301-926-2256 washgrove@comcast.net

Town Council News

Next meeting: Monday  »  06.09.08 @ 7:30 p.m. & Monday  »  06.23.08 @ 7:30 p.m. in Council Room. The public is invited to attend.

Actions at the May 19th Organizational Meeting included:

awarded this year’s road repairs contract to L.H. Musser & Sons
appointed Georgette Cole Mayor Pro-Tem
passed Resolution 2008-03; Resolution Regarding Usage of Woodward Park. Copies of this resolution are available in the Town Office.

Council Areas of Responsibility

Intergovernmental & Planning Commission
Charlie Challstrom
chacha4498@comcast.net 301-926-4498
HPC, Safety, Memorials
Joe Clark
woodherb@gmail.com 301-869-7944
Roads & Walkways, Forestry & Beautification
Georgette Cole
GeorgetteCole@yahoo.com 301-330-6740
Maintenance, Playgrounds
John Compton
jgcomp@mindspring.com 301-330-8264
Trash, Leaves, Snow, Website, McCathran Hall
Kathie Evans
virgoevans@yahoo.com 301-869-7816
Maple Lake, Recreation
Marida Hines
marida@dogdaysgraphics.com 301-519-8730

Town Meeting Adopts FY2009 Budget & Tax Rate

The tax rate for the fiscal year beginning July 1 will decrease to the constant yield rate of $0.181/$100 assessed valuation and the dwelling unit charge, which is directly tied to the cost of refuse and recycling collection, will stay at $207 per dwelling. Budget detail may be found on the Town website under Official News & Information. Please call Treasurer Mary Challstrom at 301-926-4498 with questions.

Town Elections Results

Mayor: Darrell Anderson (98)
(Write-In) Charlie Challstrom (1)
Council (3 yr.): Georgette Cole (97)
Joe Clark (87)
Council (1 yr.): John Compton (73) Terry Kirtz (28)

Planning Commission News

Next meeting: Wednesday  »  06.04.07 @ 7:30 p.m. in Council Room.
The public is invited to attend.

Building Permits

If you are going to erect a building or structure (including fences), make structural alterations to, or move any existing building or other structure, you must first obtain a building permit from the Washington Grove Planning Commission. The Town zoning ordinance governs setbacks, lot coverage and height. Applications are available at the Town Office at 301-926-2256. The permit fee for a major building permit (addition/renovation) is $40.00. The fee for a minor building permit (fence/shed) is $10.00. Checks should be made payable to the Town of Washington Grove. Interior renovations, which involve electrical, plumbing, or load-bearing changes, generally require a County permit. A shed requires a County permit as well. The Town must first sign off all applications for County-required building permits. The Historic Preservation Commission will review most permit applications as well.

Permits were issued for the following:
501 Brown St.  »  Addition
101 Center St.  »  Fence

Historic Preservation News

Next meeting: Tuesday  »  06.17.07 @ 7:30 p.m. in Council Room.
Meetings are open to the public. The HPC encourages residents to come for an early consultation when planning a renovation.

Unveiling Ceremony: Historic Marker in Morgan Park July 4th 2008

A plaque commemorating the history of Washington Grove will be unveiled at a ceremony in Morgan Park on July 4th between 1:30 p.m. and 2:00 pm. In case of rain, bring an umbrella, as there is no rain date. The dedication will take place after the July 4th costume awards and bell ringing at McCathran Hall. The Mayor will drive the Town tractor to Morgan Park to lead participants to the ceremony. There will be a few short speeches and readings of poetry and essays. Refreshments will be served. Join us to celebrate our past and contemplate the preservation of our unique community and environment into the future. NB: Morgan Park is bounded by Railroad Street, Grove Road, and Brown Street.

Recreation Committee News

Next meeting: Wednesday  »  07.16.07 @ 7:30 p.m. in Council Room.
The public is invited to attend. New members always welcome!

Music Weekend 2008

Mark Your Calendars Now! Invite Your Family and Friends!

Friday, June 20: Nobody’s Business Funky Blues, Rock-and-Roll, R&B, Country
At the Gazebo, 7:30 p.m.
Bring a picnic!
Saturday, June 21: Children’s Recital
McCathran Hall, 10:00 a.m.
Contact Tami Williams (301-869-8541) to sign up
Saturday, June 21: Cypress Trio
McCathran Hall
Live Cajun music, dance lesson, pizza & beer!
Sunday, June 22: Baroque Breakfast; Homewood Brass
At the Gazebo, 10:30 a.m.
Bring breakfast food to share and a lawn chair/blanket
(In the event of rain, all events will take place in McCathran Hall)

Woodward Park Athletic Field Update…

The athletic field in Woodward Park is scheduled to re-open for play in mid-June. The Mayor and Council will finalize Resolution 2008-03 which will govern use of the field on June 9th. The Woodward Park Committee is looking for people to sponsor non-resident groups who wish to use the soccer field. To volunteer, please contact Kathie Evans 301-869-7816 virgoevans@yahoo.com

Neighborhood Watch News

Report Crimes & Suspicious Activity!
Mont. Co. Police non-emergency: 301-279-8000
Town Office: 301-926-2256
David Stopak: 301-330-6446
Betsy Klinger: 301-977-3517
Keith Gillis/Leigh Partington: 301-208-1437

Lake Committee

Next meeting: Wednesday  »  00.00.08 @ 7:30 p.m. in Council Room.
New members always welcome! Call John Hutchinson (301-926-8767) if you have any questions or suggestions.

