301-926-2256 [email protected]


Next meeting: Monday, July 9, 2018; 7:30 p.m. in the Council Room. The public is invited to attend.
Actions at the Special TC meeting June 27 included:

  • passed Resolution 2018-08; Call for Humane and Sensible Immigration Policies. Copy available on request.
  • Actions at the June meeting included:
  • enactment of Ordinance 2018-02; Ord. to Authorize Sale Of Land Occupied By Main Buildings Initially Constructed In Part On Land Owned By The Town Of Washington Grove.
  • adoption of Resolution 2018-07; Budget Transfers.
  • approval of Mayor’s appointments to the Historic Preservation Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals and Planning Commission.
  • Approved recruitment of Alternate members for the PC and HPC.


The Town Council will hold a public hearing on Monday, July 9, 2018, 7:30 p.m. in McCathran Hall. The purpose of this hearing is for public testimony regarding Ordinance No. 2018-04 with proposed amendments to the Washington Grove Zoning Ordinance to modify special rules for fences and carports, add definitions for clarity and consistency, and modify accessory building setbacks. A copy of Ordinance No. 2018-04 is available by contacting the Town Office at 301 926-2256.


The Town Council will hold a public hearing on Monday, July 9, 2018, 7:30 p.m. in McCathran Hall. The purpose of this hearing is for public testimony regarding Ordinance No. 2018-05 with proposed amendments to Article IV, Building Permit Regulations, to modify and clarify requirements for building permits. A copy of Ordinance No. 2018-05 is available by contacting the Town Office at 301 926-2256.

Looking For A Planning Commission Alternate

Interested in getting more involved in Town affairs? The Planning Commission needs a volunteer to serve as the Alternate. The Alternate participates in the PC meetings (1st Wednesday of the month) and votes when a full member is absent. To explore volunteering, please contact the Town Office or one of the current PC members.

Also Looking For A Historic Preservation Commission Alternate

The Historic Preservation Commission is also looking for a volunteer to serve as the Alternate. If you have an interest in historic preservation in Washington Grove, or would like to become more knowledgeable, and are ready to get more involved and help your Town, please contact the Town Office or one of the current HPC members. As Alternate you participate in HPC meetings (3rd Tuesday of the month) and vote when a full member is absent.

Planning Commission News..

Because of the 4th of July holiday, the PC Meeting has been changed to Tuesday, July 3, 2018, 7:30 p.m. in the Council Room.
All meetings are open to the public.

Modification to Building Permit Process

The Planning Commission is changing the building permit application deadline to the 2nd Wednesday of the month prior to the PC meeting at which the permit will be reviewed (this will be in the following month). This timing ensures the HPC will be able to complete a formal review before the PC meeting as this review is required for the PC to approve the permit in a timely fashion.

If you are considering any renovation or building project at your house, be sure to get a copy of the procedures to apply for a Town Building Permit which will help you through the Town’s process.

Permits approved in June:

  • 201 Brown St. Deck

Permits up for consideration in July:

  • 417 Center St. Fence

2019 Master Plan Call for Recruitment!

The Future of Washington Grove is Being Planned……
And you can have a say! Due to the foresight and diligence of those who have gone before us, the Town is fortunate to have its own planning and zoning authority. The Town’s Master Plan is an important part of that privilege and responsibility. Our Master Plan is revised every ten years to make sure it continues to accurately reflect what Washington Grove needs. We are looking for residents to be part of Ad Hoc Advisory Groups for the 2019 Master Plan. Would you be interested in working on any of the following topics?

Land Use and Zoning
Municipal Growth areas
Town Boundary Enhancements
Street and Walkway lights (a very hot topic now as our current lights are becoming literally irreplaceable!)
Washington Grove Lane
McCathran Hall
Designated Parks and Green Space
Maple Lake
Storm Water Management
Long Term Vision for the Commercial Corner
Development and Preservation Strategies
Connections with Neighbors and Viewsheds
Town Crest Issues
Emergency Preparedness and Hazard Mitigation

You can see the current Master Plan by going to:
Once there click on the green 2009 Master Plan and a PDF version will come up.

