301-926-2256 [email protected]

Town Council News

Next meeting: Monday, Aug. 16, 2004; 7:30 p.m., in the Council Room.

The following actions were taken at the July meeting of the Town Council;

Councilor Linda Baim took the oath of office.
Councilor Darrell Anderson accepted the appointment of Mayor Pro-Tem.
Re-appointments for the Board of Zoning Appeals and the Historic Preservation Commission.

Casey Field

The M-NCPPC does not meet in August. September 9th is the tentative date for bringing the plan to the Planning Board. At that time, the Mayor will write another letter expressing our continued concerns.

Shady Grove Master Plan

At their July 29th session, the Planning Board is expected to forward a Shady Grove Master Plan to the County Council which will call for 5,400 – 6,500 new residential units, a community center and park on Crabbs Branch Way, and an elementary school on the lower field. A ballpark behind Robert’s Oxygen may also be recommended. The plan requires a Transportation Management District be established to address vehicular traffic and significantly calls for re-assessment of public facilities and re-examination of land use at 50% of the plan’s allowed build-out. Much depends on receiving, within one year of adoption, acceptable revenue-neutral land swap proposals for moving the County Service Parks elsewhere.

A Pro-Active Call to Action

Mayor Compton is looking for volunteers to help represent the Town’s interest in the proposed re-built/re-alignment of the Deer Park Bridge over the CSX railroad. Please call John at 301-330-8264 or the Town Office at 301-926-2256 if you can join this group. A March 2004 Service Life Study of the Deer Park Bridge indicated that it has a reasonable life expectancy of 2 to 5 years. The Montgomery County Department of Public Works plans to complete an environmental site assessment, a purpose & need report and a traffic study this summer. They will hold Alternatives Workshops in the fall.

Planning Commission News

Next meeting: Aug. 3, 2004; 7:30 p.m. Council Room.
The public is invited to attend.

Building Permits:

If you are going to erect a building or structure (including fences), make structural alterations to, or move any existing building or other structure, you must first obtain a building permit from the Washington Grove Planning Commission. The Town zoning ordinance governs setbacks, lot coverage and height. Applications are available at the Town Office at 301-926-2256. The permit fee is $10.00, payable to the Town of Washington Grove. Interior renovations, which involve electrical, plumbing, or load-bearing changes, generally require a County permit. A shed requires a County permit as well. The Town must first sign off all applications for County-required building permits. The Historic Preservation Commission will review most permits as well.

Building Permits were issued for the following:

411 Chestnut Ave. Garage

Historic Preservation News

Next meeting: August 17, 2004, 7:30 p.m. Council Room.
The public is invited to attend.

Recreation Committee News

Next meeting: July 28, 2004, 7:30 p.m. Council Room.
The public is invited to attend. The July meeting will be the start of new leadership for the Recreation Committee. Mary Kay Dubois and Missy Yachup are taking the reins.

4th of July Kudos!

Thanks to all those who helped with the traditional July 4th festivities and especially to the Washington Grove United Methodist Church for the popsicles. They were a welcome treat on that very hot day!

Labor Day is coming.

Who will be crowned this year’s Super Grove? Stay tuned for more information.

Get Caught In The Trap!

The Mousetrap Concert Series brochures for this 6th season will be in the mail on or about September 1st. The concerts include; Cello, Vocal Ensemble, String Quartet, Piano & Cello. Great music, at a great price, in a great Hall!

Woman’s Club News

Next meeting: Aug. 20th; Noon; Lunch at Summit Station.
Call Ann London 301-590-1012 to RSVP.

Woman’s Club. Raising the Roof!

On Saturday, October 2, 2004 the Woman’s Club will be holding an auction to raise funds for capital improvements to the clubhouse and to help support the Washington Grove Elementary School, as well. You will be receiving a call from a member of the committee soliciting your donations and support. Leila Keese, 301-926-4318, is the person to contact for more information about donations.

