301-926-2256 [email protected]


Next meeting: Monday, August 14, 2017; 7:30 p.m. in the Council Room. The public is invited to attend. Actions at the July meeting included:

  • adopted Resolution 2017-04; Resolution Regarding Establishing a Public Dog Park Facility on Town Property.

From the Mayor…

Dog Park Task Force Formed…
At the July meeting of the Town Council, Resolution 2017-04, “Resolution Regarding Establishing a Public Dog Park Facility on Town Property” was voted upon favorably. This resolution results in acting favorably upon the petition submitted to the Town in June 12, 2017. This resolution instructs the Mayor to create a task force of seven (7) which I have done. The members are:

Marc Hansen, Chair
Meredith Horan
Virginia Quesada
Lisa Kokes
Nick Suzich
Joan Mahaffey
Mary Warfield

The Task Force members represent a diverse group of opinions and are tasked with compiling factual data to present to the Town Council and Planning Commission by December 2017. The first meeting of the Task Force is Saturday, August 26, at 3:30 in McCathran Hall. All meetings are open to the public. Copies of Resolution 2017-04 are available through the Town Office.

Invasive Plant Control Returns
Invasive Plant Control (IPC) will be back working in the East Woods beginning on August 7 August 9. The non-native invasive plant material being targeted is Stilt Grass and Mile-a-Minute. The East Woods will be closed on August 7 Wednesday August 9 as the trail work will be the focus on that day. If this date changes, I will notify the Town via Grove Alert. As was done previously, for the additional days, signs will be posted in the work areas where IPC is working.

I want to send appreciation to Lainey Selby, our Swimming Instructor and Lifeguard, for hosting a Water and Swimming Safety Potluck for children and families. It was an informational and fun event. Thank you, Lainey!

Many thanks to Gray Yachup, Director of Summer in the Parks, and the staff, student volunteers and parent volunteers for another successful year!

Planning Commission News…

Next meeting: Wed, August 2, 2017, 2017; 7:30 p.m. in the Council Room. All meetings are open to the public.

If you are considering any renovation or building project at your house, be sure to get a copy of the procedures to apply for a Town Building Permit which will help you through the Town’s process. The procedures are available from the Town Clerk or from the Town’s website. Both the Historic Preservation Commission and the Planning Commission are here to help with your renovation/building project.

Permits up for approval on August 2, 2017:

  • 111 Chestnut Ave. Fence
  • 112 Chestnut Ave. Fence
  • 125 Grove Ave. Addition

Historic Preservation News…

Next meeting: Tuesday, August 15, 2017; 7:30 p.m. in the Council Room. All meetings are open to the public.


By Patricia Patula, Town Archivist

News Dispatches from Other Centuries
A series devoted to describing Washington Grove’s earliest days based on historic newspapers (appearing as written) and original records in the Grove’s archives.

“Opening Day Among the Methodist Tenters in Maryland, Part Two”

In part one of this article, we ended with the Washington Post correspondent’s brief history of camp meetings and with his personal conclusion, that over time, camp meetings had become more of a “religious luxury rather than a religious necessity.”

Continuing his narrative – perhaps with the mind set of apology – he then points out “ . . . that the luxuries of the body are not despised. This is indorsed [sic] by Ignatius Loyola whose motto was ‘A full belly makes a pious prayer.’” In that spirit, the Post writer addresses several “carnal luxuries” available at the camp grounds. “. . . there is that model butcher, R. A. Shekels, of Rockville, Md., right on the grounds with a large supply of fresh Ohio meats on ice, which he serves daily to the hotel, boarding houses and families having their own table every day . . . Then there is the hotel of the association, run in tiptop style by Wash Williams of Washington and which is crowded to repletion. [Philip Edwards, in his history Washington Grove 1873-1937, concurs with the reporter’s observations about Wash Williams’ hotel stating that the hotel was booked full every weekend of the summer.] In addition to which we have Seltz Brothers here from Washington, who furnish groceries to the families, cigars and tobaccos to the gentlemen, ice cream to all, and candies sweet and pure to the children and ladies. These are all the caterers to the palate on the grounds.”

Back to the Post writer’s quote “indorsed” by Ignatius Loyola: “A full belly makes a pious prayer.”

