301-926-2256 [email protected]

August 9, 2021 | Approved:  September 13, 2021

The regular meeting of the Town Council was held remotely via ZOOM Video Conferencing. The meeting was recorded.

Mayor John Compton called the meeting of the Town Council to order at 7:33 p.m. In attendance were Councilors Darrell Anderson, David Cosson, Christine Dibble, Patty Klein, and Barbara Raimondo. Gray Yachup arrived at 8:30 p.m. Also in attendance were Treasurer Jean Moyer and approximately 15 residents.

Approval of Agenda

Patty Klein moved to approve the agenda. Darrell Anderson seconded the motion.  Vote: 6-0, agenda approved.

Public Appearances

David Stopak, Historic Preservation Commissioner, appeared to ask the Town Council to participate in a joint meeting with the Planning Commission and the Historic Preservation Commission to discuss regulating demolition of homes of historic significance in the Grove. He proposed such a meeting be organized around a presentation by Fred Stachura on state and county regulation. Mr. Stachura is President of the Maryland Association of Historic District Commissions and an employee of the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, and has offered assistance in writing an ordinance tailored specifically to the Town’s needs.

Bob Booher, from the Sustainability Committee, asked if the Council would entertain having the Town join the Sustainable Maryland certification program offered for Maryland local governments. He will bring information to the next Council meeting and asked to be in the agenda.

Approval of Minutes

Darrell Anderson moved to approve the July 12, 2021, minutes of the Town Council. Christine Dibble seconded the motion. Patty Klein noted the word “facility” to describe Timber Turnpikes and signage in the Woods wasn’t entirely accurate. She proposed amending to substitute the term “improvements”. She moved approval of the amended Minutes, which Darrell Anderson seconded.  Vote: 5-0, Minutes approved as amended.

Treasurer’s Report

Christine Dibble moved acceptance of the July 2021 Treasurer’s Report. Barbara Raimondo seconded the motion.  Vote: 6-0, accepted.

Mayor’s Announcements

  • Retirement of Maintenance Supervisor Steve Werts as of December 1, 2021 – In a letter to the Mayor and Town Council, Steve Werts indicated his plans to retire from his position as Maintenance Supervisor. John Tomlin has offered to help with the job description and inventory of tasks. Dave Cosson suggested the Mayor and Council re-evaluate the job and think about what could be done with the use of contractors. Mayor Compton thinks having employees who live in Town is a huge benefit. There was additional discussion about recognizing Steve for his years of outstanding service to the Town.
  • Lake Incident Reporting – Our liaison in the Montgomery County Police Department stated that non-emergency incidents such as the recent one in July at Maple Lake should be reported by someone present at the time calling the non-emergency police number (301) 279-8000. An officer will be dispatched to collect information and file a report.
  • Road Work – The road work at McCauley Street and Washington Grove Lane is completed, and has received kudos from several pleased residents.
  • Update on PO Box policy at the Washington Grove Post Office – As a result of his recent letters to our US Senators and Representative, a representative of the United States Postal Service in the Washington DC office has contacted Mayor Compton. The USPS has not located documentation of mail service history for Washington Grove and the reason for the current situation, and requested any information the Town may have in our records. Additional research is in progress by the USPS and in Town. There was brief discussion about the Town’s present situation and possible solutions. Further updates will be reported at the September meeting.
  • Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) Approves Special Exception Use For a Church at The Commercial Corner – Mayor Compton reported the Board of Zoning Appeals granted approval for a church use at 105 Washington Grove Lane. Planning Commission Chair Peter Nagrod reported John McClelland’s public appearance at their last meeting, where he argued that Town ordinances are in conflict with the BZA ruling. The new church has not yet obtained a Business License.
  • Update on the Shared Use Bike Path Connection Task Force – Mayor Compton reported the Task Force has held five working meetings to organize their work. He noted the summary in the August Town Bulletin. The Task Force has scheduled the first of two public comment meetings for September 1st, when residents may appear and comment on the bike connection. [The second open meeting is now scheduled for September 30th].