If any or all of these topics are of interest please call or email Georgette Cole (301-330-6740 or [email protected]) to become part of an Ad Hoc Advisory Group or an existing committee. We will assemble these groups by August 13 and your group will submit your recommendations by September 24. The final Master Plan to be sent to the Town Council for review and approval will be compiled by the Planning Commission based on input from the Planning Commission members, the Town Committees and the Ad Hoc Advisory Groups.
Thanks for your interest and support!

Historic Preservation Commission News…

Next meeting: Tuesday, July 17, 2018; 7:30 p.m. in the Council Room. All meetings are open to the public.

What Makes Your Washington Grove Home Special?
The Historic Preservation Commission seeks input from residents, past and present, about their Washington Grove homes (we are interested in ALL homes, not only those previously identified as “contributing resources”)… Do you have interesting comments to share about?

  • Former owners, tenants or sojourners; births, deaths, weddings?
  • Renovations?
  • Your home’s appearance in a film?
  • The unique name given your home?
  • Do you have special interior or exterior photographs to share?

About 10 years ago, HPC solicited similar input from residents. We were able to add a new category, “Updates & Anecdotes,” as the final entry under just a few of the House Histories found on the Town website. But we are confident some of you have MORE information to share. Maybe a previous owner related anecdotes about your home or its previous residents?

Perhaps you have precious tidbits about your home that will even find their way into the Washington Grove Historic District National Register nomination currently under update by our consultants, Robinson & Associates!
Please contact Mimi Styles ([email protected]) with any information or photos you wish to share. Thank you.


By Patricia Patula, Town Archivist

The “Find” That Connects a Century
When one looks through old books, perhaps having a slight tinge of mustiness, there is always the anticipation of a “find.” In May of 2018, the Town’s archival researchers were not disappointed.
The “find” – a heavy, thick tome with the gold, ragged page edges of publications in 1905 – bears a title in gold type: John Fletcher Hurst A Biography, by Albert Osborn. It was clear why this book was in the Church’s storage area, that Church being the Washington Grove United Methodist Church on Chestnut Road here in the Grove. Albert Osborn (1849-1944), a resident of Washington Grove residing first at 315 Brown Street and later at 109 Maple Avenue during the Camp Meeting Era (1873-1937), founded this church in 1910 and served as pastor there for twelve years. The book was signed by Osborn himself and given to “To Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Becraft with the warm regards of Albert Osborn, Washington Grove, MD May 10, 1923.”

A yellowed newspaper article written in 1940, a camera-study style portrait of Osborn, austere looking with white hair and beard and engrossed in reading a large book, was tucked inside this biography. The heading of the newspaper clipping is “Work is Still Man’s Salvation, says Dr. Osborn at 90” and a sub-title reads “American U. Historian Recalls Some Personal History on His Birthday; His Advice to Youth: Be Thorough.”

Questions arose immediately. Who was John Fletcher Hurst, and why did Osborn write this detailed biography now “selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.” Thus, the detective work began – and it led to a startling contemporary link.

Who was John Fletcher Hurst?
Clicking the internet to track down historic information is always a fun beginning. Much information is available on John Fletcher Hurst, (1834-1903) a bishop in the Methodist Episcopal Church, a prolific writer, and founder of American University (AU) in Washington D.C. Not much was easily found on the Grove’s Osborn other than he wrote the biography of Hurst! The internet provided a connection with AU which was celebrating Founder’s Day in early spring of this year (2018), and some startling statements appeared. In his article dated February 28, 2018, as Black History month ended, Nickolaus Mack, a student at AU and head of the opinion section of the University’s student newspaper, The Eagle, wrote: “Founder’s Day is a celebration of a slave owner and the razing of Black communities . . . The University’s founding is characterized by slavery, African-American displacement and racism.”

Mack goes into detail on Hurst’s father and uncle’s slave ownership upon which their wealth was built, and then provides background of Tenleytown Heritage Trail in Washington, D.C. relating to the razing of the Black communities. He also suggested that “the University should reconsider holding this year’s Founder’s Day Ball at the National Museum of African-American History and Culture . . . and publicly acknowledge its connection with slavery in the United States.”