This reference to Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556), a Spanish Catholic priest and founder of the Jesuit Order (1539), used by a newspaper reporter 300 years later in an article about a Methodist camp meeting, is at best intriguing. The quote, slipped so easily into the writing, implies intimate knowledge of the works of Ignatius Loyola, the most well-known being his Spiritual Exercises (1522-1524) which include his eight rules for proper eating. Further, traditional Catholic circles habitually refer to Ignatius Loyola as “Saint” Ignatius Loyola thus creating another implication that the writer is of non-Catholic heritage. How did this journalist acquire insights and knowledge of such an atypical topic? Recent research has not been able to validate the quotation or possible reasons for this journalist’s expertise. The connection remains a literary puzzlement.
Addressing the upcoming conclusion of the camp meeting, the Post narrator, now acting as writer-cum-minister, ends on a dour note: “When the camp shall close, on the 24th inst., the place will doubtless resume its gayer appearance and society life will hold sway where the Bible but a day previous was expounded. Where yesterday the repentant sinner purged his soul in contrition and tears, to-morrow the thoughtless social swell will lisp devotion to the heathen god, Cupid.”

The Post author had no inkling of how circumstances, in that August of 1881, would soon change to hinder Cupid’s success.

In the fall of 1881, the Grove was a refuge for victims of typhoid under the care of Rockville’s Dr. Stonestreet.
Edwards, Philip K. Washington Grove 1873-1931 (1988) p. 96
Additional Sources:
Newspaper quotes are from the Washington Post (1877-1922) /Aug.12, 1881: ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Washington Post pg. 4;
“The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola” (1914), www.sacred-texts.com
“Rules to Put Oneself in Order for the Future as to Eating,” www.sacred-texts.com
“Dining with St. Ignatius,” www.theway.org.uk/back/524Shano.pdf
Washington Grove Camp Meeting Association Board of Trustees Minutes, 1881.

Maple Lake News…

Next Meeting: Wednesday, August 17, 2016; 7:30 p.m. in the Council Room. Meetings are open to the public. All are welcome!

Forestry & Beautification News…

Next Meeting: August 9, 2017; 7:30 p.m. in the Council Room.
It’s time to start planning for the fall tree planting season in the Town residential areas! The Forestry and Beautification Committee will be meeting on Wed, August 9 to start this process. The new trees and shrubs are usually bought in Sept./October and planted in Nov./December.

Please do join us—your ideas and input are most welcome! If you have suggestions for new tree locations or any other ideas but can’t come to the meeting, just send an email to Georgette at [email protected]. You can also talk to or email our Town Council Liaison, Audrey Maskery, at [email protected]. I hope to see you soon!

Woods Committee News…

Next Meeting: Monday, August 7, 2017; 7:30 p.m. in the Council Room. Meetings are open to the public. Please join us!
Because of the Labor Day holiday in September, we have moved our September meeting to Tuesday evening, September 5.
“The Town’s Forest Preserves serve five main purposes. They significantly affect air quality and temperatures; they provide habitat for plants and wildlife in an area of diminishing natural habitat; they help to prevent erosion and degradation of the quality of the headwaters of three significant waterways; they provide places for passive recreation such as walking and birding; and they act as natural buffers from encroaching development.” This statement is from the 2009 Master Plan. Both East and West Woods are sensitive and vulnerable to degradation. The Woods Committee is purposed with protecting the East and West Woods and ensuring that their benefits will be available for the future generations.

In early August, Invasive Plant Control will begin the second phase for the removal of non-native invasive plants in the East Woods. Please see the Mayor’s comments in this Bulletin for details. Volunteers have been working to cut and pull non-native plants, especially mile-a-minute, to minimize the work IPC will have to do. This is part of the Woods Committee’s five year plan to address the health of the forests of Washington Grove.

Woman’s Club News…

Preparing for Our Fall Community Outreach Events and the Annual Potluck Supper
As summer begins winding down, we are already looking forward to fall. We are again collecting winter coats, hats, scarves and gloves drive to help keep the children of Washington Grove Elementary School warm this winter. Donations can be dropped off any time on the Clubhouse porch.

We’re still collecting those little bottles of shampoo, bars of soap, etc. to contribute to our Fall Outreach Program, where we will be filling bags with needed toiletry items for the residents of the Gude Men’s Shelter. These donations can be dropped off at any time in the can on Wendy Weisbard’s porch at 119 Grove Road.

In addition to the toiletries, we are also collecting much needed white socks for the men. Winter can be brutal without socks! In interviews, the homeless have said that given the choice between a meal and a pair of socks, they would choose the socks.

Don’t forget to Save the Date for our always popular Annual Woman’s Club’s Potluck Supper on Friday evening, September 22, 2017, from 6:30 on, at the Clubhouse!