Dave Cosson had voiced his opinion earlier that it was inappropriate for Mayor John Compton to attend the Shared Use Bike Path Connection Task Force meetings. The group must be independent with no input or influence from the Mayor. Patty Klein stated she attended the last meeting first two meetings off-camera and mute (listen only). She went on to add her disapproval of Mayor Compton attending and/or participating in the meetings of this group. She feels his attendance/participation does not honor the response to the petition and a potential conflict for the task force.

Mayor Compton responded that the Task Force requested his attendance at the early working meetings to answer questions about process and operation in the early stage of organizing their work. He questioned whether this, or Councilor attendance at meetings conflicts with the Council response to the Petition. As expected of Town Councilors present at Task Force meetings, he has and will continue to take no active role in the meetings. He further reminded everyone that the early meetings of the Task Force have concerned identifying the shared-use path connections to study (essentially all…) and planning how they would collect information for the various criteria. The evaluation of the criteria is planned for later in the process of producing their report.

Barbara Raimondo noted the fact that Patty Klein was on camera and spoke at that same Task Force meeting. Patty replied she spoke simply to clarify Mayor Compton’s response to questioning. Barbara went on to encourage all Town Councilors to attend the meetings.

McCathran Hall Use Policy: Proposed Revision to the User Agreement Form

Barbara Raimondo reviewed the newly revised form. She suggested to stay consistent with changing Montgomery County Covid-19 health policies, that the Town forms have language requiring Hall users to follow then current County COVID protocol. A link might be provided to the Council website. After brief discussion, the Council approved by consensus that appropriate new language be added, and the revised forms be adopted subject to review by the Council of the forms circulated by email.

Administrative Matters

  • Adopting Audio/Video Recordings as the Official Minutes of Town Council Meeting and Posting to the Town Website – Mayor Compton suggested putting the automatic transcript issue aside. Instead, he would like to try the ZOOM version of closed captioned and a transcript. This version may need editing to meet the Town’s needs. Barbara Raimondo explained ZOOM isn’t sufficiently accurate for an “official” document and would require editing. Darrell Anderson reported on information from the Maryland Municipal League and some other municipalities: Takoma Park tried to use close captioned for their minutes but found it very expensive and not worth it, and that he would investigate the software application “Open Media” and report back to the Council. There was continued discussion about the following:
    • Clarifying the purpose of audio transcripts of meetings
    • How other governmental jurisdictions address 508 compliance.
    • Whether and when 508 compliance is required.
    • Use of a captioner at the cost of approx. $100.00 per hour per Barbara Raimondo.
    • Trying the closed captioning option in Zoom and review down the road
    • Doing a beta test by a resident
    • Screen readers for people with visual impairments

    The Council concluded form this discussion that further research exploration of options was needed.

  • HPC Approval to Donate $200.00 to the American Association for State and Local History – Mayor Compton noted that donations were not in the HPC budget, so he requested HPC Chair Bob Booher to explain this proposed expense to the Town Council. Bob Booher explained how the HPC used the AASLH as a resource in various ways and that the organization had reached out due to the financial impacted on them from the pandemic. Patty Klein moved to approve the expense as presented. Dave Cosson seconded the motion.  Vote: 6-0, donation approved.

“Welcome to Washington Grove” Signage RFP – Review and Approve for Distribution

Per Town policy, the Council reviewed the request for proposal presented by the Border Committee. The RFP will go out on September 13 to give the vendors approx. a month to reply. Dave Cosson moved to approve the RFP for three welcome signs. Gray Yachup seconded the motion.  Vote: 6-0, approved for distribution.

Trail Maintenance in the Town Woods: New Trail Sign Markers and Improving Wet Trail Sections – Discussion and Approval of Woods Committee Proposals and Design

Woods Committee Co-Chair Joan Mahaffey presented a Power Point with budget information for trail improvements, maps, and a visual of a concept for new entry signs to the Town Woods to notify users of restrictions imposed to protect the forest. Barbara Raimondo expressed concern about the new prohibition on bike use in the woods, and Joan explained how bike riding in the woods causes ruts and other damage. There was a discussion about the following:

  • Continuing the Town Council policy of specifying rules for use by Resolution since they are more easily changed than Ordinances.
  • Trail maintenance guidebooks.
  • Installing more timber turnpikes on Maple Avenue extended between Dorsey and McCauley.
  • The relocation of Bradfield Crossing.

