301-926-2256 [email protected]

Town Council News

Next meeting: Monday » 03.09.09 @ 7:30 p.m. & Monday » 03.23.09 @ 7:30 p.m. in Council Room. The public is invited to attend.

Actions at the February Council meeting included:

  • decision to leave the record open for further comments concerning Ord. No. 2008-07.
  • introduced and approved new Resolution No. 2009-02; Resolution Regarding Usage of Woodward Park. The new resolution updates old Resolution No. 2008-03 with the addition of specific opening and closing dates and the addition of specific start dates for the acceptance of permit applications.

Town Elections

Nominations for Mayor and Town Council must be sent to Mary Kay DuBois by March 9, 2009. So put on your thinking caps and call Mary Kay at 301-926-8941.

Tax Reminder – Washington Grove -1612

Please fill in Washington Grove 1612 in the appropriate box on your State income tax form. If someone else prepares your tax forms, include this notice with your tax information and if you file electronically be sure to select Washington Grove under City, Town, or Taxing Area. This DOES NOT increase your taxes, but DOES help ensure that the Town receives its proper share of local income tax revenue. Thanks for your help!

Income and Age Eligible Property Tax Credits

Grove residents may be eligible for tax credit programs for income-eligible homeowners and seniors. The Maryland homeowners’ property tax credit and Montgomery County’s supplemental tax credit may be available to homeowners whose annual household income is less than $64,000. Homeowners who are at least 70 and are eligible for either of the tax credits are also eligible for the county’s senior property tax credit. It is necessary to reapply for the Maryland homeowners’ property tax credit program each year. The application form contains information for the state assessment agency to determine eligibility for the state and county credits, so homeowners need to submit only one application. For information about the tax credit programs, call 800-944-7403 or visit www.dat.state.md.us/. Click on “Forms & Applications” and go all the way to the bottom to “Tax Credits”.

Planning Commission News

Next meeting: Wednesday » 03.04.07 @ 7:30 p.m. in Council Room. The public is invited to attend.

Building Permits

If you are going to erect a building or structure (including fences), make structural alterations to, or move any existing building or other structure, you must first obtain a building permit from the Washington Grove Planning Commission. The Town zoning ordinance governs setbacks, lot coverage and height. Applications are available at the Town Office at 301-926-2256. The permit fee for a major building permit (addition/renovation) is $40.00. The fee for a minor building permit (fence/shed) is $10.00. Checks should be made payable to the Town of Washington Grove. Interior renovations, which involve electrical, plumbing, or load-bearing changes, generally require a County permit. A shed requires a County permit as well. The Town must first sign off all applications for County-required building permits. The Historic Preservation Commission will review most permit applications as well.

Council Sets Opening Date for Woodward Park Soccer Permits

The soccer field in Woodward Park will open for permitted use on April 15, 2009. For further information you may contact Woodward Park Coordinator Bill Robertson at 240-912-6080 or [email protected].

Historic Preservation News

Next meeting: Tuesday » 03.17.09 @ 7:30 p.m. in Council Room. Meetings are open to the public. As always, the HPC encourages residents to come for an early consultation when planning a renovation. The HPC can offer valuable, free advice BEFORE you spend money on architectural drawings. Bounce your ideas off the HPC – no charge!

“Thinking about messages from the porches of Washington Grove…
…I’m the welcoming countenance of this home, here to greet family, friend, and stranger alike.
…I’m a humble structure, yet I bridge the unpredictability of the outside world and the security of home & hearth.
…I’m a unique place, here to offer a more profound and focused experience of nature. I may be just a step or two off the ground-but at sunrise, at sunset, or in a rainstorm, I can give a child a memory that lasts a lifetime, and give an adult a child’s tree-house experience!”

Recreation Committee News

Next meeting: Wednesday » 04.15.09 @ 7:30 p.m. in Council Room. The public is invited to attend. New members always welcome!

Film Society News

Äideistä Parhain (Mother of Mine)
March 8, 2009
Directed by Klaus Härö, 2005, Finland/Sweden, subtitled,111minutes.
The Finnish people sent 70,000 children to other countries when Finland was bombed during WWII. This is the story of nine-year-old Eero and his relationship with two mothers: the Swedish woman with whom he is placed and his own war-widowed mother. Hauntingly beautiful scenery and music enrich this unforgettable film.

Embrace the mouse!

Concert No. 3 Piano Recital
March 22, 2009; 3p.m. @ McCathran Hall
Tickets still available, call Alice Negin 301-926-2858

Celebrate St. Patrick’s in the Grove!

