301-926-2256 [email protected]

Council Notes

The next meeting will be Monday, September 13, 7:30 p.m., McCathran Hall. The public is
invited to attend. August Council actions included:
· approved following (re)appointments:
o Irene Carrato to Planning Commission
o Marc Hansen to Board of Zoning Appeals
o Charlie Hawk to local Fire Board
· voted to hold public record on Pammel annexation open for additional comment
· enacted Ordinance No. 99-06 amending the definition of Accessory Building in the
Town’s zoning ordinance

Definition of Accessory Building Clarified

The Town Council enacted Ordinance No. 99-06 clarifying the definition of an accessory

building and its relationship to a main building.

Washington Grove 1937-1977 a history of the first forty years

Phil Edwards’ sequel to his book on the Washington Grove Camp Meeting Association will be

published soon. A discount will be offered for advance sales. Stay tuned.

Discussion Forum Tree Preservation Ordinance Planning Commission Meeting

Tuesday, September 7
McCathran Hall
7:30 p.m.
The Town’s Planning Commission has been wrestling with ways to insure preservation of the
forest canopy throughout the Town. To encourage thoughtful consideration of alternatives before
trees of substantial size are cut down or cut back on private property, an ordinance creating a
permit process has been drafted. After a lengthy discussion at Town Meeting, it was decided that
residents would have an opportunity to comment on the draft ordinance at the September
Planning Commission meeting, allowing time for all concerned to study the draft language. A
draft ordinance is included with this Bulletin. Call the Town Office at 301-926-2256 if you
would like to review samples of tree preservation materials from other jurisdictions.

Appeals Board Hears Request for Variance

Following an August 11 public hearing, the Board of Zoning Appeals considered the request of
Jaime and Ana Julia Poblete to construct a covered porch on the front of their residence at
415 Center Street. The proposed porch violated the setback requirements of
Article VII, Section 9. The Board determined that by averaging setbacks of nearby homes, a
smaller porch could be constructed.

Building Permits

If you are going to erect a building or structure (including fences), make structural alterations to,
or move any existing building or other structure, you must first obtain a building permit from the
Washington Grove Planning Commission. The Town zoning ordinance governs setbacks, lot
coverage, and height. Applications are available at the Town Office at 301-926-2256. Please
allow at least 10 days for review by the Commission. Call John McClelland at 301-963-3328 if
you have questions about zoning code requirements. Interior renovations which involve
electrical, plumbing, or load-bearing changes generally require a County permit. All
applications for County-required building permits must first be signed off by the Town.

Building Permit Issued

· Norton/Ruley, 409 Brown Street, deck

Hazardous Materials

Sunday, September 12
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Shady Grove Transfer Station.

Woman’s Club Meeting

Thursday, August 19
7:30 p.m. at the Clubhouse, Chestnut Road and Miller Drive. Join us in air-conditioned
comfort. Bring your favorite board game to share.

Lake Committee

The August Lake Committee meeting has been canceled. The next meeting will be Wednesday,
September 8, Maple Lake, 7:30 p.m. Refreshments!!

Town Bulletin Deadline

September 14

Grove Directory

Please return completed directory information form EVEN IF THERE ARE NO CHANGES. If
you have misplaced the form from the June Bulletin, please come by the Town Office or call
Mary Kay DuBois (301-926-8941) or Kitty Vogan (301-840-9416) for another form. Thanks!

Note About Town Tax Bills

If your taxes are held in escrow by your lender, please forward the white copy of the tax bill to
your lender as soon as possible.

Special Trash Collection

Wed., September 29 Collection may include furniture, appliances (but not those with freon),
rugs, large toys, small auto parts, etc. Materials may not include construction by-products, large
automotive parts or tires. Items must be placed curbside.