Action: A new resolution setting forth the Policy and Rules for the use of the Town Woods will be drafted for the September Town Council meeting.

Dave Cosson moved to approve additional timber turnpikes as proposed by the Woods Committee, relocation of the Bradfield Crossing, and installation of trail entry signposts as proposed to include restrictions on use of the woods as specified in the Town Ordinances or by resolution of the Town Council. Patty Klein seconded the motion. Barbara Raimondo proposed amending this to exclude everything after the words “as specified in Town Ordinances or by Resolution of the Town Council”, which the proposers of the motion accepted.  Vote: 5 in favor (Cosson, Dibble, Klein, Raimondo, Yachup), 1 opposed (Anderson). Woods improvements approved.

Resolution 2021-10 Authorizing Deer Management Bow Hunting Sessions in the East and West Woods Fall 2021 into Winter 2022

Patty Klein gave a quick recap of the resolution noting only the dates were changed from previous years’ resolutions. She has been in contact with the Bow Hunting Firefighters of Maryland and the proper forms and insurance documents are on their way. Darrell Anderson verified the hunting would not take place in the Conservation Meadow. Patty Klein moved to adopt which Dave Cosson seconded.  Vote: 5 in favor (Cosson, Dibble, Klein, Raimondo, Yachup), 1 opposed (Anderson). Resolution (PDF) adopted.

Traffic Calming on Lower Ridge Road and Brown Street

Patty Klein proposed a temporary-style speed hump on lower Ridge Road be installed by Town maintenance. This action was requested by John Tomlin (358 Ridge Road) some months ago as a measure to protect children and pedestrians form incidents of excess speed he has witnessed. Discussion included:

  • Installation on a trial basis and subsequent evaluation.
  • Normal procedure for installation
  • Doing a survey to determine public opinion
  • There has been no additional public comment in response to a notice in the Bulletin.
  • Directly seeking comment by contacting each residence.

Gray Yachup stated this is low risk and high reward and there has been plenty of time for comments. He offered to survey the residences on lower Ridge and report back to the Council.  A speed hump on lower Ridge Road will be reconsidered at the September meeting.

Christine Dibble supports installing a speed hump on the 400 block of Brown Street, but agrees further public input is needed. She will contact residences of Brown Street.

Safety concerns at the intersection of Brown Street and Maple Road were discussed. Mayor Compton will talk to the residents at Brown and Maple (Turners). He will likely include another plea for vehicle and pedestrian safety awareness in a future Town Bulletin.

Reducing Speeding and Noisy Vehicles on Railroad Street and Washington Grove Lane

Emergency Preparedness and Safety Committee (EPSC) Chair Dave Lutter (127 Washington Grove Lane) reported that County police say the number of racing, speeding, and loud vehicles has increased since the pandemic. He listed some accidents on Washington Grove Lane and on Railroad Street. Letters about the unsafe situation have been written. The letters also ask for speed cameras and noise detection devices. The EPSC will draft a letter on this matter for the Mayor to consider sending to the Montgomery County Department of Transportation and  the Montgomery County Police Department.

Town Council Reports

Items of Note (See the full Council reports below).

  • Additional identity fences have been installed at the entries from Washington Grove Lane to Chestnut Avenue, Grove Avenue, 4th Avenue, and Boundary Street.
  • Peter Nagrod proposed naming the path between Hickory Road and the Washington Grove Lane crossing to the Lake as “Hutch’s Way.” Darrell Anderson moved and Patty Klein seconded naming the small lane to Maple Lake “Hutch’s Way.”  Vote: 6-0, so named.

Patty Klein moved to approve the Council Reports for posting on the website. Darrell Anderson seconded the motion.  Vote: 6-0, accepted for posting.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m.