This article, at least the portions about Hurst, shows that Mack drew heavily from Osborn’s biography of Hurst. This quote from the biography, page 382, surely serves as a trigger for these opinions.
Hurst, during a sermon in 1895 said: “I had educated myself for the work of the ministry, because I fully realized my call to that work, but in the settlement of my father’s estate two colored men fell to me as slaves. While they were in my possession as such I was greatly hampered in my ministerial work, and did not get relief until I had provided for their freedom . . .

After Mack raised questions through research on how the institution of slavery impacted American University’s founding, AU established the AU Working Group on the influence of slavery. “The occasion of the University’s 125th anniversary is an appropriate time to ensure that our history is accurate and comprehensive,” said Fanta Aw, vice president of campus life and inclusive excellence. . . This group will present their findings and recommendations to the community no later than September of 2018. Mack continues to write in The Eagle, the student newspaper, about the racial history of AU over the years. (To view Nickolaus Mack’s impressive full profile, go to https://www.linkedin.com/in/nickoluas-mack-8b9a291a.)

Why did Osborn write this biography?
What motivated Osborn to write this incredibly detailed biography that is now stimulating a lot of activity at AU a century later?

It took reading “A Word with the Reader,” Osborn’s personal introduction to the biography, to understand. While it is simple enough to garner the facts of what happened between Hurst and Osborn to bring about Osborn’s obligation to write this biography, it may be challenging for a modern mind to read this slowly enough to savor Osborn’s poetic language, and to comprehend the intensity of appreciation and reverence that Osborn, and others, had for Hurst.

The biography is actually a good read for the contemporary fast-paced person and is now available as a free e-book online. Through its quotes from Hurst’s journal, and the many quotes of others who knew and admired Hurst, the reader will arrive at a new comprehension and admiration of someone intensely devoted to his work. Osborn was of a similar nature, and being an accomplished writer himself, was able to capture well these aspects of Hurst.

It is fitting this now famous “find,” an original copy of the Hurst biography, signed by Osborn himself, will be placed in Washington Grove’s library of rare books devoted to “Grovers.” Residents can arrange to see or read this book in the Town’s Archives by appointment.

Maple Lake News…

Next meeting: Thursday, July 19, 2018; 7:30 p.m. in the Council Room. All meetings are open to the public.

Party Permits
Summer is just around the corner! Maple Lake is a great venue for your party, wedding, or other assemblage. Just follow the link https://goo.gl/forms/g10fJ2Qo0oTJJFcN2 to make it official.

New this year: permits will be issued via email and party hosts will have to print and produce them at the time of the party.
Contact Emily Brown [email protected] if you have questions.

Adults 12:00 – 12:30 PM
Guppies 12:30 – 1:00 PM
Shark 1 1:00 – 1:45 PM
Turtles 2:00 – 2:45 PM
Seahorses 2:45 – 3:15 PM
Shark 2 3:30 – 4:15 PM
Dolphins 4:15 – 5:00 PM

July 2-6: none on the 4th!
July 11-13
July 16-20
July 23-27
July 30- Aug. 3

Recreation Committee News…

Next Meeting: Wed. July 18, 2018; 7:30 p.m. in the Council Room. This meeting is open to the public.

Let There Be Dancing!

Mark your calendars! Betsy and Al Taylor, callers for Taylor Made Squares, are happy to announce we have scheduled a series of dances on the First and Third Mondays. Please join us on the following dates: August 6, August 20, September 17, October 1, October 15, November 5 and November 19. We will be dancing from 7:30 to 9 pm.

Questions? Call 301-977-8937 or email [email protected].

July 4th Festivities Schedule

Wednesday, July 4th:

  • 11:00 a.m., Costume Judging in Woodward Park
  • Noon, Flag Raising and Parade to McCathran Hall; prizes, popsicles, bell-ringing, singing

Saturday, July 7th:

  • Baseball game 10:00AM Woodward Park
  • 4:00 – 10:00pm Lake picnic; burgers, dogs and fries provided; BRING YOUR OWN DRINKS and a side dish or desert to share. Lifeguards on duty till dark. No swimming after dark.

