11 August 2003 | Approved: 8 September 2003
Public Hearing on an Ordinance to Reduce Town Speed Limit to 15 mph:
Mayor Compton called the public hearing to order at 7:08 p.m. In attendance were Councilors Darrell Anderson, Tom Land, David Stopak, John Tomlin and Treasurer Mary Challstrom. Also present were Charlie Challstrom, Charles Horan, Sylvia Horan, Meredith Horan and Planning Commission Chair John McClelland. Mayor Compton began with a review of the traffic study performed by Joseph Cutro, P.E. The Mayor and Council took public comment from the residents present and tabled the idea of continuance until later in the meeting. Charlie Challstrom expressed concerns with the credibility of Town government and asked the Mayor and Council to actually drive 15mph and evaluate the realism of the idea. Mary Challstrom asked why we would make another law that people wouldn’t abide and the Town wouldn’t be able to enforce. David Stopak and Mayor Compton made the point that slowing people down was a safety issue and if we do nothing we would be ignoring the recommendations of the study. Charles Horan stated that he was representing 6 families on Maple Road who really think that speeding is a big problem and that a practical approach is necessary. Meredith Horan agreed and would like to try lowering the speed limit before doing any physical remedies (i.e. Speed humps etc.).
A discussion ensued about speed humps, tools of enforcement and police action. John McClelland suggested that the Mayor & Council come up with some other options before passing the Ordinance. Mayor Compton stated that the Ordinance had been introduced and that we needed to stay on task and asked if the hearing should be kept open for more public comment. John Tomlin thought that we should proceed with passing the Ordinance. Darrell Anderson moved to continue the public hearing about lowering the speed limit to 15mph until the next Town Council Meeting on Sept. 8, 2003. David Stopak seconded the motion. It passed with a vote of 5 for and 1 against. Mayor Compton called the regular meeting of the Town Council to order at 7:51 p.m. Councilors Peggy Odick and Betsy Klinger were present at this time.
Public Appearances
Joseph Stolz, 215 Grove Ave., presented the Mayor & Council with a hand-out that outlined the problems with rentals at McCathran Hall and recommendations to eliminate these problems. Mr. Stolz stated that the little bit of money that the rentals take in is hardly worth the aggravation or the inconvenience to the neighbors. The Mayor & Council agreed that the 11:00 p.m. stop time in the Ordinance is too late. A discussion ensued concerning the resident-sponsored events being the major offenders. The Mayor asked the Council to review the McCathran Hall Policy and the Ordinance and to return in September with ideas for discussion.
Approval of Minutes
David Stopak moved, Peggy Odick seconded that the Town Council minutes of 14 July 2003 be approved with corrections. Vote: 6-0.
Treasurer’s Report
Darrell Anderson moved, Peggy Odick seconded, that the Treasurer’s report be accepted. Vote: 6-0. Peggy Odick moved, Darrell Anderson seconded, that the Treasurer be authorized to transfer funds if necessary. Vote: 6-0.
Council Reports
Public Safety
Betsy Klinger reported that the Neighborhood Watch is being coordinated by Chris Kirtz 102 Center Street. The Town has been divided into 23 blocks with 9 – 11 homes in each block. Chris is calling a Block Captains meeting within the next week. Betsy also reported about car break-ins and suspicious activity since the last meeting.
McCathran Hall
Betsy Klinger reported that she is still working on the estimates for repairs and staining the exterior of the old part of the Hall. Her hope is to get the work done in the fall. Ed Mroczka gave an estimate of $265.00 for materials and $765.00 for labor for storm windows in the Lower Hall. The Mayor and Council suggested giving Ed a target date. Betsy also reported that "The Great Vine Pull" on McCathran Hall is scheduled for August 17th.
Tom Land reported that service from Waste Management, our trash collection service, seems to be improving. A bulk trash pickup is scheduled for August 23rd. Tom also suggested that we publish trash pickup guidelines in the Bulletin.
