301-926-2256 [email protected]

Town Council News

Next meeting: Monday  »  07.10.06 @ 7:30 p.m. in Council Room.
The public is invited to attend.

Actions at the June organizational meeting included:
Councilor Darrell Anderson and Councilor Katherine Evans took the oath of office.
Approval of final budget transfers for FY 2006.
Assigned Council areas of responsibility.
Appointed Darrell Anderson Mayor Pro-Tem

Town Elections

Mayor (1-year term)  »  John Compton
Council (two 3-year terms)  » 
Darrell Anderson
Katherine Evans
Council Areas of ResponsibilityPlanning Commission, Intergovernmental
Darrell Anderson 301-963-8555 [email protected]
Playgrounds, Maple Lake, Memorials
Linda Baim 301-926-8767 [email protected]
Roads & Walkways, Forestry & Beautification
Georgette Cole 301-330-6740 [email protected]
Contracts & Website
Kathie Evans 301-869-7816 [email protected]
Recreation, Safety, McCathran Hall
Betsy Klinger 301-977-3517 [email protected]
Maintenance, Historic Preservation Commission, Heritage
David Stopak 301-330-6446 [email protected]

Town Meeting at a Glance

At the 70th Annual Town Meeting the FY2007 budget was adopted by unanimous vote. The tax rate will remain at .202/$100 assessed valuation. Because of a marked increase in refuse/recycling collection; the dwelling unit charge will go up to $207/dwelling.
And the Distinguished Winner is…Ann Briggs!

In Washington Grove, so many individuals volunteer much time and special effort to make good things happen. Now and then, however, the Town especially needs individuals to make extraordinary efforts on our behalf. The Mayor’s Distinguished Service Award was conceived as an opportunity for the Mayor to bring to everyone’s attention an individual effort that has been a particularly valuable recent contribution to Washington Grove.

Like the Energizer Bunny without a drum, Ann Briggs gets things done for the Town. Most everyone knows that over the years Ann has contributed mightily in official capacities (the PC, Town Council and Mayor). But as ‘resident’ Ann Briggs, she outdid herself this past year to make the Grove and surrounding communities better places by single-handedly arranging the major improvements in bus stops on Railroad St. (and soon on Washington Grove Lane). And this after leading the McCathran Hall Needs Committee, co-organizing the Mousetrap Concert series, and coordinating the Deer Park Bridge action committee. Who knows how many other things have benefited from her quiet, focused efforts. Thanks for everything, Ann!

Casey Field

A revised Phase I site plan concept showing the addition of the State Highway Administration’s storm water management area and other contemplated changes that differ from the approved Preliminary Plan can be viewed at the Town Office.

Planning Commission News

Next meeting: Wednesday  »  07.05.06 @ 7:30 p.m. in Council Room.
The public is invited to attend.

Building Permits

If you are going to erect a building or structure (including fences), make structural alterations to, or move any existing building or other structure, you must first obtain a building permit from the Washington Grove Planning Commission. The Town zoning ordinance governs setbacks, lot coverage and height. Applications are available at the Town Office at 301-926-2256. The permit fee is $10.00, payable to the Town of Washington Grove. Interior renovations, which involve electrical, plumbing, or load-bearing changes, generally require a County permit. A shed requires a County permit as well. The Town must first sign off all applications for County-required building permits. The Historic Preservation Commission will review most permits as well.

Building permits were issued for the following:
401 Brown St.  »  Fence

Historic Preservation News

Next meeting: Tuesday  »  08.15.05 @ 7:30 p.m. in Council Room.
The public is invited to attend.

The 2006 Outstanding Renovation Award was presented to George Paine at the Annual Town Meeting. The framed certificate and bronze plaque commended the meticulous and accurate restoration of the front facade of his c. 1875-1885 Bittersweet Cottage at 15 the Circle. Though no permit was required for the work, George consulted closely with the Town in reinstating the architectural integrity of this highly visible project in a very sensitive location. Though a small project, the Town as a whole, and in particular, the neighborhood of the Circle, reap the benefits of his appropriate attention to the original details of the cottage.

Neighborhood Watch News

Report Crimes & Suspicious Activity!
Mont. Co. Police non-emergency: 301-279-8000
Town Office: 301-926-2256
Betsy Klinger: 301-977-3517
Keith Gillis/Leigh Partington: 301-208-1437
Recreation Committee News

Next meeting: Wednesday  »  07.26.06 @ 7:30 p.m. in Council Room.
The public is invited to attend.

