301-926-2256 [email protected]


The next regular meeting will be Monday, February 13, 2012; 7:30 p.m. in the Council Room. The public is invited to attend.

Woodward Park Use Policy; Continued…

The Mayor and Council have received public input and discussed the Woodward Park Use policy for over four months now. In the interests of encouraging the use of Woodward Park as a local community park rather than a larger regional park the Council will be voting on a new Resolution 2012-01 to replace resolution 2011-07 at the February Council meeting. The new resolution incorporates most of the changes reviewed in the January Bulletin. Both resolutions are now posted to the Town web site under Official News and Information. Please note that the role of the adult team sponsors has been emphasized and any team permits will be posted on the Town web calendar; if you click on a calendar entry you get a pop-up with all the info on the event and sponsor. As of now we do not yet have a volunteer for the post of Woodward Park Coordinator. Until a Coordinator is found we won’t be able to give out permits for adult team sports. Please consider helping out!

District 39 Redistricting Decision

I am happy to announce that under the Maryland redistricting plan proposed by Governor O’Malley we will continue to be in District 39. This means that our senator is still Nancy King and our delegates are Charles Barkley, Kirill Reznick and Shane Robinson. This was a hard decision as we sit in between Districts 39, 17 and 19 and it looked like we might be moved to a new district. We are most fortunate to continue with the delegates we already have a good working relationship with. I believe that Nancy King in particular helped keep us in 39. Please make sure to express your appreciation the next time you run into her or any of our delegates. They work hard and have always done the best they can for us.

Change of Council Member Responsibility

In January two areas of Council member responsibility changed. Bill Robertson is now the Council liaison for Maintenance. Resident feedback or requests relating to maintenance should now be directed to him (240-912-6080). Joe Clark is now our Intergovernmental liaison.

Homestead Credit Reminder

Most Town residents recently received their three year assessment for property tax. This is the time to file for the Homestead Tax Credit if you have not already done so. If you need to file, your assessment should have included the form you need to fill out otherwise it can be found on-line. If you have done this previously you do not need to do it again.

Town Elections

Nominations for Mayor and Town Council must be sent to Meredith Horan by April 9, 2012. Residents are asked to put on their thinking caps and call Meredith at 301-926-1054.

Attention Washington Grove Taxpayers

Every year the Town of Washington Grove receives a portion of the Maryland State tax paid by Town residents. Because our residents do not have mail delivered to street addresses, this presents a challenge for the State Comptroller’s office when attributing the taxes collected to Washington Grove. It is critical that all Washington Grove residents (including renters!) designate "Washington Grove." For Maryland IFile, under "Name of county and incorporated city, town, or special taxing area in which you were a resident on the last day of the taxable period", select "Montgomery, Washington Grove" from the drop down menu. This block is separate from the address blocks. Turbo Tax and H&R Block software also include drop down menus where you may select "Montgomery County" and then "Washington Grove." Please share this information with your renters and your tax preparer if appropriate. This DOES NOT increase your taxes, but DOES help ensure that the Town receives its proper share of local income tax revenue. Thanks for your help! Questions, call Treasurer Mary Challstrom at 301-926-4498.

Budget Work Session Scheduled

On Monday, March 26th the Mayor and Council will hold a budget work session at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Room. Observers welcome!

Planning Commission News

Next meeting: Wednesday » 02.01.12 @ 7:30 p.m. in Council Room. If you are going to erect a building or structure (including fences), make structural alterations to, or move any existing building or other structure, you must first obtain a building permit from the Washington Grove Planning Commission. All permit applications must be received in the Town Office fourteen (14) days prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which they will receive their initial review. The applicant must post a "Notice To Neighbors" sign within seven (7) days of receiving it from the Town Clerk. The Planning Commission will not act on an application unless the Notice To Neighbors sign was posted in a timely fashion as confirmed by the Commission. Please contact the Town Office (301-926-2256) or [email protected], or see the Town website: www.washingtongrovemd.org for more details. The Historic Preservation Commission will review most permit applications as well.

