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8 November 2004 | Approved: 13 December 2004

Mayor John Compton called the meeting of the Town Council to order at 7:40 p.m.. In attendance were Councilors Darrell Anderson, Linda Baim, Betsy Klinger, Tom Land, David Stopak, John Tomlin, Treasurer Mary Challstrom and Maintenance Supervisor James Fletcher. Town residents Ann Briggs, Shelley Winkler and Deborah Chambers were also present.

Public Appearances

Shelley Winkler and Deborah Chambers expressed concerns that the Town Council was not actively involved enough in the plans for the Shady Grove Master Plan. Both women expressed an interest in having the Town set up a meeting with members of the County Council in Washington Grove. Darrell Anderson expressed concerns about individuals appearing to speak for the whole Town. A lengthy discussion ensued. Mayor Compton concluded that Town should do something (i.e. letters, phone calls) that supports the school site and adequate staging of the Oxbridge Development plan.

Ann Briggs came to thank the Council for supporting the Art Show at the recent Mousetrap Concert. She would like the Council’s approval to put together a group to look at the present and future needs for McCathran Hall. Mayor Compton noted to add A/C installation to the upper Hall’s needs list. The Mayor and Council gave the go ahead for the group.

Approval of Minutes

Darrell Anderson moved, John Tomlin seconded, that the Town Council minutes of October 11, 2004 be approved. Vote: 6-0.

Treasurer’s Report

Tom Land moved, Betsy Klinger seconded, that the Treasurer’s report for October be accepted. Vote: 6-0. Tom Land moved, Darrell Anderson seconded, that the Treasurer be authorized to transfer funds. Vote: 6-0.

Maintenance Report

Jim Fletcher reported about the plantings on Ridge Road. Mayor Compton asked about deer protection for the small plantings. Jim said that the plantings did need some protection but expressed concern about multiple cages in resident’s front yards for several years. It was decided that Jim would use black corrugated pipe for some of the plantings and stakes with netting for others. Jim also reported that the mulching of leaves in the park areas continues, the drainage ditch running through Woodward Park has been cleaned out, trimming on Ridge Road continues and that he & Bruce made many brush trips to the landfill. Jim asked Darrell about the PEPCO project. A discussion about the cutting/trimming of trees along Washington Grove Lane by PEPCO ensued.

Set Date For Public Hearing on Charitable/Non-profit Organization Ordinance

The Mayor and Council set the date of December 9, 2004 for the public hearing concerning an ordinance governing Charitable, Religious & Educational uses within Residential Zones.

Council Reports

Historic Preservation Commission

David Stopak reported that the HPC reviewed 2 building permit applications; a garage at 411 Chestnut Ave. & an addition at 407 Acorn Lane. The HPC continues to discuss the archives project. At the last meeting, the idea of forming a sub-committee of the Planning Commission to address the "mansionization" of homes was also discussed.

Roads & Walkways

John Tomlin reported that his only responses about additional road repairs yielded a list of 2 places, both on Ridge Road (near 116 & 306). A short discussion about the upcoming WSSC work ensued. Intergovernmental: John Tomlin reported that the Maryland Municipal League Legislative Dinner would be on December 16, 2004 at the Golden Bull.

Planning Commission

Darrell Anderson reported that the Planning Commission will start reviewing applications for building permits as a whole and only at their monthly meetings. This decision came after a meeting with Town Attorney Bill Roberts. Darrell also reported that the Planning Commission is working on an ordinance that addresses parking on public park land.


Linda Baim reported that volunteer webmaster Bill Saar is over-hauling the website. He would like to add things like a calendar and other options that the current sailorsite can’t do. Bill purchased the names washingtongrovemd.com and .org in anticipation of the new site. Bill will come to the December meeting.


Betsy Klinger reported that there was a break-in at 354 Ridge Road. It was interrupted by the homeowner and nothing was taken. Chris Kirtz is still in charge of the Neighborhood Watch program. Betsy also reported that there is concern that the County Emergency Dispatcher has incorrect house numbers on Ridge Road. Betsy will check the status of this with Mary Challstrom and George Paine.


Betsy Klinger reported that the winter holiday programs are all set to go. The next Recreation Committee meeting is on November 17, 2004.


Tom Land reported that leaf pick-up by U.S. Lawns is on schedule. Tom also reported that we have another new route supervisor with Waste Management. This is our 4th one since the start of the contract. Maple Lake: Tom Land reported that swimming instructor Courtney Osbourne will return next summer.

Mayor’s Announcements

  • Casey Field Update: If all Planning Board requirements have been met, a hearing for the Oxbridge Development plan will happen in December. It is important that the Legacy Open Space field is protected by the proper language on the deed. Attorney Bill Chen is working on this. He will recommend that the Town draft an agreement for the deed in order to have "our language" in place. Mayor Compton will write another letter expressing continued concerns about the Oxbridge plan.
  • Deer Park Bridge: At a recent meeting, it was stated that CSX Railroad would allow 22 foot clearance rather than the original 23 foot clearance. The engineers did their plan with an incorrect assumption and now must do them again. A truss bridge was also mentioned. The next meeting could be at the end of the month. Ann Briggs is heading a committee to study, and stay on top of, the Deer Park Bridge issues. Their first meeting will be at the end of the month as well. A discussion about annexation ensued.

New Business

Betsy Klinger moved, Tom Land seconded a motion to ask Town Attorney Bill Roberts to draft an ordinance restricting over-weight and over-sized vehicles on roads in the Town of Washington Grove. Discussion. Vote: 6-0.

Betsy Klinger moved, Tom Land seconded that the meeting be adjourned.
Vote: 6-0.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:37 p.m.

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