301-926-2256 [email protected]

Council Notes

The next meeting will be Monday, August 9, 7:30 p.m., McCathran Hall. The public is invited to
attend. July Council actions included:
· approved Mayor’s reappointment of Mary Kay DuBois, Betty Knight and Nancy
McCullough to Board of Supervisors of Elections
· approved the reappointment of Don Henninger to the local Fire Board
· set public hearing date on zoning text amendment to clarify definition for “Accessory
· voted to name recreation equipment building “Ann’s Folly” to honor former Mayor Ann

Planning Commission

Will not meet in August. Next meeting will be Tuesday, September 7, 7:30 p.m., McCathran
Hall. Residents are invited to comment on draft tree preservation ordinance at September


With the leadership of Tanya Anisimova, the Recreation Committee is reactivating the
MOUSETRAP CONCERT series. Four outstanding Sunday music programs are scheduled from
October to April, with internationally known musicians. Details, including ticket sales, in the
August Bulletin.


New Year’s Eve 1999
McCathran Hall, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., Adult Grove residents only. 100 tickets will go on sale in
September. More info in August Bulletin.

Please Return Directory Info ASAP

The Woman’s Club is hard at work preparing the new Town Directory for distribution in 2000.
Please return a completed directory information form EVEN IF THERE ARE NO CHANGES.
This will help the volunteers who are putting the book together. If you have misplaced the form
from the June Bulletin, please come by the Town Office or call Mary Kay DuBois (301) 926-
8941 or Kitty Vogan (301) 840-9416) for another form. Thanks!


Proposed Zoning Text Amendment to
Clarify Definition of Accessory Building
The Town Council will conduct a public hearing on Monday, August 9, McCathran Hall, 7:30
p.m., to take public comment regarding a proposal initiated by the Town’s Planning Commission
to amend Section 4.2 of the Washington Grove Zoning Ordinance clarifying the definition of an
accessory building and its relationship to a main building. Copies of the proposed amendment
are available at the Town Office.

Draft Tree Preservation Ordinance

The Town’s Planning Commission has been wrestling with ways to insure preservation of the
forest canopy throughout the Town. To encourage thoughtful consideration of alternatives
before trees of substantial size are cut down or cut back on private property, an ordinance
creating a permit process has been drafted. After a lengthy discussion at Town Meeting, it was
decided that residents would have an opportunity to comment on the draft ordinance at the
September Planning Commission meeting, allowing time for all concerned to study the draft
language. A draft ordinance is included with this Bulletin. Call the Town Office at (301) 926-
2256 if you would like to review samples of tree preservation materials from other jurisdictions.

Board of Zoning Appeals

Pursuant to Article VII, Sections 12.32 and 11.31 of the Washington Grove Code of Ordinances,
a public hearing will be held on Wednesday, August 11, at 8:00 p.m. (Please note time change
from June Bulletin) in McCathran Hall, to determine if a variance should be granted to allow the
construction of a porch on the front of the Poblete residence at 415 Center Street. The
construction of a porch violates the setback requirements of Article VII, Section 9. Schedule of
Standards. The Board may grant a variance if the Board finds on the basis of preponderance of
evidence that the seven conditions as presented in Article VII, Section 12.2(a) exist. The Board
will take written and oral testimony from the applicant, residents or other interested parties in
advance of, or at the public hearing. The Board will render its decision as soon thereafter as

Building Permits

If you are going to erect a building or structure (including fences), make structural alterations to,
or move any existing building or other structure, you must first obtain a building permit from the
Washington Grove Planning Commission. The Town zoning ordinance governs setbacks, lot
coverage, and height. Applications are available at the Town Office at 301-926-2256. Please
allow at least 10 days for review by the Commission. Call John McClelland at 301-963-3328 if
you have questions about zoning code requirements. Interior renovations which involve
electrical, plumbing, or load-bearing changes generally require a County permit. All
applications for County-required building permits must first be signed off by the Town.