Grove Adult Tennis July 2018

Sunday July 1…9:30 – 11:00 am Opening Day (Social Doubles Play)

Monday July 2 ….7:00 – 8:00 pm “Beginners Only”
Wanna try? Wanna remember how to?
C’mon out!!!

Wednesday July 11….6:30 – 8:00 pm
Ladies Only….Drills and Play

Monday July 16……6:30 – 8:00 pm
Guys’ night out (Play)


Junior Tennis Dates July 2018

Times TBD

Wednesday, July 11th
Thursday, July 12th
Monday, July 16th
Wednesday, July 18th
Friday, July 20th
Wednesday, July 25th

Woman’s Club News…

Everyone’s invited to come Meet the Greyhounds on July 19th, 7:00 PM at the Clubhouse

The Woman’s Club always likes to do something a little different and a lot special for our July meeting, and this year we’ve invited Barbara Hansen and her greyhounds to tell us about the joys of sharing life with these beautiful animals. Barbara will also tell us about the Greyhound Welfare Group and the process for both fostering and adopting these rescued animals. We hope everyone will join us at 7:00 PM, July 19th, at the Clubhouse, for an evening of dogs and delightful refreshments.

Community Outreach

This year we are responding to the ever-growing needs of the Washington Grove Elementary School. The strain on the teachers to ensure that students have the tools needed to succeed in school has grown even greater. Many groups collect supplies to give to the kids at the beginning of the year, but all too often during the rest of the year, teachers end up buying more supplies out of their own pockets. The School has a closet for the teachers, which we’re hoping to keep filled with paper, pencils, pens, glue sticks and other necessary items.

We are also asking for monetary donations, which we can make available to the teachers, so that children, whose families cannot afford the few dollars for a field trip, will be able to enjoy these special events.

Again this summer, we’ll be holding our annual Coats, Hats, Scarves and Other Winter Wear Drive to help ensure that the less fortunate of the children of the School do not suffer through the winter without adequate outerwear.

Our other annual summer drive is for the Gude Men’s Shelter. We’ll again be collecting much needed new white socks, along with those travel sized bottles of shampoo and conditioner, mouth wash, soap, etc. In October, we’ll be putting them into individual bags for the men.

For your convenience, all donations can be dropped off on Wendy Weisbard’s porch at 119 Grove Road, or in the bins on the Clubhouse porch. You bring them and we’ll sort them ??.

Don’t forget to Save The Date for our always popular Annual Woman’s Club’s Potluck Supper on Friday night, September 21st at the Clubhouse, from 6:30 PM on.

Washington Grove Methodist Church News

The Church will be welcoming a new minister on July 8th and everyone is invited to attend a service and meet him and his family.

Our joyful family worship services are Sunday mornings at 11:00 AM, at the Washington Grove United Methodist Church, 303 Chestnut Road, Washington Grove, MD 20880 (301-947-0532).

Woods Committee News…

Next Meeting: Monday, July 2, 2018; 7:30 p.m. in the Council Room. All are welcome to attend. Meetings are on the 1st Monday of each month. The Woods Committee meeting for August is scheduled for the 6th.

Last May through August 2017, an initial treatment of non-native invasive plant species was conducted in the East Woods by our contractor, Invasive Plant Control (IPC). Main targets were wisteria and other destructive climbing vines as well as large invasive shrubs such as bush honeysuckle, lower level invasive plants such as mile-a-minute, and invasive grass species such as stilt grass that are threatening and degrading our native woods ecosystem.
The Woods Committee has assessed the work of IPC during the 2017 season. There has been significant control of wisteria, English ivy, bush honeysuckle, and Japanese barberry. Some species, such as mile-a-minute and stilt grass require multiple treatments to see obvious improvements. Native ground covers such as jack in the pulpit, trout lilies, and spring ephemerals are already returning.