2008 Lake Schedule
Lake currently open weekends only until June 12th when it opens full-time. Life Guard hours will be Noon to 6:00 p.m. Lake closes Sunday, Aug. 26th but will be open for Labor Day week-end.

Swim Lesson Reminder
Swimming lessons will be offered at Maple Lake from July 1 – July 25, 2008. The May Bulletin included a registration form for lessons. These forms should be turned in to Tom Land, PO Box 305 or 313 Brown Street by June 15th. Please contact the Town Office (301-926-2256) if you need a form.

Party Permit Required
If you wish to have a party at Maple Lake, you must get a party permit. Please note that this permit does not allow you exclusive use of the lake but it will entitle you to use of the grill and the picnic tables. The contact person for a Maple Lake Party Permit is Sally Mansfield 301-977-3189.

The geese are frequenting the lake, and may be making a nest. Please do not disturb or feed them, and tell others not to also. Call John Hutchinson or Ann Philips if you have questions or notice any unusual activity.

Safety at the Lake
To minimize issues with vandalism, outside visitors and other problems, we will be monitoring the lake more frequently checking on the fence and surrounding area. Please do NOT tell young children or outsiders what the combination is, and always lock, and spin the tumblers on the lock after opening it. Call John Hutchinson, Jim Fletcher, or Bruce Rothrock if you notice any maintenance problems. Please report every incident of suspicious behavior, vandalism or criminal activity to the police at the non-emergency number: 301-279-8000. The police use the log of these calls to determine how closely to patrol an area. They have asked us to report all incidents. Please also alert NW (Neighborhood Watch) to any such incidents.

Woman’s Club News

Next meeting: Thursday  »  06.19.07 @ 7:30 p.m. at the home of Sandy Klingenberg, 103 Grove Ave. Come for a wine-food pairing dinner with Jim Davis of The Really Good Food Company. The cost is approximately $25 per person. Please RSVP to Devon Cohen by June 12 at 301-963-2894 or devon@gartenhaus.com.

Yard Sale and Bake Sale
Saturday, June 7, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Club House. We have already received many beautiful and useful donations and welcome more. Large and small items can be dropped off at the Club House porch. Small items can also be dropped off on the front porch at Joan Mahaffey’s 102 Ridge Road. You do not need to ring the doorbell. We are coordinating our sale with the Animal Rescue League sale which is also on Chestnut Road that morning.

Town Directory
The new Town Directory is for sale at the Town Office for $5. New artwork, new layout, get yours today!!

Flower Show
A huge thank you goes to all who helped make the Flower Show a success. Georgette Cole, Joli McCathran and their large corps of volunteers made it a glorious day!


June 6th: 8-9:30 p.m. Join friends to listen to Don Hayden’s “Swingtime Big Band” or to dance to the music, in the lower level of the church, the Fellowship Hall. If it isn’t raining, folks will also gather outside at the back of the church. All are welcome!

June 13th: Games Night 7:30-9:30 p.m. Come and play ping-pong and board games of all kinds in the church fellowship hall! For adults and children 12 and older, and also for children under 12 with a parent. Children under 12 can also stay on their own, if this is confirmed by a parent or other responsible adult with the adult game umpires at the church…Come and play games from Candyland to Chess…

July 3rd–7:00 p.m., Political Ethics in the Movies. Missed Amazing Grace, the story of William Wilberforce and the long fight against the slave trade in the English Parliament? Come and see the movie, or see it again, and remember what political idealism is, on the night before Independence Day!

Environmental Ethics–2nd Friday of the month meetings will take a summer break, and meet again starting on September 12th. Fall plans include the offer of a “Carbon Footprint Audit.” We’re setting this up with an expert in the field, who will evaluate information (heating and electric bills, car usage, etc) brought in by anyone who is interested. Tips on shrinking the footprint come with the audit…have a green summer!

Memorial Service for Susan Cox

A memorial service to celebrate the life of our dear friend and neighbor, Susie Cox, will be held in McCathran Hall on June 7, 2008 from 1:00-3:00 p.m.. In the Grove tradition, the service will include a potluck luncheon. For more information, call Alice Negin at 301-926-2858.

It’s That Time Again….Friendly Reminders

Article I; Section7. Operation of Power Mowers, Etc.
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a power mower, chain saw, or other power equip.m.ent on Sundays before the hour of 12:00 Noon, except that electrically powered tools may be operated within a building with doors and windows closed.

Article III; Section 9. Designations of Street and Walkways
a. The Mayor and Council of Washington Grove may, from time to time, by resolution, designate various streets and byways within the Town as walkways. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle upon a street or byway, which has been designated as a walkway, except that moving vans or other vehicles may transport household or other goods via walkways where safety or accessibility is a factor.

You Are Invited to a Birthday Celebration

The children of Sarah W. Steel would like to invite you to an Open House and Party to celebrate three quarters of a century of Sarah’s life. All are welcome and food & drink will be provided. No gifts will be accepted, please. Come to McCathran Hall on June 14, 2008 from 1:00 – 6:00 p.m. You may RSVP to Katy Steel Hoffler at kahoffler@davidson.edu or (704) 248-6944.

Yard Waste Pickup

Your yard waste will be picked up by our trash contractor if properly prepared. Bundles must not exceed 4 ft. in length or 30 inches in diameter. Separate pieces may not exceed 4 inches in diameter. You may also place your yard waste in large brown paper bags, available at home improvement centers, or in properly marked re-useable containers.

Clerk’s Corner

New Paper Recycling Bins in the Post Office!
Check out the two big blue paper recycling bins just added to the PO lobby. Now you can recycle your unwanted junk mail at the Post Office. Of course, you may still take it home if you wish. :o) Yeah!

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