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8 January 2007 | Approved: 12 February 2007

Mayor John Compton called the regular meeting of the Town Council to order at 7:35 p.m. In attendance were Councilors Darrell Anderson, Linda Baim, Georgette Cole, Kathie Evans, Betsy Klinger, and David Stopak. Also present were; Maintenance Supervisor Jim Fletcher, Treasurer Mary Challstrom, Charlie Challstrom, David Neumann, Sheldon Bierman, Meredith Myers, Ann Briggs and Pastor Judy Young.

Public Appearances

As both a Town resident and a representative of the Family Services Agency, Inc., Meredith Myers came to ask that the Town Council extend the use of McCathran Hall free of charge to FSAI’s Early Head Start meeting on January 22, 2007. The vote was unanimous and the fee was waived. Judy Young came to distribute flyers about the coming events at the Washington Grove United Methodist Church.

Approval of Minutes

David Stopak moved, Georgette Cole seconded that the Town Council minutes of December 11, 2006 be approved as amended. Vote: 6-0.

Treasurer’s Report

Linda Baim moved, Betsy Klinger seconded, that the Treasurer’s report for December be accepted. There was a discussion about budget overages and budget transfers. Vote: 6-0.

Maintenance Report

Jim Fletcher took questions about his written Maintenance Report. Kathie Evans asked about the amount of time spent on sign repair/replacement and the priority for this. The Council concluded that this was a priority. There was a discussion about how to keep cars off of the soccer field in Woodward Park. The Council asked Georgette Cole to bring up the idea of landscaping along Grove Road at the next Forestry Committee

Discussion – Ordinance No. 2006-03

The discussion started with David Stopak voicing the opinion that the revision of this document was unacceptable. Mayor Compton followed with a review of the reasons for the creation of this ordinance. The discussion also included the need for a more balanced document, PC and HPC roles in the subdivision process, aesthetic vs. design decisions, and the contents of an annexation agreement. The discussion concluded with a proposal to use an annexation agreement specifically for the Cator property, and add conditional zoning. The sense of the Council was that this was a good idea. In the meantime, David Stopak, Darrell Anderson, Bob Booher and Charlie Challstrom volunteered to draft an annexation agreement for the Cator property.

Discussion – Ordinance No. 2006-04


Discussion – Ordinance No. 2007-01

This zoning text amendment makes changes to sections of the Town code concerning commercial vehicles in residential zones, the criteria for special exceptions, and the definition of an Accessory Building.
Kathie Evans moved to introduce Ordinance No. 2007-01. Linda Baim seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0. The Public Hearing will be on February 12th at 7:30 PM.

Legacy Open Space – Condemnation

Mayor Compton reported that he would be meeting with attorney Bil Chen and M-NCPPC Chairman Royce Hansen to discuss the shared goals for this property. Other issues that were discussed were; the Town’s right to do this action, summary judgment, annexation of the LOS field, additional legal advice, M-NCPPC’s opposition interfering in the process, the cost, the risk, alternate strategies, a maintenance agreement, and a vote of confidence concerning Bil Chen. After a lengthy discussion, the Mayor and Council agreed that the matter would be reconsidered after summary judgment.

Council Reports

Planning Commission

Darrell Anderson reported that the PC reviewed suggestions for the Master Plan made at the December 6th Work Session. They also established procedures for completion of this task with the goal of a final draft for the June public hearing. Darrell Anderson also reported that the PC discussed, revised and unanimously passed Ordinance No. 2007-01.
Intergovernmental – Darrell Anderson reported that the MML meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 18, 2007. An officer from the Montgomery County Police Department will attend the meeting and provide an update on the implementation of the Photo Radar Enforcement Program.

Roads & Walkways

Georgette Cole reported that a new compact fluorescent bulb was installed in the streetlight on Chestnut Road across from the Town Office. She urged Council members to review the spreadsheet regarding the costs involved in using these bulbs which was put together by Charlie Challstrom.


Kathie Evans reported that Webmaster Bill Saar will continue in his position until the end of March. After that, unless there is more money, he will no longer maintain the website. Kathie also reported that $1,200.00 was available through the end of this fiscal year. In reference to the HPC request for more house histories/updates on the website, Bill said that he could add the information but advised against the “Wikipedia” style that was suggested.


Kathie Evans reported that the leaf pick-up contract has ended for the winter. One more pick-up will occur in the spring of 2007. Kathie also reported that our trash/recycling pick-ups continue to go as scheduled with occasional misses.


Betsy Klinger reported that the next Recreation Committee meeting will be on January 24, 2007.
McCathran Hall – Betsy Klinger reported that some members of the McCathran Hall Needs Committee will meet soon in order to decide the best way to get electrical upgrade specs written and get the project out for bids.


Betsy Klinger reported that no incidents were reported to Neighborhood Watch. She also reported that she and Keith Gillis have been discussing the absence of reporting and what that actually indicates. They may do a new blurb for the Town Bulletin.


see Maintenance Report.

Historic Preservation Commission

David Stopak reported that Chris Kirtz will resign as commissioner and a new person will have to be appointed. Several possibilities were discussed and will be forwarded to the Mayor. David also reported that the HPC is discussing and working on house history updates for the website, ordinance revisions, and a process by which residents are informed when their neighbors apply for a building permit.

Mayor’s Announcements

  • Mayor Compton announced that he had just heard that M-NCPPC wanted to pursue the purchase of the school site adjacent to the Legacy Open Space field. The hearing will be on Thursday, Jan. 11, 2007. The Mayor also reported that the State Highway Administration wants to put the western maintenance facility for the Inter-County Connector on the property known as Casey 7. There has also been discussion about the same facility on the site known as Casey 6. Mayor Compton will write a letter concerning this issue.

New Business

Although not new business, the following items were discussed;

  • Obtaining salary information for a Code Enforcement Officer from the Maryland Municipal League
  • Kathie Evans followed up on the Appleby complaints from December by talking to the people at Odalis Hair Salon. They have not noticed the public drinking problem that Mr. Appleby complained about but are open to issuing a reprimand to anyone should they see it. They believe that the parking spaces in the back of the building are for their use and do not wish to direct their clients to the front lot. They believe that their clients are respectful of the residences around the Commercial Corner.

Kathie Evans moved to adjourn. Linda Baim seconded the motion. Vote: 6-0.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 p.m.

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