Kathryn L. Lehman
Town Clerk

Reports from Individual Councilors about their Areas of Responsibility


Table of Contents


Reports about Activities of Grove Commissions:

Reports about Activities of Grove Committees:

Reports about Other Grove Activities:

Reports about Activities of Grove Commissions

Historic Preservation Commission (Darrell Anderson)

The HPC held a virtual meeting on August 17, 2021; the next meeting will be held on September 21, 2021, at 7:30 pm by virtual means.

The HPC discussed a PWPP permit by Comcast for line replacement along Brown Street and Railroad Street. The HPC decided that it did not need to be involved in the decision but would attend a meeting with Comcast and the Planning Commission and Forestry and Beautification Committee to determine if they will need to have input.

The HPC discussed the upcoming public comment meeting of the Multiuse Pathway and the various HPC responses. A long discussion was held on the alternate pathway proposed by David Stopak and the historic section proposed by Wendy Harris. These would be edited and revised before the meeting to express the HPC’s position.

A joint meeting of the MAHD/Planning Commission/HPC/Town Council to hear a presentation on demolition is being planned. Dates suggested were September 14, 22, and 28. These will be sassed to the committees to gauge when the meeting will be held.

The HPC will respond by letter to the Montgomery County Solar APP regarding how the Town can review potential applications. The response will be sent to the Planning Commission for possible inclusion in the Comprehensive Plan.


Planning Commission (Christine Dibble)


Applications for Building Permits and Public Ways and Property Permits
  • Not submitted yet, but Marida Hines and Terri Johnson have expressed interest in requesting to convert their carport into an enclosed garage.
Other Matters
  • Meeting with Maryland Association of Historic District Commissions rep re: how to approach the permitting of the demolition of historic structures has been scheduled for Wednesday, September 22.  More information will be forthcoming.
  • 411 Grove (Bloskey and Tobolski/guardrail): PC is of the opinion that Steve Werts should supervise the replacement of the guardrail at 411 Grove Ave. 
  • 17050 Railroad Street/Harrison or Cator property (John Campbell/Forest Conservation Plan (FCP)):  We are drafting a Conservation Easement between the developer and the Town.
  • 108 Ridge Road (Chapman-Morgan/access to rear of property via Cherry Avenue):  We are deferring further discussion until we can review the easement previously granted.
  • 412 4th Avenue (Foreman):  We are deferring further discussion of permitting Bryant Foreman’s shed until we further review all applicable ordinances.
  • Comprehensive Plan: The PC is holding two work sessions (open to the public) this month to address comments on the draft plan received from the Maryland Department of Planning.
  • Ordinances: Once the Comprehensive Plan has been finalized, the PC will turn its attention to reviewing all of the Town’s ordinances and suggesting revisions.

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Reports about Activities of Grove Committees

Border Committee (Pat Klein)

The Border Committee met on August 12, 2021.

  • Washington Grove Town Entrance Signs: The RFP was distributed and bids are due September 13 to be opened at the September Town Council meeting.
  • Brown Street Metal Gate: EPSC met with Town Maintenance to consider replacement of the gate with at least 2 ‘breakaway’ wooden posts spaced 3-5 feet apart across Brown Street at the Hickory Road intersection to block vehicular traffic except for emergency vehicles. The spacing of the wooden posts would allow pedestrian, bicycle, and stroller/wheelchair passage.
  • Identity Fencing along WGL and RR Streets: receiving good comments on the sections placed along Chestnut and WGL including “Hutch’s Way” path; Will erect fencing at WGL/4th Avenue and Silver Dollar Court/Boundary Street at edge of East Woods trail entrance. Plan to clear West Woods corner of WGL/ Day Lilly Lane for placement of Entrance Sign and identity fence sections.
  • Noise and Speeding Vehicle Updates: A group of town residents is working with MC police to collect data on WGL and RR Street. Additional input being received from other town residents and certain habitual “violators” are being identified and reported to MC police. They will send a letter to MC listing public safety concerns and requesting speed cameras. The EPSC is preparing a letter for the Mayor to send.
  • Commercial Corner: Planning Commission is having discussions with MC and CC owner to move or remove the dumpster by end of the year which blocks driver visibility at the RR Street/ WGL intersection. Overgrown shrubs along WGL (CC driveway) need to be trimmed and guard rails installed for pedestrian safety.