IPC will begin this year’s work on July 2 and July 3, and return the week of July 9. They will target new growth of wisteria, remaining English ivy vines, and mile-a-minute. They may have to use a targeted backpack sprayer to treat the trails again for stilt grass. Signs will be posted at the trail entrances to the East Woods and IPC will post signs as they work through specific areas. If they need to treat the trails, the East Woods may be closed for a day. A harmless blue indicator dye may be seen on the surface of the treated invasive plants. Subsequent ‘brown out’ may be noticeable as those invasive plants are controlled. Please contact the Woods Committee co-chairs (Joan Mahaffey and Pat Klein) if you have any questions.

Emergency Preparedness Committee

Next Meeting: Thursday, July 26, 2018; 7:30 p.m. in the Council Room. All are welcome to attend. We are also looking for new committee members. If you are interested in helping the Town be prepared for emergencies, please join us! Contact the Town office if interested; 301-926-2256.

General Information


In a continuing effort to provide reliable power, PEPCO will be removing Black Locust trees that impact the power lines along the Washington Grove Lane sidewalk starting at the Post Office. Two trees in poor condition will also be either be removed or topped on the West Woods side of WGLane. Tree branches with potential impact to the main power lines will be pruned.
Beginning mid-2019, PEPCO will also be clearing the power lines throughout the Town, this is a three/four year program, all work will be closely watched by Maintenance and Forestry & Beautification.

Communications Group

There was a great response to the call for the formation of a Communications Group.The mission of the temporary group is to prepare a report to the Town Council analyzing possibilities for optimizing communications for the Town to the citizenry. The group will have a kickoff meeting on July 5th. Interested? E-mail Betsy Klinger: [email protected]

Areas of Responsibility and Contact Information
2018/19 Mayor and Council

Mayor, John G. Compton: 301-330-8264 (h), 240-432-5700 (c)
[email protected]

Darrell Anderson: 301-963-8555
[email protected]
Historic Preservation Commission, Sign Restoration Project, Conservation Meadow, Roads & Walkways

Charlie Challstrom: 301-926-4498
[email protected]
McCathran Hall, Planning Commission, Other (Montgomery
Municipal Cagle, Census Liaison, FEMA Floodplain Coordinator)

Rob Gilmore: 240-632-9587 (h), 202-352-1877 (c)
[email protected]
Contracts, Woods, Dog Park, Shady Grove Crossing

Marida Hines: 301-580-1026
[email protected]
Website, Recreation, Communications

Pat Klein: 301-926-2256 (Town Office)
[email protected]
Emergency Preparedness (includes Safety), Maple Lake

Audrey Maskery: 301-977-0582
[email protected]
Forestry & Beautification, Maintenance, Memorials, Playgrounds


Washington Grove Cares (WGC) is sponsoring a cross-generational Musical Petting Zoo at Summer In The Parks (SITP) on Friday, July 20, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. The Musical Petting Zoo will give the kids a brief introduction to each instrument and the hands-on opportunity to actually try them out. Kids who are not enrolled in SITP are also invited to participate.

Calling all Musicians
Pass on your love of an instrument to a new generation. Join your fellow musicians who have already said they will come: their instruments include a flute, upright bass, banjo, accordion, guitar, violin, clarinet and sax. Share the sounds and story of your instrument or your own musical journey. You don’t need expertise, just enthusiasm!
Bring your instrument on the morning of July 20th to McCathran Hall. Please let us know you’re coming by contacting us at 240-813-3316 or at [email protected]

I-495 & I-270 Managed Lanes Study

Public workshop in Clarksburg July 17

This study is part of the MDOT “Traffic Relief Plan” evaluating improvements in the I-495 and I-270 corridors. The website is www.495-270-P3.com and the new project newsletter can be accessed here https://495-270-p3.com/2018/06/22/june-2018-newsletter/ . A preliminary range of alternatives has been developed based on feedback from the public at the April Open Houses. Four public workshops in July will present these alternatives and the screening criteria that will be used to evaluate them. Your input at this next phase of outreach is critical in determining alternatives to be carried forward for further study.

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