Neighborhood Watch News

Report Crimes & Suspicious Activity!
Mont. Co. Police non-emergency: 301-279-8000
Town Office: 301-926-2256
Betsy Klinger: 301-977-3517

Incident Report:
July 3rd, burglary on Ridge Road, thief caught and taken away by police. All items were recovered.

Maple Lake News

Lake Committee members are actively trying to eliminate the “goose problem” and its leftovers. Hutch has arranged for the water to be tested for bacteria and a goose repellent will be applied to the banks as an interim solution.

Lawn Service reminder

If you are using a lawn service to cut your yard, please remind them that dumping the grass in our woods or parks is not allowed. All grass and brush must be removed by the company doing the work or placed in your big brown paper bags or properly marked yard waste container for pick up by Waste Management. Thanks!

Calling All 4th – 6th Grade Girls

Would you like to join a junior Girl Scout troop? The troop will meet in Washington Grove. Meetings will be held every other Thursday from 4-5:30 p.m. Deborah Chambers (mother of Jewel Grisham) will be happy to lead the troop (attending all meetings, coordinating events, G.S. training & paper work). Troop parents will be asked to lead two meetings a year and to take one administrative job. Contact Deborah at 240-631-7895 by August 1st if you are interested.

Arts & Crafts Show Interest Sought

It’s no secret that this Town is full of artists and craftspeople. Some folks are interested in asking the Recreation Committee for sponsorship of a show (NOT A SALE) in McCathran Hall. To express your interest, please call Doris Gordon at 301-926-8603.

McCathran Hall Scheduler Wanted

Eight days and counting for, Jenny Long, our current McCathran Hall scheduler. The Town is looking for someone to fill this paying position. Responsibilities include: handling inquiries about availability; showing the facility to potential renters; maintaining the calendar for hall rental and handling rental agreements, deposits and payments. Interested persons should call the Town Office at 301-926-2256.

Check this out

“Use it Again, Montgomery County” a household guide to waste prevention by repairing, renting and reusing goods, has been updated. www.montgomerycountymd.gov/solidwaste To obtain a printed version, call 240-777-6400.

Website Happenings

The Ordinance revisions that were passed in the spring along with a new Town Officials roster will be up on the website soon. Have you checked out our website lately? Bill Saar has been working hard at making some nice improvements to the site. Many thanks, Bill!

Marathon in the Parks

The 5th Annual Montgomery County Marathon in the Parks will take place on Sunday, November 14, beginning at 7:00 a.m.. The course is designed to showcase the beauty of our county and most of all our park system. Proceeds from the event will benefit the preservation of these parks. The mission of Marathon in the Parks is to both raise funds for and promote parklands in Montgomery County. For questions or additional information call 301-762-0002 or e-mail [email protected]

Council Areas of Responsibility [ Officials ]

Darrell Anderson: Planning Commission, Forestry & Beautification
[email protected]

Linda Baim: Playgrounds, Website, Memorials
[email protected]

Betsy Klinger: Recreation, Safety, Town Hall
[email protected]

Tom Land: Contracts & Maple Lake
[email protected]

David Stopak: Maintenance, HPC, Heritage
[email protected]

John Tomlin: Roads & Walkways, Intergovernmental
[email protected]

FREE Film on Labor Day Weekend!

Classic Comedy Under the Stars;
Sunday, 9/5/04

Chapel Park at Sunset; Drinks supplied.
Bring chairs, blankets and funny bones!!

Lost & Found

Lost: in Woodward Park, 8-10 Keys on a leather strap in early July.
Found: 2 pairs of reading glasses at Maple Lake, 1 watch. Both found around the 4th of July.

Call the Town Office 301-926-2256 for more details.

Clerk’s Corner

Summer In The Parks is happening all over Town but especially at and around McCathran Hall. Please be aware of the kids!

Don’t forget to clean up after your dog. Those long newspaper bags make great “picker uppers”.

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