The next meeting will be September 9, 2021.

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Dog Park Committee (Christine Dibble)

Grove dogs and their owners are meeting most weekends on Saturday or Sunday mornings for playdates.

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Emergency Preparedness and Safety Committee (Pat Klein)

The EPSC met on August 26, 2021. Gary Temple and Kriss Grisham, co-chairs of the Shared Use Pathway Task Force joined the meeting. Also in attendance were Barbara Raimondo (Town Councilor) and Krista Zanetti.

  • Lower Ridge Road (LRR) public safety /vehicle speeding: Last year, the EPSC responded to public safety concerns for speeding vehicles raised by a town resident at LRR who noted potential jeopardy for children playing in the area. The EPSC conducted a site visit and recommended the Mayor solicit input from Town residents via Town Bulletin notice regarding installation of a speed hump on LRR. A second notice was posted in the Town Bulletin several months later without response. At the August 2021 TC meeting, the Mayor and TC decided to directly survey LRR residents before taking actions and will share the results with the EPSC. The Committee also contacted Town Maintenance to request clearing overgrown vegetation around the guard rail at the end of LRR so EPSC can affix reflective tape to warn drivers of the dead end. EPSC plans to assess the LRR and Center Street intersection for placement of new signs (e.g., “Children at Play”) and repositioning existing road signs.
  • Updates on Speeding Vehicles – Washington Grove Lane and Railroad Street: Krista Zanetti was invited to the EPSC meeting to provide updates on the town resident group working with MC police to collect data on reckless driving and loud exhausts along WGL and RR Street as part of a regional effort to reduce these public safety hazards. These residents drafted a letter to a county transportation official (Daniel McNickle) to request an evaluation for speed cameras on WGL and RR Street; new or enhanced speed bumps on both streets; and a reduced speed limit on WGL. The ESPC will draft a similar letter for the Mayor to send to county officials requesting action on these issues.
  • Shared Use Path Task Force – Summary of Safety Issues: The EPSC reviewed the previous 3-4 years of committee meeting minutes to identify town safety issues relevant for the Shared Use Pathway Task Force to consider for their report. Specifically, the importance of proper snow and ice removal from roadways, lines of sight at intersections, visibility to/for residents exiting driveways, vehicle speeding (exceeding town speed limits), stop sign enforcement, improved street lighting, and road signage are all critical concerns if the shared used path is routed through the Town roads. The EPSC will submit a list of public safety concerns to the Task Force.

The next EPSC meeting will be on September 23rd, 2021.

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Forestry and Beautification Committee (Barbara Raimondo)

Attended meeting September 8. Items discussed were:

  • Trees in the Grove draft for October
  • Planning for Fall tree planting
  • Fall workday for Circle restoration
  • Discuss Forest Conservation Plan for 17050 Railroad Street

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Lake Committee (Gray Yachup)

  • Measurements and reports: The last two measurements of e. coli have been within acceptable parameters.
  • Flora and fauna: The snapping turtle appears to have had babies. The Lake Committee will be monitoring their growth.
  • Miscellaneous: The Lake has closed for the season, and lifeguards have ended. There are several outstanding maintenance tasks that need to be addressed, including a possible crack in the well casing that will need to be patched up. In addition, the bubbler has been suspended from a floatation device to prevent it from being clogged.

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Lighting Committee (Dave Cosson)

The Lighting Committee did not meet in August, it will next meet on September 29th. In the meantime, efforts will be continue to coordinate with other municipalities in preparation for a Pepco streetlight filing with the Public Service Commission.

New bollard lighting has been installed and is in operation on the paths beside the Town Hall.

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Racial and Social Equity Committee (Barbara Raimondo)

Provided guidance on whether the committee or its subcommittees need to comply with the Open Meetings Act. (See below.)

RASEC Committee/Subcommittees and the Maryland Open Meetings Act

A question came up in a recent RASEC meeting: Are subcommittees of RASEC required to comply with the Maryland Open Meetings Act (OMA)?

To answer this question we start with another: Is the Racial Equity Committee required to comply with the OMA?

I believe the answer is no to both.