Maple Lake
Tom Land reported no real problems at Maple Lake with the exception of people getting in through the holes in the fence. Tom also reported that the water was treated on Saturday (8/9/03) and that Jim Fletcher informed Dodie Tippens Lake Chairperson that the pumping permit is going to expire.
David Stopak reported that he discussed the holes in the fence at Maple Lake with Jim Fletcher and that Jim has been patching holes for 25 years and feels that the Council should consider more long-term solutions like planting sticker bushes and poison ivy on the fence. David also reported that mowing is caught up and the drains on Oak Street have been cleared. The Mayor & Council looked at the prototype sign for the soccer field in Woodward Park. John would like to have the ends cut off a bit.
Peggy Odick reported that the website is getting about 25 hits per month? Bill Saar, our webmaster, would like the Mayor & Council to consider the use of the message board & calendar options. HPC – Peggy Odick reported that the Historic Preservation Commission has defined and produced a list of contributing structures.
Roads & Walkways
John Tomlin reported that he drove through Town and checked all of the identified problem areas and verified that they really do need to be fixed. He stated that the Pine Road apron is particularly bad and should be fixed first.
Betsy Klinger moved, Tom Land seconded the motion to start the Pine Road repairs as specified by AB Viers. Vote: 6-0.
Planning Commission
Darrell Anderson reported that the Commission continues to work on the Town Ordinances and hopes to deliver all of the parts with changes to Council members before the September Council meeting. Darrell also said that the Planning Commission believes that the Town Council must include a clarification of all Ordinances dealing with businesses, schools and the impact on the Town in these revisions.
Tom Appleby (112 Chestnut Ave.) requested guidance from the Commission on the procedures for submitting an application to demolish his house and rebuild on the same site. The request will be handled in the same manner as any request to renovate.
The Board of Zoning Appeals approved the application of "Twice Is Nice", a ladies consignment shop, as a tenant for the Commercial Corner.
Darrell Anderson reported that the Forestry Committee did not meet this month. He also reported that all sections of Town not covered in the first phase of the tree inventory are now covered by new volunteers and returning veterans. The hope is to complete the inventory by the end of fall 2003. There was more discussion concerning several big oaks in Woodward Park that were looking bad.
Mayor’s Announcements
- Mayor Compton reported that he had received documentation from M-NCPPC showing a new plan for the "Four Chimney Estates" development on Central Avenue. This plan shows six new houses and does not save the original home.
- Nagem (104 Maple Road) Update: Mayor Compton reported that he and Jim Fletcher would look at the equipment in question to determine if it is on Town property. If so, the Police will be called to tow the vehicles away.
- Casey Field Update: The Shady Grove Civic Alliance has hired land use attorney Norman Knopf and an historic consultant. Although there are no real significant Native American Indian findings on this property, there is an historic relationship between the land and the Town of Washington Grove. The Town actually owned this property at one time. SGCA also hired a water consultant who believes that the Oxbridge Development will have a real negative impact on the headwaters and wetlands in the area.
Mayor Compton made the following appointments:
- Bud O’Connor; Planning Commission; 5-yr.
- Bob Booher; Historic Preservation Commission; 3-yr.
- Chris Kirtz; Historic Preservation Commission; 3-yr.
David Stopak moved, Betsy Klinger seconded approval of the Planning Commission and Historic Preservation Commission appointments. Vote: 6-0.
- Ralph Hurst; Board of Zoning Appeals; 3-yr.
- Charlie Challstrom; Board of Zoning Appeals/ Alternate; 3-yr.
David Stopak moved, Darrell Anderson seconded approval of the Board of Zoning Appeals appointment. Vote: 6-0.
- Pat Deely; Fire Board; 1-yr.
Darrell Anderson moved, Tom Land seconded approval of the Fire Board appointment.Vote: 6-0.
- Jim Leng; Planning Commission/Alternate; 5-yr.
Darrell Anderson moved, Peggy Odick seconded approval of the Planning Commission appointment. Vote: 6-0.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:43 p.m.