301-926-2256 [email protected]


Next meeting: Monday, August 12, 2019; 7:30 p.m. in the Council Room. The public is invited to attend. Actions at the July meeting include:

  • Approval of Option A of the 2nd phase of road work (areas on Ridge Rd. and on Hickory Rd.).
  • Approval of the purchase of three (3) table top style speed humps to be installed on Chestnut Road. Current bumps on Chestnut will be removed upon installation of the new style humps.

Deer Management Hunt Sessions Resolution

At the August 12th Town Council meeting, Resolution 2019-10 Authorizing Deer Management Bow Hunting Sessions will be considered. This Resolution is in accordance with Ordinance 2019-04 enacted April 8, which permits with conditions deer management hunt sessions in the Town woods. The sessions would correspond exactly to the bow hunting season dates authorized in Montgomery County Parks, and encompass much of the period from September 6, 2019 to January 31, 2020. A draft of the Resolution will be available from the Town Office, by email and on the Town’s website on August 9, 2019.

Planning Commission News…

Next meeting: Wednesday, August 7, 2019; 7:30 p.m. in the Council Room. The public is invited to attend.

Building Permit Submission Deadline
The deadline to submit a building permit application for approval by the Planning Commission and review by the Historic Preservation Commission is the 2nd Wednesday of the month prior to the PC meeting at which the permit will be reviewed (this will be in the following month). This timing ensures the HPC will be able to complete a formal review before the PC meeting as this review is required for the PC to approve the permit in a timely fashion. If you are considering any renovation or building project at your house, be sure to get a copy of the procedures to apply for a Town Building Permit which will help you through the Town’s process.

Recent Permits Approved: None

2019 Master Plan Work Session

A 2019 Master Plan Work Session will be held on August 21. We will be reviewing decisions made on Sections 5 and 6 on July 17, then continue on to Section 6.3 now re-titled “Other Sensitive Areas.” This will include Maple Lake. If time permits we will discuss the work needed on Section 7 (Water Resource Management) but actual revision of this section may not be started until after an engineering analysis of the Town’s stormwater management is done. A copy of the latest 2019 Master Plan Working Draft and the draft minutes from each work session is available on the Town web site as a link on the Master Plan page.

Historic Preservation Commission News…

Next meeting: Tuesday, August 20, 2019; 7:30 p.m. in the Council Room. All meetings are open to the public.

The HPC welcomes and encourages residents to come for an early consultation when considering an addition or renovation/changes to the exterior of their home. HPC can offer valuable advice early in the planning process and provide guidance with designs that are compatible with the character of the existing house and the Town. Please consider coming to the HPC as your first stop when contemplating options for your home improvement.

Maryland State Archives Representatives Tour our Town

The Historic Preservation Commission was pleased to provide a tour of the Town for seven representatives from the Maryland State Archives on Monday, July 22. Maria Day, Director of Special Collections and Conservation, requested the tour for herself, staff members and student interns. Her curiosity about the Town had been piqued from her first trip here in March to collect records for transfer to the State Archives’ Special Collections.

HPC Chair Bob Booher led the walking tour, which was prefaced by a slide presentation with content ranging from historic photographs and documents to current maps showing the Town’s vulnerability to encroaching development. With a native daughter’s enthusiasm, our Records Management Officer, Marilynn Frey, offered her unique perspective and spontaneous tidbits throughout the tour.

Providing people from our State government with an opportunity for firsthand appreciation of our unique town was gratifying. Introducing the next generation, the student interns, to Washington Grove ensures continued interest. One of the interns, who is currently working on the Grove’s Camp Meeting Era collection at the State Archives, plans to incorporate the Grove’s history into her graduate work this fall at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. She told us that visiting the Town has made her even more dedicated to her proposed topic.

Seeking Alternate for the Historic Preservation Commission

The Historic Preservation Commission is looking for a volunteer to serve as the Alternate. If you have an interest in historic preservation in Washington Grove, or would like to become more knowledgeable, and are ready to get more involved and help your Town, please contact the Town Office or one of the current HPC members. As Alternate you participate in HPC meetings (3rd Tuesday of the month) and vote when a full member is absent.

Recreation Committee News…

Next Meeting: Wed., October 16, 2019; 7:30 p.m. in the Council Room. Open to the public.
Anyone interested in joining should come to the next meeting!


The traditional Labor Day athletic events have been moved to a different date.
(Please see the full page flyer included in this Bulletin.) However, on Sunday, September 1st there will be an All-Grove softball game at 10:00 AM and a Weeny Roast Potluck Picnic at the Maple Lake from 4:00 PM until dark. Bring your beverages and a dish to share. Hot Dogs and fixins’ provided by the Recreation Committee.

Summer In The Parks: The Magic Continues

Many, many thanks to Emily Cavey, Dylan Hodges and the host of parent and student volunteers for keeping the Summer in the Parks tradition alive for Grove kids. It truly takes a village to mysteriously make the magic happen.