The OMA applies to a “public body.” This term means:

(h) Public body. —

(1) “Public body” means an entity that:

(i) consists of at least two individuals; and

(ii) is created by:

1. the Maryland Constitution;

2. a State statute;

3. a county or municipal charter;

4. a memorandum of understanding or a master agreement to which a majority of the county boards of education and the State Department of Education are signatories.

5. an ordinance;

6. a rule, resolution, or bylaw;

7. an executive order of the Governor; or

8. an executive order of the chief executive authority of a political subdivision of the State.

(MD Gen Provisions Code § 3-101)

RASEC was not created by any of these actions, therefore it is not a “public body” and not subject to the OMA. If the full committee is not subject to the OMA, then logically the subcommittees are not either.

A caveat: If a quorum of the Town Council or a Board or Commission that is required to comply with the OMA is present, and they meet to “consider or transact public business” (MD Gen Provisions Code § 3-101(g)), then the OMA applies.  Members of the Town Council, Boards, Commissions should be mindful of this. These individuals are required to take OMA training thus should be aware of their obligations.

In 2019 the Town Council of Washington Grove passed a resolution stating in part:

Committees should adhere to the spirit of the Maryland Open Meetings Act by:

1. Holding open meetings in the Town hall, or other public locations in or in the vicinity of the Town, so long as such locations are accessible to the public;

2. Providing town-wide advance notice of such meetings;

3. Publishing in advance an agenda for such meetings;

4. Approving and making publicly available draft and final meeting Minutes.

(Town of Washington Grove Resolution No. 2019-13, Enacted 04/13/2020)

It appears that RASEC adheres to the “spirit of the Maryland Open Meetings Act” by following these practices.

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Recreation Committee (Gray Yachup)

Joey Fones did an excellent job setting up the Labor Day events, which went off wonderfully.

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Woods Committee (Dave Cosson)

The Woods Committee (WC) met on September 7th by Zoom and discussed the following:

Draft Resolution Establishing Rules for Uses of the East and West Woods Preserves: At the request of the Town Council, The WC developed a draft resolution that would establish rules for the uses of the Woods Preserves. The WC recommends the Town Council approve and adopt this Resolution at the September Council meeting. Upon adoption, the WC will proceed with the acquisition and installation of the Woods trail entrance signage discussed last month. The Draft Resolution cites Ordinance 2021-13 (Art. I, Sec. 14) as authority for adoption of rules and establishing protection of The Woods to ensure a natural habitat and to provide sanctuary for residents to walk.

Re-routed Bradfield Crossing: Town Maintenance has installed anchors for the culvert placed in the stream bed over which the re-routed trail will ultimately go. Additional work to be done this fall includes placing dirt over the culvert, possible installation of stone steps, and clearing the stubs of the greenbrier that has been cut for the new trail. Upon completion the re-routed trail will provide much safer access to and from the Challstrom trail.

Future Timber Turnpikes: Consistent with the Town’s Forest Stewardship Plan to restore and manage The Woods, planning continues for extension of the Timber Turnpikes to the habitually wet and muddy areas of Maple Ave. Extended to provide a safe walking route for residents and reduce off trail walking that widens the trail and compacts the soil. Side rails for the turnpikes will be made from fallen tree limbs from The Woods and will protect vernal pools. Town Maintenance will have soil and wood chips available. The landscape contractor who built the pilot turnpikes has stated they will be available to conduct this project in late fall/early winter at a cost below the RFP bid requirement.

Deer Management Update: The TC last month approved the Committee’s recommendation for the volunteer BHFFMD bow hunt again this season, which begins September 10th. Coordination with BHFFMD has occurred and the feeding station installed in its prior location. Discussions with MCP&P will be initiated soon with respect to whether future deer bow hunts can be extended into the Meadows.

Identity Fencing and Welcome Sign: Town Maintenance has cleared an area in the West Woods at the Day Lily/Washington Grove Lane intersection to allow for installation of the WG Welcome sign and identify fencing sections designed by the Border Committee. WC members reviewed the site and recommended placement locations. A few understory trees may be planted behind the identity fencing.