New Town Directories
The 2017 to 2019 Washington Grove Directory is available for purchase. Once again, the price will be $3 each or two for $5. Call Marilynn Frey 301-926-0867 or the Town Office 301-926-2256.

Washington Grove Church News…

WGUMC Presents School Supplies Drive for Washington Grove Elementary
We’d like to insure every WGES student begins the 2017 school year with the supplies that they need to have the opportunity to succeed. YOU CAN HELP!
Sunday, August 27, 2017, 12:30-2:00p.m.
We’ll be collecting your donations at the church. Bring the following donations to the church and we’ll make sure they get to kids that really need them:
•backpacks w/o wheels •1”poly binders •5subject dividers •headphones/earbuds for Chromebooks •black dry erase markers •colored pencils •crayons •scissors •composition books •glue sticks •large pencil erasers •pencil boxes •spiral notebooks •highlighters •composition books •tissues •hand sanitizer •gallon storage bags
When you stop by, join us for an ice cream social… it’s the least we can do to say “Thank you for helping!”

We’ll have a box at the front door of the church from Sun. Aug. 20 through Sun. Aug. 27 if you want to drop off any supplies. Have any questions? Call Joli McCathran at 301-869-5358.

General Information

Some Things Never Change….
The following item is taken from a meeting of the Trustees in 1933 before we became an incorporated town. “Carried on motion by Trustee McCathran that the speed limit for automobiles on all the Grove roads be fixed at 15 miles per hour, and that all walkways be posted with signs ‘For Pedestrians Only;’ the signs being so placed as to allow automobiles to reach the parking place where such arrangement is found necessary and that a copy of this regulation be presented to the County Commissioners with a request that the same be approved by them.”

Grove Alert Test….
In order to be sure we have correct e-mails addresses for our Grove Alert System the Town Office will send a Grove Alert test on Friday, August 4, 2017. If you do not receive this test message from [email protected] please send your correct e-mail address to the Town Office so we can add you to our list. Our Grove Alerts are only as good as out list. Thank you!

Washington Grove Cares!
Need a truck to move a large item? Have a dog that needs walking while you’re on vacation? Do your plants need watering? These are examples of ways that neighbors have recently helped neighbors using the request function and calendar on the WGC website. Your neighbors have lots of skills to share; for example, Emily Brown loves to cut hair and organize closets.

Here’s a quick refresher on how to use the site to ask for help and respond to requests. After logging in to the site (washingtongrovecares.org on the LotsaHelping Hands platform), you will see a calendar. Click on dates in green squares to see who needs help with what. You can choose to sign yourself up as the helper for that task. Dates in blue squares indicate that a Grover has been able to meet the need of a neighbor. In the horizontal menu near the top of the screen, you’ll see a link to Make an Assistance Request. (If you haven’t yet joined, follow the instructions on the site to sign up and you will soon hear from one of the WGC coordinators.)

Questions? Call 240-813-3316 to speak to Emily Brown or Mimi Bolotin.

Emergency Preparedness Committee

Next Meeting: Thursday, August 24, 2017; 7:30 p.m. in the Council Room. All are welcome to attend.

Recreation Committee News…

Next Meeting: Wed., October 11, 2017; 7:30 p.m. in the Council Room. This meeting is open to the public.

The Recreation Committee is re-grouping with two (2) new co-chairs; Missy Yachup and Emily Cavey. For additional information about this group, including how to join, call Missy (301-947-4159) or Emily (240-632-9587). Meetings are quarterly.

Thank You Notes….
Our Annual Music Weekend was great fun this year with some new things switching it up a bit. Many thanks to all who helped with this weekend dedicated to music…the food that fills our souls. Special thanks to Eli Stopak for taking on the new Sunday Jazz Brunch. Another Grove tradition has begun!

The July 4th festivities could not happen without the assistance of our volunteers. Thanks to the judges, the setter-uppers, the taker-downers, the creative participants and the Muskrat Band! You all make the magic happen!!

Summer In The Parks is run by parent volunteers, student volunteers and paid seasonal employees. It takes a village to run the program. Thank you so much to everyone who had a part in making this program fun for the kids and a summer to remember!

Mark Your Calendars…

September 2, 3, 4, 2017 – Our Annual Labor Festivities are in the making as we speak. Please see the attached flyer for information about this fun-filled weekend.

October 14, 2017 – Bluestober Fest

October 15, 2017 – Film Society

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