301-926-2256 [email protected]

Town Council News

Next meeting: Monday » 07.14.14 @ 7:30 p.m. in Council Room. The public is invited to attend.

Actions at the June Council meeting included:

  • approval of Ordinance 2014-03; Ordinance to Authorize Issuance of Permanent Easements for Main Buildings Initially Constructed in part on Land Owned by the Town of Washington Grove. This ordinance becomes effective on July 9, 2014.
  • Approval of Mayor’s appointments of; David Hix, Planning Commission Alternate; Gail Littlefield, Historic Preservation Commission Member; Satoshi Amagai , Board of Zoning Appeals Member; Kathie Evans, Board of Zoning Appeals Alternate.

Deer Park Bridge Update

The Bridge was closed on June 23 and will remain closed until the construction project is complete. It is the intention to reopen the bridge before the opening of Montgomery County Public Schools in August. If you wish to visit the construction site for any reason, arrangements must be made through the Mayor. This is for the protection and safety of visitors and construction workers alike. Please contact Joli McCathran at 301-869-5358 or the Town Office at 301-926-2256.

Traffic Committee

Volunteers are still being sought for a committee to address traffic calming in Town. To date we have two (2) volunteers but more are needed to form a committee. Please contact Joli McCathran at 301-869-5358 or the Town Office at 301-926-2256.

Playground Committee Volunteers Needed!

The Town is still seeking members for the ad hoc Playground Committee for Woodward Park. There is a need for upgrading playground equipment as well as consideration for possible removal and/or installation of playground equipment. Jenn Hix is chairing this committee. The goal of the Committee is to provide the Mayor and Council with the information for review of a comprehensive playground plan. If you are interested in being a member of this committee, please contact Joli McCathran at 301-869-5358 or the Town Office at 301-926-2256. Several people have agreed to serve but more members are desired. Young people are encouraged to join.

New Mayor and Council Areas of Responsibility and Contact Information:

Planning Commission News

Next meeting: Wednesday » 07.02.14 @ 7:30 p.m. in Council Room.
The public is invited to attend.

If you are going to erect a building or structure (including fences), make structural alterations to, or move any existing building or other structure, you must first obtain a building permit from the Washington Grove Planning Commission. All permit applications must be received in the Town Office fourteen (14) days prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which they will receive their initial review. The applicant must post a "Notice To Neighbors" sign within seven (7) days of receiving it from the Town Clerk. The Planning Commission will not act on an application unless the Notice To Neighbors sign was posted in a timely fashion as confirmed by the Commission. Please contact the Town Office (301-926-2256) or [email protected], or see permits for more details. The Historic Preservation Commission will review most permit applications as well.

Thank You, Freda!

After serving as Planning Commission Alternate, Freda Temple declined the invitation for re-appointment. Many thanks to Freda for her dedicated work serving on the Commission and for her willingness to work on special projects in the future.

Permits up for Approval

  • 346 Ridge Rd-ramps
  • 201 Maple Rd-enclose garage
  • 402 Grove Ave-shed removal
  • 207 Grove Ave-shed

Historic Preservation News

Next meeting: Tuesday » 07.15.14 @ 7:30 p.m. in Council Room.
Meetings are open to the public.

From The Town Archives

by Patricia Patula, Town Archivist

Birth of the Town Bulletin

On the evening of May 14, 1956, two women with a strong purpose came to the Town Council meeting. They were Mrs. Christie and Mrs. Pughe. They requested that a bulletin be issued periodically to keep the citizens better informed on Town affairs. The minutes of that Town meeting reflect a quick approval along with the formal directive to include the following in the first issue:

Mr. Winters has been appointed as Town Engineer to serve with no compensation except for specific work projects. A road contract has been awarded to Richard Burdette which covers the following constriction widen the corners at Grove Road and Brown St., Grove Rd. and Chestnut Rd., Chestnut Rd. and McCauley St., and Chestnut Rd. and Acorn Lane. Pave Pine Rd. Place a culvert at Center St. and Grove Rd. Enclose a drainage pipe across Chapel Park. Patch all existing roads where needed. It is anticipated next year to use the road funds to commence resurfacing all existing roads, which program will run for some time due to limited funds.

The foundation around the Assembly Hall and installation of a heating plant have been completed. The Town garage now houses all Town equipment used to maintain Town property. Under the leadership of Mr. Sylvester, the tennis courts have been placed in excellent playing condition.

Mayor McCathran will represent the Town at the annual summer meeting of the Maryland Municipal League to be held in Ocean City on June 28 and 29. At that time the Mayor will receive for the Town an award along with 80 other towns for having no vehicular fatalities during the past year.

New street lights have been installed in front of the Assembly Hall, on Laytonsville Pike between Bowling’s Store and Oak St. and on Chestnut Rd. between the Assembly Hall and the Church.

Although the Town Bulletin became an official publication of Washington Grove, an editor’s note from A History of the Woman’s Club of Washington Grove (Horan, p. 61, 2001) states "that many Grovites put out a periodic paper. Two of these were: Don Doughty’s Feelin’ Grovey and The Eccentric edited by Larry and Yvonne Miller and later by Ed Parks."

Maple Lake News

Next meeting: Wednesday » 07.24.14 @ 7:30 p.m. in Council Room.

Who Are Those Lifeguards, Anyway?

Our lifeguards for this season are:
Eric Gausseres
Kelley Schreiber
Caitlin Kelly
Lainey Selby
Emily Montgomery

Water Quality

Water from Maple Lake was recently tested and deemed suitable for swimming. Enjoy!