Comment to Shared Use Path Task Force: The Committee discussed relevant input to provide to the Task Force. The consensus was to submit the following facts for consideration:

  1. recognize the proposed routes under consideration include an area that Montgomery County previously designated for afforestation,
  2. designated wetlands exist in the lower wooded area between Crabbs Branch and the Town border, and
  3. the importance of maintaining an intact “green buffer” on the Town borders which reduce noise disturbance and support the Town’s designation on the Historic Registry.

Next Meeting: Monday, October 4th, 7:30 pm

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Reports about Other Grove Activities

Contracts (Dave Cosson)

Forms for rental and Town organization use of McCathran Hall to include a requirement to follow County Covid-19 requirements have been drafted.

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McCathran Hall (Barbara Raimondo)

Revised rental forms to keep up with ongoing COVID protocols.

New cleaning person is up and running. Thanks to Kathy Lehman for her help with this.

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Maintenance (Darrell Anderson)

  • The season for steady grass-cutting is winding down, but the continual rains are still making the grass and brush grow. Much of maintenance time required grass-cutting, brush removal, and trips to the dump. Purchased gas when needed. Completed paperwork as required. Worked in the maintenance shop if needed or weather dictated.
  • Went to Home Depot to pick up wire for new sidewalk lighting at Town Hall. Went to Home Depot to pick up two new sprinklers for the clay courts.
  • Worked on the clay courts and rolled them as necessary.
  • Hauled dirt to the lake for the Lake Committee.
  • Fixed damaged drain pipe on Pine Road.
  • Went to Rentals Unlimited to pick up a trencher for installing new sidewalk lighting.
  • Met with WSSC for asphalt measurements on Ridge Road. Met with WSSC on Center Street (hole at the edge of the road).
  • Watered the new trees and grass on Cherry Ave. Replaced five rotted fence posts on split rail fence (Cherry Avenue). Replaced two rotted fence posts at Acorn and Chestnut Road. Fixed split rail fence at Dorsey and Grove Road.
  • Met with Guardian Fire at Town Hall (sprinkler quarterly inspection).
  • Weeded flower beds at Town Hall. Cleaned gutters at Town Hall. Checked emergency lights, sump pump and lights at Town Hall.
  • Met with Patty, Joan, and Peter at Daylily Lane to go over plans for border fence & signage. Reinstalled “No Parking” sign that was knocked down on Daylily Lane.
  • Put flags up for holiday weekend.

Note: I am working with John Tomlin to produce the job description for the hiring of the replacement for Steve.

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Maryland Municipal League (Darrell Anderson)

The MML will hold its next meeting on September 16, the first meeting after the summer lull began in June.

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Playgrounds and Tennis Courts (Christine Dibble)

Nothing to report this month.

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Roads and Walkways (Gray Yachup)

It was brought to the attention of the Mayor and myself that there was a severe water drainage issue on Daylily Lane. The water gets stuck in a divot made by a moving truck that passed over inadequately supported asphalt, and creates a swamp at the corner of the driveway. Currently exploring mitigation options with Steve that may include the widening of the turn around, to avoid further damage from delivery trucks.

Assessment has also been finished with regards to the red barrier at the end of Brown Street. In talks with F&B and Border, a location, barrier type, and aesthetic have been chosen to fit the area. Will be presenting this to TC at the next meeting (Sept. 14th).

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Shady Grove Crossing (Barbara Raimondo)

Reached out to, and had a call with, Shady Grove Crossing management representative to introduce myself and let her know to be in touch if she needs anything. Shared information about the Picea View Court/Ridge Road connection.

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Washington Grove Conservation Park (Upper Field) (Dave Cosson)

See discussion of potential deer hunt in the Meadow during 2022-23 hunting season in the Woods Committee report.

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Website and Communications (Christine Dibble)

I have reviewed and reformatted (to enhance usability) about 75% of the website’s 100+ pages.  Once I complete this task, I will:

  • Identify content owners for all pages and ask them to review page content and send me updates;
  • Populate the sortable tables of all Town ordinances and all Town resolutions, and identify gaps in these tables.
  • Add images to the website.

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