Blackthorn St. Patrick’s Day Céilí
Friday, March 13, McCathran Hall
Dance Workshop 6-7 p.m.
Céilí from 7-11 pm with Common Ground Céilí Band!
Free to Town residents, but donations gladly accepted to help pay the band. Bring a dish or dessert to share. Soda bread, tea, and soft drinks available. For more info call: 301-990-0184. Sponsored by the Washington Grove Recreation Committee.

Let’s Dance !!

Still have those winter blahs? Well, step, shimmy, and shake into spring and join us at Studio 300, (a.k.a. McCathran Hall), for a night of dancing, dancing, and more dancing, Saturday, March 28th! Music will include Rock, Disco, New Wave, Romantic Slow Dances, Red Hot Club Mixes, and, even a few Waltzes and Polkas. Something for everybody! To liven things up even more, dress in outfits from your favorite music era or style. More information to come as the 28th approaches, but, in the meanwhile, if you have a favorite dance song – whether a slow tune from your wedding, or a fast one that makes your feet go crazy – let us know, and we’ll do our best to put it into the mix! Just e-mail the song title, artist, and date it was released to: [email protected] or [email protected]

Master Mime Mark Jaster Returns!

Sunday, March 29, 2 pm, McCathran Hall
Mark your calendars and invite your friends and family to view “Piccolo’s Trunk”. Mark Jaster presents wildly popular shows worthy of his teachers Marcel Marceau and Etienne Decroux. Put aside whatever you expected from mime, and prepare to enjoy brilliantly articulate gesture, playful interaction, gentle, inclusive humor and witty musical surprises. A hands-on workshop will follow the performance. Presented by the Washington Grove Recreation Committee.

Summer In The Parks

It’s time to register for Summer In The Parks 2009. Children and relatives of Town residents entering grades K-8 are invited to attend. Camp will meet weekdays from 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM beginning Tuesday, June 30th and ending on Friday, July 24th. We anticipate that swimming lessons will be in the afternoon, but you will need to register for them separately. Fees will be $160 per camper.

It is very important that you register your child for SITP as soon as possible so that we can make firm commitments to our staff. Speaking of staff, final arrangements have not yet been made, but we anticipate some familiar faces. The registration deadline is April 30th. If you would like to be added to the SITP Yahoo Group, our primary means of communication for the camp, please contact the list manager by email at [email protected]. We are looking forward to a great program this summer!
SITP Planning Committee

Lake Committee News

Next meeting: Thursday » 03.19.09 @ 7:30 p.m. in Council Room. Please come and help get the lake ready for another great season.

Geese Notes

We are using the Humane Society’s protocol again to humanely prevent eggs from hatching this spring. In the past several years a pair of geese has nested in an area easily accessible to our egg-oiling team. They drive away the other geese during nesting season and then leave when their eggs do not hatch. Please do not feed or harass the nesting pair or disturb the nest. If you see a nest built, please call Ann Philips or John Hutchinson. We encourage visitors to the lake to take along a plastic bag and scoop droppings. THANKS!

Lake Clean-Up – Save The Date!

The annual Maple Lake Cleanup will be on Saturday, April 11th at 10 AM. Please join in and bring your leaf rake, shovel and wheelbarrow if you have one. Rain date is Sunday, April 12th at Noon.

Lake Patrol

The Lake Committee is looking for an adult who would be interested in being a Lake Patrol this coming season at Maple Lake. This is a great opportunity for individuals who are retired, teacher off for the summer, individual looking for extra work, etc. Compensation negotiable. Contact Eric Selby at (301) 963-7073 for details or questions.

Neighborhood Watch News

Report Crimes & Suspicious Activity!
Mont. Co. Police non-emergency: 301-279-8000
Town Office: 301-926-2256
Joe Clark: 301-869-7944
Keith Gillis/Leigh Partington: 301-208-1437

Incident Report:

A total of 9 vehicles were broken into and ransacked on January 25. Some items were stolen from some. All but one vehicle had been left unlocked. Only 4 of those were reported to police. The incidents that were reported too late for last month’s bulletin are listed below.

  • January 25: Theft from vehicle. 100 block Ridge Rd – Resident reported that a company-owned computer, camera, and calculator were stolen from a company truck that was parked in driveway. Vehicle had been left unlocked. Police report filed.
  • January 25: Theft from vehicle. 100 block Ridge Rd – Resident reported service and registration documents and a wrench were stolen from an unlocked car. Police report filed.
  • January 25: Breaking/entering. 200 block Ridge Rd – Resident reported that their unlocked car had been entered and ransacked. Nothing stolen. Not reported to police.
  • February 1: Theft from vehicle. 100 block Brown St. – Resident said that their truck had been left unlocked and all their son’s tools had been stolen. Not reported to police.
  • February 13: Burglary. 100 block Grove Ave. – Resident reported a locked bike was stolen from their garage. Garage was unlocked. Police report filed.