Forestry & Beautification News…

Next Meeting: Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2019; 7:30 p.m. in the Council Room. F & B is on summer break. Please join us at our next meeting where we will be making plans for the fall tree planting. All are welcome!

Washington Grove UMC News…

Our joyful family worship services are Sunday mornings at 11:00 a.m., at the Washington Grove United Methodist Church, 303 Chestnut Road, Washington Grove, MD 20880 (301-947-0532).

Woods Committee News…

Next Meeting: Monday, August 5, 2019; 7:30 p.m. in the Council Room. Meetings are on the 1st Monday of each month. Our September meeting will be rescheduled due to the Labor Day holiday. All are welcome to attend.

The Woods Committee (WC) continues to work towards restoration of the health and biodiversity of the East and West Woods. Town volunteers help to locate and physically remove non-native invasive plants, and IPC, our certified professional contractor, is scheduled for occasional targeted herbicide treatments with advanced notice to Town residents. At the July Town Council meeting we submitted a recommendation for a deer population control plan to begin this Fall-Winter 2019 to address deer over browsing and resulting damage to our forest understory. At our August WC meeting, we will begin developing a plan for native tree planting to commence next spring 2020. We will need volunteers to help with future tree planting, watering, and maintaining deer damage barriers.

For your information: A few weeks ago, a deer with a badly broken front leg was seen in Town. Its condition and injuries worsened over several days, and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) was contacted to humanely end its suffering. To report an injured deer, please call the Maryland DNR Emergency Dispatch at: 410-260-8888.

Maple Lake News…

Next Meeting: Thursday, August 15, 2019; 7:30 p.m. in the Council Room. All are welcome to attend!
Lake Committee Meetings are on the THIRD Thursday of each month. Maple Lake is OPEN daily with lifeguards on duty from Noon – 6:00 p.m.

Safety at the Lake
To minimize problems with vandalism, outside visitors and other problems, we will be monitoring the lake more frequently checking on the fence and surrounding area. Please do NOT tell young children or outsiders what the combination is, and always lock, and spin the tumblers on the lock after opening it. Call John Hutchinson or Bruce Rothrock if you notice any maintenance problems.

Please report every incident of suspicious behavior, vandalism or criminal activity to the police at the non-emergency number: 301-279-8000. The police use the log of these calls to determine how closely to patrol an area. They have asked us to report all incidents. Please also alert Neighborhood Watch to any such incidents.

Party Permits
Summer is here! Maple Lake is a great venue for your party, wedding, or other assemblage. Just follow the link https://goo.gl/forms/g10fJ2Qo0oTJJFcN2 to make it official.

New last year: permits are issued via email and party hosts will have to print and produce them at the time of the party. Contact Emily Brown [email protected] if you have questions.

Emergency Preparedness & Safety News…

Next Meeting: Thursday, August 22, 2019 at 7:30 pm in the Town Council Room at McCathran Hall. All Town residents are welcome to attend and discuss any issues or concerns regarding emergency preparedness or safety. Anyone interested in joining the Committee is also welcome.

SAVE THE DATE: As part of the National Preparedness Month of September, there will be a safety/preparedness seminar on September 21st. Exact time TBD, but we are aiming for 10 or 11 AM. We have a representative of the Montgomery County Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security coming, and hope to have a representative of the local fire and rescue department as well. Stay tuned for more details to come! The emergency preparedness and safety committee will meet on Thursday, August 22nd at 7:30 pm in the Town Council room. All are welcome to attend. We are always looking for interested people to join our committee.

Woman’s Club News…

Fall is coming!
Support the Washington Grove Elementary School
As summer winds down, and the kids get ready to go back to school, we’d like to encourage everyone to help us replenish the Teachers Closet with much needed supplies such as note paper, glue sticks, pencils, backpacks and so forth. This is the time of year when stores like Staples, Target and others have many school supplies for 50 to 97 cents. If you don’t have time to shop, drop off a donation marked for school supplies and we’ll be happy to buy them for you.

Another rite of fall is sorting through your coat closets. As you come across winterwear that no longer fits your kids, drop them off, and we’ll deliver them to the School. Cold days are coming, and all too many children have no warm winter coats, hats scarves or gloves.

White Socks for the Gude Men’s Shelter
Also, as fall approaches, soon to be followed by winter, remember that the bitter cold weather is especially hard for the homeless, who too often are going without socks. We continue to collect new white socks for the men at the Shelter. We also collect those small bottles of shampoo, soaps, mouthwash and other complimentary things you may have collected from various hotels when you travel. We will deliver them to the men at the shelter, where maintaining good hygiene can be a challenge.

Where to Bring Your Donations
Whatever pulls at your heart strings, we have a need you can fulfill. We have bins on the porch to collect for our Community Outreach Programs, or you can drop off your contributions in the painted can on Wendy Weisbard’s porch at 119 Grove Road. You bring them and we’ll sort where they go! Checks are always appreciated too. Just put in the memo field if you want your donation to go to a specific project drop them off or mail them to The Woman’s Club, PO Box 354, Washington Grove, MD 20880.

