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9 August 2010 | Approved: 13 September 2010

Mayor Anderson called the regular meeting of the Town Council to order at 7:32 p.m. In attendance were Councilors Joe Clark, Georgette Cole, Marida Hines and Bill Robertson. Also present were Treasurer Mary Challstrom and Town residents Charlie Challstrom, Diane Garoni, Tom Land, David Neumann, Carolyn Rapkievian and Bruce Rothrock. Councilor Kelly arrived at 7:45 p.m. and Councilor Favret arrived at 7:53 p.m.

Approval of the Agenda

Joe Clark moved, Georgette Cole seconded that the agenda for August 9, 2010 be approved. The Mayor removed the executive session announcement and Ted Kelly asked for the addition of a memorials idea under New Business. Vote: 4-0.

Public Appearances

Carolyn Rapkievian handed out information about street lighting. She asked if she could put together a lighting committee in order to come up with a long term lighting plan for the Town. She asked for guidance from the Council. There was a lengthy discussion about reducing light pollution, down lighting, the current conversion plans, costs, fixture changes and safety. The Mayor approved the idea and asked that three (3) things be kept in mind; include someone from Neighborhood Watch, include both pro and con light people and talk to other municipalities. Carolyn will write something about the new “Outdoor Lighting Advisory Committee” for the September Town Bulletin.
David Neumann expressed his concerns about the confusion that seems to surround the budget process and suggested that Town residents would benefit from some education. He also stated that he would like to see an alternate process for voting on the budget in the coming year. He proposed that instead of two (2) votes in their current order, the Town change to three (3) votes; 1st vote on expenditures; 2nd vote on how to fund expenditures; 3rd vote on the tax rate. Mr. Neumann also asked about the available monthly expense reports for councilors. Mary Challstrom stated that Quick Books makes this very easy. David then asked that the Mayor and Council deal with the over-growth of brush along the roadways. He asked that residents be reminded not to plant bushes so close to the road and suggested that perhaps a letter to residents or an article in the Bulletin might help. He went on to say that the Council has the flexibility to impose a front foot benefit charge on residents in order to pay for an outside contractor.
Diane Garoni came to discuss excessive speeding on Ridge Road. She stated that the old speed humps were no longer effective. Residents are taking matters into their own hands by yelling at speeders and standing in the middle of the road. Nothing is working and residents are putting themselves at risk. There was a lengthy discussion about types of speed bumps/humps, rumble strips and pushing traffic to Maple Road. The Mayor and Council will discuss this further at the August 23rd meeting. Diane will canvas residents and return to the August 23rd meeting with the results.

Approval of Minutes

Georgette Cole moved, Ted Kelly seconded that the Town Council minutes for July 12, 2010 be approved. Vote: 6-0.

Georgette Cole moved, Bill Robertson seconded that the Town Council minutes for June 26, 2010 be approved. Three errors were pointed out. The minutes were approved as amended. Vote: 6-0.

Approval of Council Reports from July 2010 for Posting on the Website

Bill Robertson moved, Joe Clark seconded that the Council Reports from July 2010 be approved for posting on the Town website. Vote: 6-0.

Treasurer’s Report

  • Joe Clark moved, Bill Robertson seconded that the Treasurer’s report for July 2010 be accepted. There was a discussion about the budget process, transparency, education, putting the Treasurer’s Report on the Town website and adding more budget work sessions to the calendar. Vote: 6-0. Ted Kelly moved, Georgette Cole seconded the motion to transfer funds in order to pay bills. Vote: 6-0.
  • Treasurers Report 2010-08 pdf

McCathran Hall Rental Policy – Discussion

After a short discussion, it became clear that this subject merited more time than the evening would allow. The discussion was tabled and will be continued at the September 27th meeting.

Mayor’s Announcements

  • Deer Park Bridge – Mayor Anderson reminded the Council of the meeting with CSX at 9:30 AM on August 12th in McCathran Hall. The purpose of the meeting is to listen to the report about lowering the tracks. This is the report that was promised in December. CSX will also give further details about fixing the at-grade crossing.
  • LOS Condemnation – Mayor Anderson reported that a lot was happening right now. August 21st is the date for depositions. The Town and Toll Brothers have asked to delay the depositions but still keep the same trial date.
  • Casey 6 & 7 – nothing to report.
  • Shady Grove Crossing – Mayor Anderson asked that the group that previously worked on the landscaping plan for the buffer area along Ridge Road meet to review this plan before the meeting with Mr. Driscoll from Toll Brothers. Georgette Cole will set this up.

New Business

  • Maintenance Committee – Joe Clark proposed that a Maintenance Committee form, in order to help give feedback to the new Maintenance Supervisor and perhaps help with priorities. He explained that the meetings would be open, just like other committee meetings. Mayor Anderson opposed the idea. A discussion ensued. Joe Clark was given the go-ahead for this advisory only committee.
  • Memorials – Ted Kelly presented handouts showing examples of benches and plaques that could be purchased by residents to memorialize loved ones.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:56 p.m.

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