Mayor and Council Begin Another Ambitious Year

A number of goals have been outlined for the upcoming fiscal year based on the budget approved
at the annual Town Meeting. The Mayor, working with the Council, hopes to accomplish:
with Dave Gumula
· repave Center Street between Maple Road and Maple Avenue
· improve Cherry Avenue drainage
· assess condition of Town roads and develop timetable and cost estimates for future
· street signs; study and propose changes to improve visibility
· continue Town archives project
with Chris Pacchione
· complete Maintenance Shop and Yard improvements
· attend to threatened trees, walkway maintenance
· implement Wade Park parking and landscaping plans
· establish policy for memorials on public land
· help to plan outside lighting for Town Hall
with Nick Suzich
· complete tennis court improvements; drainage, fencing
· recommend/install new playground equipment in Park
· oversee Town contracts: trash, recycling, leaves, snow
with Dodie Tippens
· develop plan for screen planting west side of lake
· monitor and record water flow at Maple Spring
· continue search for choir director
· report on Recreation Committee plans for Mousetrap Concert Series and Millennium
· work with Woman’s Club on welcome package for new residents
with Carol Uhlendorf
· implement a tree planting program and establish a multi- year plan for tree additions
· establish a tree-health assessment program
· proceed with next phase of Town Hall landscaping
· proceed with Hall window improvements
· propose permanent outside lighting design for Hall
with Allen Winter
· develop tree preservation ordinance
· develop driveway permit process
· pursue annexation of Washington Grove Hills
· pursue alternatives to dense development of Casey property on Ridge Road
· monitor commercial corner uses for compatibility with adjacent residential zone
· monitor Town crime and safety issues

Hazardous Materials Disposal

Sunday, August 1 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Shady Grove Transfer Station.

Fourth of July Celebration a Sizzling Success

Congratulations to the “Green Grovers” on their 5-2 win over the “Red Grovers” in The Game, a
1873-style baseball game played on July 3 in authentic wool caps and searing heat. Great fun for
spectators and players alike, our thanks to the “Washington Grove Baseball Commission”, team
captains Jim Leng and Bill Miller, umpire Phil Adams, scorekeeper Karen Post, and anthemsinger
Alice Negin. Many thanks also to Brenda Gumula, Mary Kay DuBois, Leila Keese, Alice
Negin and their helpers for the wonderful parade and picnic on the 4th. Christine Dibble and
Tom Land did a magnificent job in announcing the awards. Grateful thanks go out to the
costume judges, and Eric Selby (fearless leader of the Muskrat Band). If your name has
inadvertently been left out, please accept our thanks for your hard work.

Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Annexation

A public hearing on annexation of the Pammel property has been rescheduled for Monday,
August 9 at 7:30 pm prior to the regular monthly Council meeting. The Town Council will take
public comment on the proposed annexation of approximately 0.42 acres located at 3 Ridge
Road. The annexation resolution also provides that the Town issue a property tax credit to the
owners of 3 Ridge Road each year for a period of five (5) years in an amount equal to the total
property taxes imposed for 3 Ridge Road by the Town. The proposed annexation would classify
the property in the Town’s RR-1 Zone (residential, one family, minimum lot size 11,250 square

Woman’s Club Meeting

Thursday, August 19
7:30 p.m. at the Clubhouse, Chestnut Road and Miller Drive. Join us in air-conditioned
comfort. Bring your favorite board game to share (bridge players welcome!)

Lake Committee

Lake Committee will meet on Wednesday, August 25 at Maple Lake, 7:30 p.m. Refreshments!!

Town Bulletin Deadline

Next: August 10
Supplementary information included as time permits.

Acorn Library News

Summer reading program runs July 11 to August 20. Drop by the library anytime to pick up
your oak tree chart and start reading!

Note About Town Tax Bills

Tax bills will arrive soon. If your taxes are held in escrow by your lender, please forward the white copy
of the tax bill to your lender as soon as possible. Thanks!

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