We Continue to Help Interfaith Works
While the less fortunate children of our County need essentials, they also need some treats in their lives, and we help provide these by collecting Birthday Presents and small Treasure Chest items to be distributed through Interfaith Works.

There’s an ongoing need for new underwear for boys and girls from toddlers to teens, and our Town has donated over 250 pair. We have developed sources for purchasing the underwear, so the easiest way to help with this need is through money donations.

Project Linus
We’ll soon try to do another Project Linus evening to make blankets and throws to provide warmth, security and comfort to children in foster care or who are seriously ill or traumatized. If you’d like to help at home with this project, let us know and we’ll get you the instructions for making throws from fleece, knitting or crocheting. Contact Wendy Weisbard ([email protected] or 301-758-1097) and Marilynn Frey ([email protected] 301-357-4784).

Joining the Woman’s Club is easy
Our dues are a modest $15 per year and can be paid at any event, or by sending a check to The Woman’s
Club of Washington Grove, to PO Box 354, Washington Grove, MD 20880. These dues make it possible for us to host our many popular events and support Town projects.

Washington Grove Cares News…

Mark your calendars for September 15, for another thought-provoking talk in our series, What’s My Line? Grovers Revealed, highlighting our neighbors’ areas of expertise and passions.

Our next speaker, Mary Blake, will raise awareness of trauma (e.g., violence, abuse, bullying) as a frequently occurring experience from which people and communities can recover. Stay tuned for more information in the September Bulletin about Mary’s talk and her award-winning work in this area.

General Information

Stormwater Management Committee

Next meeting: Tuesday, August 13, 2019; 7:30 p.m. in the Council Room. The Stormwater Management Committee will meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Please call Robert Johnson at 301-346-6267 or email [email protected] for information and to express interest in helping out.


August 1 »  Swing Time Big Band Rehearsal Town Hall
August 5 »  Woods Committee 7:30 p.m. Council Room
August 7 »  Planning Commission 7:30 p.m. Council Room
August 12 »  Town Council Meeting 7:30 p.m. Council Room
August 13 »  Stormwater Management 7:30 p.m. Council Room
August 15 »  Lake Committee 7:30 p.m. Council Room
August 15 »  Swing Time Big Band Rehearsal 7:30 p.m. Town Hall
August 20 »  Historic Preservation 7:30 p.m. Council Room
August 21 »  Master Plan Work Session 7:30 p.m. Council Room
August 22 »  Emergency Prep. & Safety 7:30 p.m. Council Room
August 28 »  Lighting Committee 7:30 p.m. Council Room

August 14 »  Permit Application due to PC for August review
August 25 »  September Bulletin submissions due

The Fall Games (formerly known as the Grove Labor Day) – 2019

Grove Neighbors – We are doing a reboot of the Washington Grove Labor Day events – This year The Fall Games will be held Sept 7 & 8. Still featured are the ever-traditional field events, races, croquet match, etc., with a few tweaks to the schedule. Mark your calendars NOW and plan to come on out for some good ‘ole Grove fun!!!

Why are we changing the dates?
With the changes in the MCPS school calendar year, we think a later date will increase participation. Note the date changes!

Saturday September 7th

10 AM – 1 PM Field Events – Athletic Field, Grove Road
Six contests for kids and adults of all ages. Registration begins promptly at 10 AM.
Don’t be late! Awards for first, second and third places.

Schedule of Events : 1. Soccer Kick, 2. 60 Yard Dash, 3. Sack Race, 4. Obstacle Course, 5. Softball Toss, 6. Egg Toss

4 PM Bike Races (meet on Grove Road across from tennis courts)
1. Bike and Trike Sprints (5 years and under)*
2. One mile race (12 years and under)*
3. Two mile race (open, all ages)

*Bike helmets mandatory for all racers!

5 PM – Running Races (meet on Grove Road across from tennis court)
1. 1/2 Mile (12 years and under) awards to boys and girls in three age groups
2. Open Grove Mile (all ages, 1st, 2nd & 3rd awarded for men and women)

Sunday September 8th

9:30 AM Tennis – Adult Doubles Mixer
Join us for a fun morning of Tennis! We will send reminders out via e-mail and on the listserv.

12:30 PM – The 32nd Annual Croquet Tournament and the 1st Annual Badminton Tournament
White croquet apparel encouraged, and adult beverages provided.
Everyone’s invited – If you’re not playing in either tournament, be sure to come by to cheer or jeer and share libations at the side lines.

3:00 PM – Capture the Flag or Soccer Game – TBD

6:00 Potluck Dinner & Awards – McCathran Hall (rain or shine)

Bring drinks for your family, a main dish and salad or dessert to share. Paper plates, cups, utensils provided.

A Wonderful Potluck. Don’t miss it! Everyone’s invited! Can’t compete, but would like to volunteer to help? Need info? Text Sam Beres at 515-450-9167 or text/call Betsy Klinger at 301-325-1956.

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