To Report a Street Light That is Not Working

Dial (202)833-7500. As soon as you hear the words, “Thank you for calling PEPCO,” dial 113.
This will connect you to a representative who handles street light repairs. PEPCO will need the
following information to find the street light you are reporting:
· The light is on a wooden pole in the Town of Washington Grove, in Montgomery
· The location of the pole. Give the address of the nearest house, and whether the pole is at
the front or rear of the building. The names of the intersecting roads or avenues are
helpful when the light is located at a corner.
· The pole number. On every utility pole is a number imprinted on a silver metal strip.
· Your last name and phone number.
Sometimes the Pepco answering system doesn’t work, and your call won’t go through. Try
dialing the Pepco switchboard directly (202) 872-2000. Tell them you tried the 7500 number.
Then say you need to report a street light out. The operator will connect you to customer

Want to Help Beautify Your End of Town?

The Mayor and Town Council encourage the formation of Neighborhood Improvement Teams to
suggest ways of enhancing landscaping or facilities in their area of the Grove. You may wish to
get together with interested neighbors and generate ideas for improvement. The Town will
gladly facilitate such volunteer efforts.

Forestry & Beautification

Wed., September 8

New Year’s Eve in Washington Grove

Adult New Year’s Eve Party at McCathran Hall from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Dinner Dance with live
band. Black tie is optional. BYOB. Non-alcoholic punch offered. Complimentary bottle of
champagne per table provided at midnight. $35/person, two tickets/househo ld maximum due to
limited space. Tickets go on sale in September. Check Bulletin for details. First come, first
* Gaithersburg is holding its premiere First Night for families on New Year’s Eve.

Woman’s Clubhouse Available in All Seasons!!

Planning a surprise birthday bash, family reunion, holiday gathering, graduation party, wedding
reception, business meeting . . .consider the charming wooded setting, spacious main room,
screened porch, kitchen and restroom facilities of the Woman’s Club House. For information or
reservations call Kitty Vogan at 301-840-9416 or Brenda Gumula at 301-869-5118. Heat and air

Notes from the Mayor

Just a few housekeeping reminders:
· If you hire a contractor to do yard work which generates a lot of waste, please have the
contractor haul it away; the Town is not equipped to haul large amounts of debris.
· Town maintenance does not pick up leaves; leaves may be put in paper bags and put at
the curb for collection of recyclable yard waste on Wednesdays, or they may be taken to
Mulch Alley. Mulch Alley runs perpendicular to Center Street near the Maintenance
· Though tree planting on public property is encouraged, approval must be obtained first.
The Forestry Committee is about to undertake a multi- year tree planting program and
consideration will be given to placement, species and maintenance requirements. Call
Forestry Councilor Carol Uhlendorf at 301-926-1933 or Mayor John Compton at 301-
330-8264 if you have a specific idea in mind.

Summer in the Parks Parent Volunteers are Tops!!

This year’s Town summer program for kids with a record enrollment of 37 children had a
preponderance of kids in the young age group. Volunteer coordinator Joli McCathran and her
assistants Karen Kelly and Kathleen McCann did an outstanding job and many other parents
pitched in on a multitude of tasks. Thanks especially to grill master Nick Suzich. The kids had a
wonderful time!

Moms Club Musical Activity

Wed., September 1
Come join the Moms for music, refreshments and fun! McCathran Hall at 10:00 a.m. Please call
Martha Crews at 301-527-8273 to sign up.

Diving Board Removed — Low Water Level

This summer’s drought has caused the water level to drop in Maple Lake. The Town Council
decided that the diving board should be removed until the water level has risen sufficiently.

Woman’s Club Meeting

Thursday, September 16
6:30 p.m. at the Clubhouse, Chestnut Road and Miller Drive. Please come enjoy an evening of
music. Chairmen: Cynthia Werts and Mary Kay DuBois.


Not Allowed Allowed
· Lawn watering
· Homeowner car washing
· Filling or topping off private pools
· washing paved surfaces
· operating ornamental fountains,
artificial waterfalls, and reflecting
· Watering gardens with watering can, bucket,
or handheld hose
· commercial carwashing with 80% water
· Filling or topping off public, health care
facility and residential pools serving 25 or
more units
· Agricultural irrigation

Help Wanted

Someone to help water trees in Railroad Park. Please call Carol Uhlendorf at 301-926-1933.

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