Swim Lessons Schedule:

July 1-24th/No class on 7/4

  • DOLPHINS 1pm (30 minutes)
  • SHARKS 1:30 (60 minutes)
  • STARFISH 2:30 (45 minutes)
  • *** INSTRUCTOR BREAK (3:15-3:30 PM) ***
  • STINGRAYS 3:30 (45 min.)
  • GOLDFISH 4:15pm (45 min.)

Lake Passes & Party Permits

Please call Sally Mansfield at 301-977-3189

Wanna be a Muskrat? Contact Eric Selby at 301-963-7073 or
[email protected]

Recreation Committee News

Next meeting: Wednesday » 07.16.13 @ 7:30 p.m. in Council Room.
The public is invited to attend. New members always welcome!

July 4th & 5th

Independence Day Schedule (FRIDAY July 4th)

  • 11am – COSTUME JUDGING – Woodward Par
  • 12 NOON – FLAG RAISING & PARADE – Woodward Park **
  • 12:30pm AWARDS ETC… at McCathran Hall

** Fourth of July Parade

This year, the Town is celebrating the restoration of Political Hill. Toward this end, the parade route is as follows: Depart from Woodward Park, march along Grove Road, left on 7th Avenue to the Circle, right around the Circle to 5th Avenue and on to Wade Park. There will be a brief stop at Political Hill with a short history of the landmark. The parade will continue along Acorn Lane to Grove Avenue to McCathran Hall where the usual activities will occur.

Independence Day Ballgame and Picnic Scheduled for July 5th!

  • THE GAME: It’s time for the traditional July 4th Washington Grove ball game: Brave Men, Strong Women and Enthusiastic Kids, ALL are welcome to play. (Experience is not a criterion.)
  • ON JULY 5TH, to avoid the worst heat of the day, the game will start at 10:00 AM at the ball field. We have bats and softballs but glove supply is scanty. Please bring or borrow one if you can. Batter Up!
  • THE PICNIC: The pot luck Town picnic will start at 5:00 PM at the Fireplace so there’s time for a dip in the Lake and a rest between The Game and The Feast.

Summer Junior TENNIS in the Grove 2014

  • Friday July 11th
  • Monday July 14th
  • Wednesday July 16th
  • Friday July 18th
  • Monday July 21st
  • Wednesday July 23rd

Three (3) ways to sign up; contact Linda Baim at [email protected] or 301-926-8767 (h) or 240-997-1701 (c).

Ages/Times for each day:

  • 5 – 10 years: 8:00 – 8:45 AM
  • 11-14 years: 8:45 – 9:30 AM
  • 15 & older 5:00 – 6:00 PM

Fee:$30 payable to the Town of Washington Grove

Summer Adult TENNIS in the Grove 2014
NEW, Better Than Ever Adult Tennis Camp!

  • Tuesday July 15th 6:30 – 8:00 PM
  • Wednesday July 16th 6:30 – 8:00 PM
  • Sunday July 20th 5:00 – 6:30 PM
  • Monday July 21st 6:30 – 8:00 PM
  • Wednesday July 23rd 6:30 – 8:00 PM

Two (2) ways to sign up; [email protected] (Linda) or Jack Leng’s cell; 301-873-3640

  • The modern forehand!!
  • Review and upgrade the basic strokes.
  • Singles and doubles tactics.
  • Group competitions.
  • FUN!!

Fee:$40 payable to the Town of Washington Grove

Woman’s Club News

Don’t forget to drop off your donations to this year’s yard sale at the clubhouse!
Thanks to everyone who came out to make this year’s Progressive Porch Party a great success! The foodwas delicious and the weather was pretty close to perfect! The evening started with Joan Mahaffey greeting us on Don & Jean McCathran’s wonderful old porch. The next stop was the Clubhouse porch, where Barbara Engle, her son John and Mary & Ronnie Brooke treated us to a scruptious main meal. The evening ended on the Appleby’s porch, where Sylvia and Samantha had performed their usual cullinary magic. Special thanks go to the McCathran’s for the use of their porch, to Cynthia Werts for helping all of the hostesses, to Steve Werts & Tom Appleby for lending their helping hands setting up and putting away, and to everyone else who worked to make the evening so delightful.

Next on the Club’s agenda is the Annual Yard Sale on July 19th, from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Please
contact Marilynn Frey at (301-926-0867 or [email protected]) or Joli McCathran at (301-
869-5358 or [email protected] ) if you have time to help make this year’s sale another rousing success!

Donations can be dropped off any time through the evening of Friday, July 18th, on the screened-in Clubhouse porch. We’re accepting books, household items, jewelry, art, whatnots, childrens toys, etc. We will not be selling clothing. This year’s yard sale will be a chance for you to donate winter coats, hats, scarves, mitten, gloves, etc. to the needy children of Washington Grove Elementary School


If you need to contact someone about items related to Town Maintenance, the protocol is to contact Council Member Bill Robertson (202-497-6359 or [email protected]). Please do not call Town Maintenance directly.

County Leash Law for All Domestic Animals

Montgomery County law (adopted by the Town of Washington Grove) prohibits all domestic animals from roaming at large outside the owner’s premises. A dog is at large if it is outside the owner’s premises and not leashed, unless it is a service dog or is in a designated dog exercise area. Cats are at large if they are outside the owner’s premises and not leashed or immediately responsive to verbal or non-verbal direction. Moreover, an owner must not allow an animal to enter the private property of another resident without the resident’s permission. Penalties for violating this law are $100 for the first offense, and $500 for each subsequent violation.

The Town urges residents to comply with the law for the safety of their pets, the consideration of their neighbors, and the protection of wildlife. Montgomery County handles the enforcement of this law. To report a violation of animal control laws, call the county Animal Services Division at 240-773-5960 or 240-773-5925.

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