9 July 2007 | Approved: 23 July 2007
Mayor John Compton called the regular meeting of the Town Council to order at 7:42 p.m. In attendance were Councilors Charlie Challstrom, Georgette Cole, Kathie Evans, and David Stopak. Also present were; Maintenance Supervisor Jim Fletcher, Treasurer Mary Challstrom, Bruce Rothrock, George Paine, Meredith Horan, David Wilmering, Birgit Henninger, Shelley Winkler, Rev. Judy Young, Heather Hoerle, Chris Brown, David Neumann, and Bob Booher.
Public Appearances
Reverend Judy Young announced movie night and game night at the WGUMC.
Kathy Lehman reported that the rodent issue that was brought to the Mayor and Council’s attention in September of 2006 has gotten worse. The problem has spread from 2 homes to 7 homes and she asked for some action. Charlie Challstrom reported that he is currently doing research concerning this issue. Kathie Evans offered to help.
Approval of Minutes
Georgette Cole moved, David Stopak seconded that the Town Council minutes of June 11, 2007 be approved as amended. Vote: 4-0.
Charlie Challstrom moved, Georgette Cole seconded that the Town Council minutes of June 25, 2007 be approved as amended. Vote: 4-0.
Treasurer’s Report
David Stopak moved, Charlie Challstrom seconded, that the Treasurer’s report for June be accepted. Vote: 4-0.
Maintenance Report
Maintenance Supervisor Jim Fletcher brought up the issue of painting hold-back lines on Town roads. There was a discussion about the use of paint vs. the use of highway tape. The Council agreed to allow Jim to purchase highway tape for this project. The money will come from the road budget. Other items discussed were, the line of sight at the intersection of Grove Road and Railroad Street, signage, and a crosswalk on Railroad Street. The Mayor will call Montgomery County Department of Public Works and Transportation about including a crosswalk in the current repaving project. David Neumann brought up the idea of giving residents notice when tree work will be done in Town, thus allowing people to have private work done at the same time. The idea was that this might save residents a little money. A discussion ensued. It was noted that a Bulletin item and a notice on the website could be used to impart this information.
Casey 6 & 7 Discussion
Mayor Compton reviewed the current proposals for these properties. A meeting with the planner in charge of the project has been scheduled for July 11, 2007. Mayor Compton will stress three (3) points; the location of the bike path connection to the Town, the location of the new entrance/exit for Roberts Oxygen, the location of the Crabbs Branch Way/Amity Drive connection. A discussion ensued…
- Charlie Challstrom – The bike path will be a good way for residents to get to the Metro.
- Georgette Cole – Shared paths (bikes/pedestrians) tend to have accidents.
- Kathie Evans – This isn’t a question about having a bike path or not having a bike path. This is about the location, right?
- G. Cole – The proposed bike path connection to Brown St. extended will take out too many trees.
- John Compton – The Town could actually make them add screening NOT remove it. The trees are not on Town property.
- George Paine – Running a bike path along the railroad tracks is a much better idea.
- G. Cole – The path could cross the RR tracks at the service parks and then run along the RR tracks from there. It could be done. Will the Council get more input from residents before forming a position?
- J. Compton – We need the hiking/biking people from M-NCPPC to come out and discuss this.
- Shelley Winkler – Those trees are our last barrier between Brown Street extended and an Office Park/a new truck entrance/a new road (Amity & Crabbs Branch).
- David Stopak – Just say no! It’s our land and we don’t have to let it go through.
- J. Compton – There has to be some give and take.
More discussion…
- K. Evans – We still don’t have a sense of the Council for John to take to the meeting.
- J. Compton – I need to call the “bike path people” and schedule a meeting.
Sense of the Council
Mayor Compton said that Town position for the bike path location should be put on hold until meetings can be scheduled. He will go to the meeting with the planner on Wednesday (7/11/07) and ask for the following;
- Moving the location of the proposed Crabbs Branch/Amity Drive connection.
- Moving the proposed entrance/exit for Roberts’ Oxygen.
- Reconsider the placement of the proposed bike path.
Traffic Calming and Enforcement Discussion: Charlie Challstrom moved to authorize the Mayor to sign three (3) traffic orders;
- Approval of the 4-way stop at Brown Street and Ridge Road.
- Approval of the Town speed limit of 15 mph.
- Approval of the proposed 3-way stop at Dorsey Street and Grove Road.
Kathie Evans seconded the motion. Discussion… K. Evans called the question. Vote: 4-0.
WG Lane/East Diamond Ave./Railroad St. Intersection – Barrier Discussion
Mayor Compton reviewed the incident at the Wilmering house (117 Washington Grove Lane). Mr. Wilmering explained that his home has been hit by cars four (4) times in the last 17 years. He asked the Town for help with a barrier. It was decided that because of the proximity to the bus stop and the County sidewalk, the Town would ask for help from Montgomery County. If they can’t help then the Town will erect a barrier similar to the one in the yard at 115 Washington Grove Lane.
Roll of the Historic Preservation Commission in the Planning Commission Review
The Mayor reviewed the letter from the HPC and a response from Charlie Challstrom about process and approval of the Cator/Harrison property annexation. It was agreed that the procedures for the review process must be adhered to by all. The State Law concerning annexation and our Town Ordinances don’t mesh.
Mayor’s Announcements
Casey 6 & 7 Update – The current preliminary plan is scheduled for review in September.
Toll Brothers Site Plan – A meeting for the Phase 1 section of this plan is scheduled for the 13th. So far there is no word about time or place.
New Business
The Montgomery County Chapter of the Maryland Municipal League will be discussing the issue of tax duplication and the distribution of funds with representatives from the County.
It was moved and seconded and the meeting adjourned. Vote: 4-0.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:52 p.m.