Woman’s Club News

Next meeting: Thursday » 03.19.09 @ 7:30 p.m. in Clubhouse.

Our guest speaker is Officer Diane Tillery, Community Services Officer from the Montgomery County Police Department. Although the Town did have Officer Tillery visit recently, her remarks are to be of specific interest to women’s safety and concerns. Refreshments will be served. All are invited to attend.


  • March 7th–Silent Auction and Bake Sale for “Grove Relief” Rebuilding will take place in McCathran Hall at 7 pm. Returning musicians from last year include David Rapkievian on the fiddle and Bob McInturff with guitar and voice. Work by Grove artists and items from local businesses will be auctioned, while neighbors chat, snack, and listen to music. This year, proceeds of the auction and bake sale will provide access and support for disabled community members as town and church members volunteer with Montgomery County’s “Rebuilding Together,” and continue ongoing “Grove Relief” projects. Need more info? Residents on the Silent Auction Committee include Barbara Leng, Kitty Vogan, and Emily Cavey (numbers in the directory), and David Young at 240 912 9895. Enjoy a fun evening for a good cause!
  • April 18th & 19th, 25th & 26th–Rebuilding Together — Town and church “Grove Relief” rebuilders will participate in this county-wide charity. “Rebuilding Together,” also known as “Christmas in April,” helps needy county residents through the gift of home repairs. Want to help out in April? Call the church or Judy, at 301 869-3753 or 240 912 9895.


Forestry Committee News

Next meeting: Monday » 03.02.09 @ 7:30 p.m. in Council Room. The public is invited to attend. All are welcome!

The Forestry Committee of Washington Grove was established to monitor and help maintain the health of the Town trees and other plants. Generally we work on the Town parks and public areas. Keeping these areas beautiful and healthy is our goal, but we can’t do it without the participation of our Town residents! If you are interested in trees and/or gardening please join us. With our newest member, Maria Montefusco who is a Massachusetts-certified arborist, there are great new learning opportunities. We will be meeting on the first Monday of each month from February-October (allowing for a “winter break”).

Wood Preservation Group at Work

By early April, Phase II of the Town-adopted plan to enhance habitat and control invasive species in the West Woods (Maple Lake area) will be completed by professional help.


APRIL 25, 2009

  • Get ready for a BIG Town Celebration of our Trees.
  • Woods work day for volunteers.
  • Nature activities for kids.

Schedule and details in the April Bulletin.

Washington Grove Town Within a Forest Now Available on DVD!

$10.00 each at the Town Office. Many thanks to Allan Janus for making this possible!

Good News for Recycling

You may now recycle those pesky tops from your soda/water bottles. The only caveat is that they must be removed from the bottles. Just toss them in the bin with your other recyclables.

Brush Pick-up Reminder

As of March 1st, our trash/recycling contractor will begin picking up your recyclable yard waste in properly marked containers and/or large brown bags.
Please help the Town cut costs by using this service rather than relying on Town Maintenance to pick up your brush. Thanks!

Upcoming Hikes

  • Saturday, March 7: Harper’s Ferry (Meet at McCathran Hall at 10 am; Contact Nancy Helme for info; Rain date: March 14, 10 am.) Some can take a pleasant walk along canal while others climb the mountainside to a view overlooking Harper’s Ferry and confluence of rivers. Optional: Walk across old RR Bridge afterward to visit town of HF. 2-3 hour hike (moderate) plus hour drive each way.
  • Saturday, March 21: Great Falls-Virginia (Be at McCathran Hall 2 pm; Contact Sylvie Favret for info; Rain date Sat. March 28, 2pm) Easy-Moderate. 2-3 hr. plus driving.
  • Sunday, April 5: Blockhouse Point Park (Be at McCathran Hall 1:00 pm.; Contact Judy Mroczka for info; Rain date: Sat. April 11; ) Includes a visit to a Civil War camp and blockhouse in Blockhouse Point Park, led by Don Housley, volunteer for M-NCPPC Office of Archaeology.

Snow & Ice…bring out the salt/sand buckets!

You may have noticed some gray trash cans sitting along the side of the roadway at various intersections. These containers are filled with sand for your use if you find an intersection to be slippery or if you get stuck. If you are able, please use this, not only for yourself but for the next person that may come along! If you find that a container is empty, call Town Maintenance at 301-963-5850.

Bulletin Deadline

The deadline for getting information into the Town Bulletin is the 24th of the month.


Vehicular traffic on our walkways should be a rare occurrence. However, “moving vans or other vehicles may transport household or other goods via walkways where safety or accessibility is a factor” (Article III, Section 9[a]). In the event that you need to use a walkway, please remember to replace the Walkway Only post or the cables when you are finished.

Those who drive 15, really enjoy the scene!!

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