Permits approved on January 4th: 0

Permits up for discussion on Feb. 1st:

  • 127 Maple Ave. Fence
  • 201 Maple Road Garage

Historic Preservation News

Next meeting: Tuesday » 02.21.11 @ 7:30 p.m. in Council Room. Meetings are open to the public.

Archivist On Board!

The HPC is delighted to welcome Pat Patula, who is contracting her services to the Town, as our new Archivist. You may see her when you pass through the Town Office. More about Pat and her work in a future bulletin…
Second in a Series

The Historic Preservation Commission Design Guidelines for Exterior Changes are being included in the Bulletin, over the next few months, in easy-to-digest segments. We hope this will deepen your appreciation of our Town’s unique physical characteristics. This month’s segment explains how contributing structures have been identified.

"Criteria for designation of historic or "contributing" structures

In order to protect the significant elements of the Town’s historic character, the HPC has developed criteria for classifying structures as "contributing" (to the historic character) or "non-contributing". The period of historic significance is the same as on Washington Grove’s Nomination to the Register of Historic Places: the years from 1873 to 1937. The former is when the Methodists purchased the 268-acre property in order to establish the camp meeting. The closing year marks the dissolution of the camp meeting association, the end of the era of seasonal occupancy and the transition to secular administration and incorporation as a Town. As a general rule, structures constructed during this period of significance are classified by the HPC as contributing if the structure retains enough of its architectural integrity that the original building or significant portions thereof may still be discernible within the present structure.

In general, structures are considered to be non-contributing if they were constructed after 1937 or have been so altered that the character or form of the original structure is no longer evident. However, the HPC will also consider classifying structures as contributing if they represent outstanding examples of characteristic architecture from later periods or if they or their owners played a significant role in the Town’s history. The closing year will be re-examined periodically against the state and national standards that evaluate age as a criterion for determining contribution."

Next month’s topic will be Design Criteria used to evaluate building applications. If your curiosity has been piqued, the Design Guideline document in its entirety is available on the Town website!

Recreation Committee News

Next meeting: Wednesday » 03.21.12@ 7:30 p.m. in Council Room. The public is invited to attend. New members always welcome!

Dancercize in the Grove!

Work off those mid-winter blues and move to the music! Wednesdays 7:30-8:30 p.m. in McCathran Hall beginning FEBRUARY 8th. These informal sessions for adults will initially be led by Carolyn Rapkievian but we are exploring the possibility of Zumba and other guest teachers. And if you are willing to co-lead or teach, your help is very welcome! At this time, no sign-up is required and there is no cost to Grove residents – just drop in when you can. (Bring your favorite music if you wish.) No experience or fitness is required.

Washington Grove Film Society

Our film for February is Departures (Okuribito). In 2009, Okuribito swept the Japanese Academy Awards and won the Oscar for best foreign film. An unemployed cellist returns to his hometown in the north of Japan, falling into an unlikely job as a nokanshi, one who ceremonially prepares bodies for burial. The film follows his profound and sometimes comical journey with death as he uncovers joy and meaning in life. Directed by Yôjirô Takita, 2008, Japanese with English subtitles, 130 minutes. Join us on Sunday, February 12, 2012, 7:00p.m. in McCathran Hall, for this memorable film.

There’s a mouse in the house…

February 26, 2012; 3:00 pm in McCathran Hall. Come hear the Poulenc Trio (oboe, bassoon & piano) play Telemann, Beethoven, Piazzola and much, much more. For ticket information, call Alice Negin 301-926-2858 or Ann Briggs 301-926-6347.

Save the Date!

March 16, 2012: Irish Ceili Dance; 6:00 – 11:00pm
Further details in the March Town Bulletin.

Summer in the Parks 2012!!!

