301-926-2256 [email protected]

13 January 2003 | Approved: 10 February 2003

Mayor John Compton called the meeting to order at 7:38 p.m. In attendance were Councilors Darrell Anderson, Betsy Klinger, Peggy Odick, David Stopak, Nick Suzich, and John Tomlin. Town resident Carolyn Luxford was present, as was Jon Burrell from Local Government Insurance Trust.

Public Appearances

In celebration of its 15th year and in honor of our charter membership, Jon Burrell from Local Government Insurance Trust presented the Town with a citation and a new Maryland State flag.

115 Chestnut Avenue Surplus Property Sale

Mayor Compton reviewed the issue. Mrs. Luxford explained her position and apologized for her negligence in following up with the details of the original sale. A discussion ensued during which some concern was expressed about the specific wording of "residential structure" in the agreement. In conclusion, a decision was made to proceed with the sale in its original state and intent.

Approval of Minutes

Peggy Odick moved, Darrell Anderson seconded, that the Town Council minutes of December 9, 2002 be approved. Vote: 6-0.

Treasurer’s Report

John Tomlin moved, Peggy Odick seconded, that the Treasurer’s report for December be accepted. Vote: 6-0.

Nagem Property, 104 Maple Road (Firewood Business/Cherry Avenue Access)

Mayor Compton reported that not much has changed with this issue. Mr. Negam’s equipment is still there however, he doesn’t seem to be cutting wood any longer. The Town will move forward with a legal remedy. Bill Roberts is working on this.

"Resident Only Parking" Signs for 215 Grove Avenue

Jim Fletcher will do signs for both sides of Center Street between Grove Road and Grove Avenue that say "No Parking During Hall Events" or something similar. Speaking of parking.it was mentioned that Pete McMahon has been regularly parking his truck on Town property. Mayor Compton said that we should send a letter explaining the violation.

Council Reports

Planning Commission

Darrell Anderson reported on the following:

  • 4 new building permits were approved recently.
  • The Planning Commission has some concerns about the time in which it seems to take the Historic Preservation Commission to write their reviews and about the 30 day time line. What happens when an application comes in the day after the HPC has met? If the HPC goes over the 30 days do they forfeit their right to comment? Discussion.
  • The Commission is finished with their part of the Master Plan revisions and is now waiting for input from the HPC, David Stopak and Mayor Compton.

Recreation Events

Betsy Klinger reported that the February Mousetrap Concert is on the 23rd. She also reported that the Saturday night concert of Music Weekend is set. In honor of Peace Corps Day, the Recreation Committee will sponsor a slide show on Friday, February 28th. A few Town residents who participated in the Peace Corps will share their slides and stories. Betsy was asked by some residents to explore the possibility of an Art Show where the artists would sell their products. Would the Town Council allow this? Betsy will take this idea to the Recreation Committee.

McCathran Hall

Betsy will look into having the leaves at McCathran Hall raked by a Girl Scout Troop as "payment" for use of the Hall. This will happen during the first or second week in March


Betsy Klinger reported that the Bill Saar made some of the changes that were discussed at the December Council meeting. Mayor Compton stated that he still felt that although Mr. Saar’s changes were very good, they seemed to be done at the expense of the "quirky" simple stuff that was once there. There was discussion about how we could have both styles. "quirky" on the homepage and "techy" elsewhere. The Council is very appreciative of the time spent by Mr. Saar.


Peggy Odick reported that the meeting with AB Viers Paving had to be postponed due to bad weather. HPC minutes for November and December were finished. There was nothing to report on the Heritage Committee.

Public Safety

David Stopak had nothing new to report. He still would like to schedule a meeting with the Fire Marshall and, perhaps, the Police Chief to talk about "Neighborhood Watch & Fire Safety". Mr. Stopak asked the clerk to call the Fire Marshall.


Nick Suzich reported that the refuse & recycling contract bids will go out in the spring. There was a discussion about the pro’s & con’s of the large trash companies vs. the smaller companies. The snow removal seems to have gone well with the exception of Ridge Road. The new contract should include the need to sand lower Ridge Road. A bulk collection of leaves will be done in the spring as well.


John Tomlin reported that the Mousetrap has been refurbished and the aerator at the Lake is now off. John also reported that he will ride around with Jim Fletcher and assess the drainage problems in Town.

Mayor’s Announcements

  • Mayor Compton talked about the Shady Grove Master Plan Charrettes both past & scheduled.
  • WSSC Properties – after some concerns about the developer doing something other than was approved, all is well now.
  • Casey Field Update – Oxbridge Developers believe that they will get back to the Planning Board in February. They still need to go to the Wetlands Committee. A new purchaser has come forward for the Casey industrial tract (formerly KSI Proposal). No more information is available. David Stopak stated that M-NCPPC will not ask for land reserves for a school on the Casey field. A letter should be written to Mr. Berlage to consider the need for a school while considering approval of the Oxbridge proposal.
  • Mayor Compton expressed his concerns with the cuts in the Fire Department budget and will write a letter stating our position and support. He will also express our continued interest in being kept informed.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m.

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