301-926-2256 [email protected]

Council Notes

Next meeting: Monday, January 10, 7:30 p.m., McCathran Hall. Agenda will include proposed
text amendment for attaching conditions to rezoning. The public is invited to attend. December
Council actions included:
· scheduled annexation work session for January ,3 2000

Planning Commission

Next meeting will be Tuesday, January 4, 7:30 p.m., McCathran Hall. Tentative agenda
· a study of services for additional commercial corner uses, e.g., locksmith, photography
studio, computer repair, day spa
· Washington Grove Hills annexation
· driveway permit process for new construction
· propose text amendment for attaching conditions to rezoning (development plan for
former WSSC property on Ridge Road)

Washington Grove Hills Annexation

Town Council Work Session Monday, January 3
Council Room, 7:30 p.m.
Council will consider impact on Town facilities, operations and costs. Zoning for short- and
long-term density of development and other provisions of an annexation agreement are among
items to be discussed.

New Town Telephone Directory Debuts

A new Washington Grove telephone directory, produced and published by the Woman’s Club, is
available from the Town Office for $4. Additional copies for a household may be purchased for
$3. This beautiful 2000 edition includes fax numbers, e- mail addresses and a list of birthdays.
After January 1, directories will be sold door to door by Woman’s Club members.

Leaf Pickup Continues

Apologies to all who have felt themselves inconvenienced by a perceived lack of timeliness in
our leaf pickup this year. We are using the same contractor as in years past, but were victimized
by several factors out of our control. Primary among these is the fact that all of the leaves
seemed to come down at once this autumn, probably owing to the drought this summer.
Everyone raked at the same time, and then we lost four of our scheduled days to rain and a
personal emergency on the part of the contractor. By the time you read this, most of the larger
piles in Town should be gone.
The contract end date is December 31, and we are scheduled for three days of pickup in that last
week between Christmas and New Year’s. If you have specific areas of concern as of the
evening of December 29, please give Town Councilor Nick Suzich a call (301-869-9638) or email
at [email protected]. Nick will forward these requests to the contractor so that everything
is dealt with by the close of business on New Year’s Eve, which is our last pickup day as
currently scheduled.
Brush and debris should not be part of leaf windrows. No pickup will occur on Railroad Street,
2nd Avenue, 3rd Avenue, 4th Avenue, and 5th Avenue. Town Maintenance staff does not pick up
leaves. The following tips will help ensure efficient collection:
· leaves must be piled within 6 feet of the edge of the road or walkway to be removed;
consolidate piles when possible; large piles are great!
· twigs larger than 1/4- inch diameter should not be in leaf piles; large branches may
damage equipment and repairs delay pickup
· don’t conceal fire hydrants or block walkway access with leaf piles
· if you hire someone to rake your leaves, be sure to tell them about these tips

Town Office Closed December 24 and December 31

Hazardous Materials Disposal

No collection in January or February. Next collection is March 5.

Building Permits

If you are going to erect a building or structure (including fences), make structural alterations to,
or move any existing building or other structure, you must first obtain a building permit from the
Washington Grove Planning Commission. The Town zoning ordinance governs setbacks, lot
coverage, and height. Applications are available at the Town Office at 301-926-2256. Please
allow at least 10 days for review by the Commission. Call John McClelland at 301-963-3328 if
you have questions about zoning code requirements. Interior renovations which involve
electrical, plumbing, or load-bearing changes generally require a County permit. All
applications for County-required building permits must first be signed off by the Town.

Building Permits Issued

· LeCompte, 333 McCauley Street, shed
· McConnell, 10 Maple Avenue, fence

Woman’s Club Gift Ideas

The following items are available from Brenda Gumula at 301-869-5118, Alice Mahaffey at 301-
869-1779, or Kitty Vogan at 301-840-9416.
· Grove AFGHAN — 100% cotton, green & natural, depicting Grove scenes ($50)
· Woman’s Club Cookbook “Second Helping” 1995 edition of Grove recipes ($10) – (also
available at Town Office)
· “Baseball Caps” — Forest green with “gable” logo and WASHINGTON GROVE. ($8)
· Grove Gatherings — Soft-cover book by Rosalie Hardy Shantz. ($5)
· Children’s Tee Shirt, Size 16, navy with white “gable” logo ($8)

First Night Montgomery 2000

Celebrate the new millennium with your family, neighbors and friends. Come to First Night
Montgomery, the fifth annual New Year’s eve festival of the arts, to be held this year at the
Montgomery County Fairgrounds in Gaithersburg. Call Montgomery County “Special Events
Hotline” at 240-777-6821 for more information.