Calling all SITP Campers — Kindergarten through 8th grade! SITP will be here before you know it. Camp will be held from July 3rd through the 26th and we would love to have you all there! It will be a fun filled month and include SITP favorites; Lake Days, Field Trips, Capture the Flag, the return of Jamboree and more! Enrollment forms are due by April 30, 2012. If you are new to SITP and want to know more about it, call Emily Cavey.


In February we have a worship series on vision at WGUMC, including the themes: Feb 5th–"Come and See;" Feb. 12th–"Laser Vision;" and Feb. 19th–"Corrected Vision."

  • Feb. 12th-All are welcome to our Annual Pancake Supper starting at 6:30pm, followed by the Ash Wednesday service at 7:30pm.
  • Feb. 19th-Family-friendly Chancel Drama service. Every third Sunday of the month is a family friendly service at WGUMC, when children are especially invited to join adults in worship. We wear casual clothes, present the message in drama form, and are delighted to have children sing, dance, or otherwise "make a joyful noise unto the Lord!"
  • Thanksgiving in February-Don’t forget to eat out on Tuesday, Feb. 28th, when a percentage of your meal cost supports our local food pantries. For a list of participating restaurants check www.thanksgivinginfebruary.org
  • Souper Bowl of Caring…Feb. 5th– We’ll be collecting canned stew and soup for Gaithersburg Help at the 11 am service, and in front of the church, as part of the “Souper Bowl of Caring,” a national movement to fight hunger and poverty that takes place on Super Bowl Sunday each year.

Woman’s Club News

It’s time once again, to spice up those winter doldrums with the Woman’s Club’s Chili Supper! This free and delicious event will be held on Saturday, February 18, 2012, in McCathran Hall. Start time is 6:00 pm, and ALL Grovers, especially new ones, are invited. Non-alcoholic beverages will be served, but BYOB is fine. The Woman’s Club is currently seeking donations of food for the Supper’s popular menu: meat or vegetarian chili, cornbread, and coleslaw. If you are willing to donate one or more of these dishes, or would like to volunteer to set up, serve, and/or clean up, please contact coordinator Pat Di Bella-Kreger at [email protected] or 301 869-1907.

Lake Committee News

The Lake Committee will have its first meeting of 2012 on Wednesday, February 8th at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Room. These monthly meetings will continue on the 3rd Wednesday of each month through the fall. Believe it or not, it is time to start planning for cleanup day, geese, the budget, lifeguards, swimming instructors and other duties.

Website News

  • Did you know that our Town website has Town Council and Planning Commission minutes that go back to 1999?
  • Did you know that you can read the Town Bulletin on the Town website?
  • How about this… Did you know that some current Council documents can also be found on the website?

Check it out!


General Information

Outdoor Lighting Advisory Committee Meeting Thursday February 23 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Room.
All are welcome to attend a special presentation by Christine Dibble. Christine will talk about handling and recycling of compact fluorescents and other mercury-containing bulbs, and about upcoming changes in residential lighting choices mandated by the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 and by a new FTC regulation – what’s truth vs. rumor. Charlie Challstrom will give an update on the Town’s street light conversion project, with installation of the new induction bulbs to begin very soon. We will also discuss recommendations to be made regarding exterior lighting associated with the proposed Towne Crest Apartments redevelopment. For more information, contact Carolyn Rapkievian at 301.461.2579.

Clerk’s Corner

Town Directories are still available at the Town Office during regular business hours. $3.00 each.

Special Invitation for New Residents

(in case you missed reading it…)

It’s hard to meet your neighbors in the dead of winter. The Woman’s Club Chili Supper is a great place to start. This event is free and everyone is invited. So new residents, please come and join us for this fun event. It takes place in McCathran Hall on February 18th at 6:00 p.m.. The menu is meat or vegetarian chili, cornbread, coleslaw and good conversation!

Welcome to Washington Grove!!!

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