301-926-2256 [email protected]

Town Council News

Next meeting: Monday » 09.10.12 @ 7:30 p.m. in Council Room. The public is invited to attend.

Actions at the August 13th meeting included:

  • adoption of Resolution No. 2012-04; Final Budget Transfer Resolution FY 2012.
  • approval of the Mayor’s appointments of Bob Booher and David Stopak to the HPC.
  • support of the Planning Commission’s recommendation that a proposed sale of public land adjacent to Wade Park would be inconsistent with the precedent of alleys between private properties, current Sale of Surplus Parcels Policy and the 2009 Master Plan.

Towne Crest Alert!

We are nearing some important dates in the Towne Crest redevelopment process. The owners of Towne Crest Apartments are asking for a Local Map Amendment No. G-910. This will make it possible for them to circumvent the current zoning on the property and build a complex with 356 units versus the current 107 units. We ask that anyone who can do so come to the Planning Board Hearing on September 13 and the subsequent Review by the Office of Zoning and Administrative Hearings on October 5. It really helps to show these Boards that the residents who are going to be affected by their decision are concerned and watching what goes on. The Planning Board hearing will be in the auditorium of 8787 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring at a time yet to be announced. The OZA Hearing will be at 9:30 AM in the 2nd floor Davidson Memorial Hearing Room, Council Office Building, 100 Maryland Ave, Rockville. The Mayor, the Chairman of the Planning Commission, the Chairman of the HPC and our Legal Council will be testifying at these hearings.
The owners of The Towne Crest Apartment complex have submitted their final plan for the site to the Planning Board. They are still asking for a Local Map Amendment that would make the site PD-44. This is a Planned Development designation that our Planning Commission and Town Council strongly believe is not appropriate to the location. The latest plan still puts two-story and four-story buildings next to our homes on Daylily Lane without the setbacks that we believe are required, still results in the death or damage of Grove trees in our West Woods, and still proposes 356 rental units on 8.11 acres as compared to the 225 single family homes in the 200 acre Town of Washington Grove.

Town Lighting Update

The new (correct!) induction bulbs were installed August 23-24. After a two week settling in period, residents will be able to contact the Town Office for the new form to request a shield if they feel one is needed near them. If you have already put in a shield request you will NOT need to do this. Instead, a member of the Outdoor Lighting Committee will be contacting you to verify the request. Please don’t directly make requests to the contractor who is working on the bulbs and shields. He can’t install shields without our authorization.
The Outdoor Lighting Committee will continue to work on mid- and long-term plans for our Town lighting. Meetings will be on the third Monday of the month in the Council Room. If you are interested in these issues please join us!

New Sidewalk Coming

Montgomery County Dept. of Transportation plans to replace the blacktop sidewalk along Washington Grove Lane with a new concrete sidewalk. The major goal is to provide safer access for pedestrians and disabled citizens to schools and nearby public transportation and/or facilities. Weather permitting; construction will begin September – October 2012. If you have any questions call 240-777-7270.

Planning Commission News

Next meeting: Wednesday » 09.05.12 @ 7:30 p.m. in Council Room. The public is invited to attend. The August meeting was held on the 1st.

If you are going to erect a building or structure (including fences), make structural alterations to, or move any existing building or other structure, you must first obtain a building permit from the Washington Grove Planning Commission. All permit applications must be received in the Town Office fourteen (14) days prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which they will receive their initial review. The applicant must post a "Notice To Neighbors" sign within seven (7) days of receiving it from the Town Clerk. The Planning Commission will not act on an application unless the Notice To Neighbors sign was posted in a timely fashion as confirmed by the Commission. Please contact the Town Office (301-926-2256) or [email protected], or see permits for more details. The Historic Preservation Commission will review most permit applications as well.

Historic Preservation Commission News

Next meeting: Tuesday » 09.18.12 @ 7:30 p.m. in Council Room. The public is invited to attend.

Recreation Committee News

Next meeting: Wednesday » 09.19.12 @ 7:30 p.m. in Council Room. The public is invited to attend.

Labor Day Festivities

The Annual Labor Day festivities are scheduled for Saturday, Sunday & Monday (Sept. 1, 2, 3). Please see your August Town Bulletin or call the Town Office for details.

Zumba in the Grove!

Wednesday nights: 7:30-8:30. Beginning September 5th we are back in McCathran Hall. Special offer: September 12th is FREE of charge for new and returning "zumbasizers"! Join us for an energizing hour of low-impact but aerobic exercise. Move to salsa, hip hop, flamenco, merengue, and other fun high-energy Latin and international songs. No dance experience needed and all fitness levels are welcome at this drop-in class – no registration is necessary. Cost is $5.00/class payable to Washington Grove. Our instructor, Ingeborg McCright danced in her youth (jazz and hip hop) but her passion for zumba ignited recently in 2009. She teaches to a variety of fitness levels – classes are adapted to the participants to ensure that everyone is having fun while working out. Come, get in-shape with us, and discover that your energy levels will soar! Sponsored by the Recreation Committee. Contact Carolyn Rapkievian for more information (301-519-2021).