Hall Coordinators Needed

The Town Hall is used for a variety of activities and the number of activities is growing. More
volunteers are needed to check on the Hall following events. If you would be interested in taking
on this job for a month or two, please call Councilor Carol Uhlendorf at 301-926-1933 or the
Town Office at 301-926-2256.

My Friend Nancy Forquer

by Philip K. Edwards
In a place that prides itself on eccentricity, Nancy was a true eccentric. Nancy had adversity all
her life. Her early years were lived in the chaos of the Depression, and the family felt it greatly.
Her handicap was a cruel burden in an unforgiving time, but Nancy never turned her back on her
problems, she took them on the chin. If things went wrong, she got mad–and rightly so.

Nancy lived two lives in the Grove, one before her marriage and the other one after. As a
teenager and young adult she had planned town parties, edited the Town paper, dated, been in the
local schools. She knew this place, had lived it; she had stories to tell.

When I became Mayor in 1973, I ran through several temporary secretaries until Nancy said,
“Ahem, I would be able to do the job if you asked me.” Of course she was hired immediately.
I remember one of the first meetings I had with Nancy as Town Secretary. She was taking notes
diligently, but suddenly she interrupted and said, “can the secretary say something?” I said to
myself, “Uh-oh, what is this???” But she set everything straight-and she was right.

Nancy stayed in the secretary’s job the whole time I was there, and remained for several Mayors
to come. I respected her knowledge and loved her insouciance; if she were here right now she
would wag her finger at me and say, “Now, Philip, tell the truth!”
Nancy Winter Forquer died on August 17, 1999.

Gift Ideas from the Heritage Committee

· Notecards featuring historic Grove photographs (6 notes, 3 views) ($5)
· Washington Grove 1873-1937: A History of the Washington Grove Camp Meeting
Association, a book by Grove Historian Phil Edwards ($12)
· Washington Grove 1937-1977: The First Forty Years ($20)
· Two-Volume Edwards History ($27)
· Washington Grove: Town Within A Forest 1989 videotape documentary ($15)
Available at the Town Office, 301-926-2256.

Grove Webmaster Allan Janus moves to supporting role

Having gotten the Grove’s web site up and running, webmaster Allan Janus has turned over the
reins to George Paine. If you would lik to help maintain the Grove site and have ready access to
a computer and Internet, please reply by email to [email protected] or
[email protected]. The Grove’s web site address is: www.washgrov.sailorsite.net. Many
thanks to Allan for creating an attractive and useful site for his fellow Grovers.

United States Census 2000

How America Knows What America Needs
About a week before Census Day, April 1, 2000, households will receive a questionnaire by mail
or hand delivery. Five out of six households will receive a short form with only seven subjects.
It is extremely important that these forms be completed and returned. Federal dollars supporting
schools, employment services, housing assistance, highway construction, hospital services,
programs for the elderly and more are distributed based on census figures. By law, the Census
Bureau cannot share your answers with others. Anyone who breaks this law can receive up to
five years in prison and $5,000 in fines. The Census Bureau has asked for help in recruiting
enumerators and volunteers. If you would like to help with Census 2000, please call the Town.

Attention Dog Walkers

There has been a report of a vehicle parked in the Town woods at night. If you witness any
suspicious activity please call 911 immediately. Don’t approach the vehicle yourself. Then call
the Town Councilor for Public Safety Allen Winter at 301-977-4770 so that Allen may track
incidents for the Town. Thanks.

Phone Book Recycling

You may recycle used phone books at the Transfer Station. There is a large container on the
right as you enter off of Route 355. Watch for the signs. Be sure to remove any plastic.

Cinema in McCathran Hall

If you would like to help organize a series of movies in McCathran Hall please call Freda Temple
at 301-926-3066.

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