Summer TENNIS in the Grove 2006

Sign up by e-mail… [email protected] or phone…301-926-8767

Saturday Morning Breakfast Doubles Kick-Off
Saturday June 24  »  9:00 – 11:30ish

Be there!!…Bring a Dish

Tune up for Summer with Adult Tennis Camp… $30
Thursday July 13, 6:30 – 8:30pm
Friday July 14, 6:30 – 8:30pm
Saturday July 15, 9 – 11am
Sunday July 16, 9 – 11am
Monday July 17, 6:30 – 8:30pm (potluck dinner)
You Can…
Review and upgrade the basic strokes
Learn singles and doubles tactics
Participate in group competitions

Junior Tennis… $25
Tennis Times: TBA
Friday July 14
Monday July 17, Wednesday July 19, Friday July 21
Tuesday July 25, Thursday July 27

Muskrat Band needs YOU on July 4th!

Anyone interested in playing in the Muskrat Band should call Eric Selby at 301-963-7073. Otherwise, meet at the Briggs’ (203 Grove) at 11AM on the 4th. Dust off those instruments and start practicing!

Schedule for July 4th Festivities

* Most events at Woodward Park on Tuesday July 4th
10:30 a.m.  »  Costume Judging
12:00 p.m.  »  Flag Raising/Parade
12:30 p.m.  »  Ceremony & Awards (*McCathran Hall)
6:00 p.m.  »  Picnic

Please bring your family’s main course, drinks and a dish to share. The Recreation Committee will provide a hot grill and paper products.

Summer In The Parks

S.I.T.P. begins on July 5th. For more information about program needs, call Tami Williams 301-869-8541 or lead teacher Gwen Garfinkle at 301-990-1361.
Ballroom Dancing for the Younger Set

The Recreation Committee will sponsor ballroom dancing for young people at McCathran Hall in September. The dates are Sept. 8, 15, 22 & 29 from 7:30 – 9:00PM. The instructor is our own David Rapkievian. A dance party and/or dance instruction for adults is also under consideration. For more information call Meredith Horan at 301-926-1054.

Film Society

A new season of outstanding international films begins this fall, featuring award winners from China, Germany, Chechnya, Israel, and the U.S. Pick up the Washington Grove Film Society’s new brochure and a subscription to the 2006-2007 series at the July 4th festivities. Even if you miss a film, save your flexible ticket to bring a friend to a later film.

Woman’s Club News

Next meeting: Thursday  »  07.20.06 @ 7:30 p.m. in Clubhouse.
Reiki energy work with Julianne Wagner. Join us for an informative evening.

Thanks to everyone who helped make the Flower Show and Yard Sale such great events!

New Trash/Recycling Contract Begins in July!

At the May meeting of the Town Council our 3-year contract for refuse/recycling and yard waste collection was awarded to Montgomery County Sanitation and Recycling. The Mayor and Council are hopeful that both residents and roads will benefit from the smaller trucks and the more personalized service. This service begins on July 5, 2006. MCSR would like to do recycling and yard waste on Wednesdays and refuse on Thursdays. The Council is rapidly working out this detail; however, at the time of this printing whether we will change from one (1) day to two (2) is still unknown. For now, please continue to put everything out for a Wednesday AM pickup, as if there was no change. Residents will be notified of any changes, perhaps by a late June/early July separate mailing, and definitely in the July Bulletin. Misses of any type should now be reported to Kathie Evans either by phone 301-869-7816 or e-mail [email protected].

Brush Pickup? Or No Brush Pickup…

The issue of Town Maintenance picking up brush is not a new one. However, the massive amounts that are being left for Town Maintenance to pick up ARE new. The Mayor and Council would like to urge residents to let our trash contractor do your brush collection. We currently pay our refuse/recycling contractor to collect our brush. This is built into the contract and we pay for it whether the service is used or not. So, you are essentially double paying when Town Maintenance collects brush. Until otherwise notified, please consider the trash contractor as your first choice for brush removal and Town Maintenance as your fall-back. Guidelines for collection by our contractor are as follows:
Bag it! Place leaves, grass, bush and other yard trimmings in large brown paper bags available at grocery and home improvement stores.
Can it! Use reusable containers such as trash cans with appropriate stickers or marked “recycling”.
Bundle it! Brush can be tied in bundles not larger than 30″ in diameter, 4′ in length with individual pieces not to exceed 4″ in diameter.

Clerk’s Corner

School’s out and so are the children and the pets. Please drive gently.

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