Jean Myers. Thanks, Jean!!

Dawgs, Dawgs, Dawgs!!

Years ago, the Town of Washington Grove adopted the section of Montgomery County Code that applies to animal control. This now includes both a Pooper Scooper Law and a Leash Law. You are within your rights to call Montgomery County Animal Control (301-279-1823) when you encounter a dog at-large or a dog soiling your property. However, working out your differences in a “good neighbor” fashion is encouraged. A “good neighbor” wouldn’t call Animal Control without speaking to the dog owner first and a “good neighbor” wouldn’t allow his/her dog to defecate on someone else’s property (including walkways).

Clerks Corner

Please watch your speed, young squirrels, birds are s-t-u-p-i-d!!


Meet at McCathran Hall at 10:00 a.m. for coffee, juice and donuts, plus the Mayors Proclamation. Our project for this year is cutting the ivy and wisteria growing up the trees along Grove Road. Bring your instruments of (mass) destruction such as pruners, loppers & saws. Did you know that when ivy nears the top of a tree and reaches a certain age, it branches out and blooms? There will also be wildflowers for the children to plant.


APRIL 29, 2003 7:30 p.m. MCCATHRAN HALL
Come to a meeting with local Fire & Police Department Officials to discuss Fire Safety and Public Safety issues. Officers will give presentations and take questions afterwards. There has been a public outcry for this type of meeting, so mark your calendars and get out on the 29th!! For more information, call David Stopak, 301-330-6446, or [email protected] (NOT the yahoo site).

Sign-Up for Summer in the Parks!

2003 Summer in the Parks Enrollment Form

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