Bluestoberfest in Bluestember!!

The 4th Annual Washington Grove Bluestober Fest will be on Saturday, SEPTEMBER 22nd at the Gazebo from 6:00 – 10:00 PM. The Billy Thompson Band will headline this event. Sausages, hot dogs, potato salad and condiments provided. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. BYOB! Please call Lauren or Eric Selby if you can help with grilling, set-up or clean-up; 301-963-7073 or [email protected]. Lederhosen optional!

Bluestober Fest t-shirts will be available this year! Please email Eric and Lawren by Monday, September 3rd, indicating your sizes and quantities. T-shirts are Hanes Short Sleeve Beefy-T, generous fit sizes YXS-2XL, 100% preshrunk cotton and tag less for comfort. Shirt cost $20. Depending on the demand, a limited number of t-shirts may be available at the event, but Eric and Lawren kindly ask that you let them know by 9/3 to be sure you get your 2012

Woman’s Club News

Next meeting: Friday » 09.21.12 @ 6:30 p.m. at the Clubhouse.
Bring a dish to share. We are really excited to have as our speaker Dorian Janney with NASA’s Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission. In her presentation, “Freshwater – A Precious Resource”, she will discuss freshwater availability worldwide and some of the factors that impact this essential resource. She will explain why scientists are interested in how much precipitation falls back to Earth, and how they will use satellites to collect this information in the upcoming GPM mission. She will further discuss how the GPM data will have real world applications.

Dorian Janney is the educational specialist for NASA’s upcoming GPM mission. She also teaches science at Rosa Parks Middle School, and has taught in the MCPS system for thirty years. Dorian holds a B.S. and M.S. in Education, has certification from Johns Hopkins University in Earth and Space Sciences, achieved the National Board Certification in Science, and has written science curricula and trained educators in Earth and Space Sciences. This will be her final year of teaching as she transitions to working full time for NASA on the GPM mission.


  • September 9th– 9:30 am Adult DVD class introduced by Francis Collins, discoverer of the Human Genome starts. Talks are introduced by Collins, and include topics on Science and Faith presented by both theologians and scientists. Sunday school class for Teens also starts, with discussion of a book on Christianity and World Religions; and the Children’s class begins during the 11:00 hour with a study of Issues of slavery past and present and what we can do as a church to challenge injustice.
  • Mark your Calendars–October 20th is the date for the FALL FESTIVAL, featuring crafts for early holiday shopping, and a Pumpkin patch–get your pumpkins here! Also lots of activities for kids, food and fun!

Lake Committee News

Next meeting: Thursday » 09.13.12 @ 7:30 p.m. in Council Room. If it rains, the party will move to the Hutchinson/Baim home (319 Grove).

Comments for 2012 Season

  • Steve and the Maintenance Crew have been magnificent clearing downed trees and branches, mowing and fixing fences. Many thanks to Steve & Co.
  • Thanks also go out to Swim Instructor Adam Booher and all of the lifeguards for a great season at Maple Lake!


If you had anything to do with the lake this summer you are welcome to join us for an "end-of-season" celebration which will take place at the lake

The history of participation and involvement has shown that the lake is a well-used and wonderfully-appreciated resource as far back as 1955! We need more residents (especially regular users) to join the Lake Committee. There really isn’t that much to do, we are a well-oiled machine, but new members could add so much to this long-standing committee. If you have any interest or simply have comments about the lake, please contact John Hutchinson (301-926-8767) or Greg Silber (301-926-1854).

Thanks to everyone for another wonderful summer at Maple Lake!

Outdoor Lighting Advisory Committee News

Next meeting: Monday » 09.17.12 @ 7:30 p.m. in Council Room. The public is invited to attend.
The Committee meets at 7:30 on third Monday of every month, in the Council room of McCathran Hall.

Clerks Corner…
Trash Reminder

  1. Residents must have everything "curbside" no later than 7:55 am for pickup. If you miss the time, you will have to hold the material until the following week. The trucks come through picking up specific materials (trash, mixed paper, plastic & metal, yard waste, cardboard). One trip per day per specific truck.
  2. DO NOT mix recycling materials– paper in one bin, plastic/metal in a separate bin. . The company is not equipped to sort residential recycling bins. Residents must separate recyclables at the curb. Only properly sorted recyclables will be picked up.
  3. It is not acceptable to use plastic bags to hold recyclables of any kind. This is what the blue container is for. Use paper bags to hold paper.
  4. Yard waste must be in either a large paper grass clipping bag (available at home improvement and grocery stores) or a properly marked trash container for yard waste. NO PLASTIC bags for yard waste.

If there are questions, please contact Joe Clark at 301-869-7944 or [email protected]

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