301-926-2256 [email protected]

16 May 2006 | Approved: 18 July 2006

HPC members present: Bob Booher, Chair, Chris Kirtz, Mimi Styles, and David Neumann.
David Stopak attended as liaison for the Town Council. It was noted that Chris Kirtz had to leave the meeting before its adjournment.

The meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m.

After some modifications, the Commission members approved the Agenda presented by Bob Booher.
Mimi Styles agreed to take minutes for the meeting. Minutes of the regular meeting of April 18, 2006 and the special meeting of April 30, 2006 were approved, subject to changes suggested earlier that same day by the commission members via an exchange of e-mail.

Review Session

A building permit application submitted by Thomas Appleby to demolish two connected sheds located at 112 Chestnut Avenue was presented to the HPC for its consideration by the Planning Commission.

The HPC elected not to review this application. It was noted that when the building permit for construction of the sheds was submitted, it was clearly indicated that the sheds were intended to be temporary structures, to be removed within a few years.

Concerning demolition of accessory buildings, the HPC decided it would not review applications for demolition of non-contributing accessory buildings (defined as those built after 1937). Bob Booher will write a letter to the Planning Commission of this decision. If the age of the accessory building is unknown, and the Planning Commission feels the building might predate 1937, the Planning Commission will be requested to forward the application for demolition to the HPC.

The HPC should ensure that accessory buildings of historical significance (pre-1937) are identified in our written and photographic records.

Work Session

  • Special Residents’ Forum
    The HPC wanted to offer an opportunity for residents to express their views of the HPC’s role in the Town’s historic preservation efforts as part of its May 2006 meeting; however, there was not the attendance/interest expected. Two residents came to the meeting, but left soon thereafter – apparently because there were no other residents (other than HPC members) on hand. Joan Mahaffey came to the meeting shortly after the departure of the aforementioned residents.
  • Thus, the forum consisted of a discussion between the HPC members and Joan Mahaffey concerning how the HPC handled its observation that the central gable of Clear View had been demolished and replaced with a taller gable. Joan expressed her dissatisfaction with the manner in which the HPC and town officials had handled the situation.
  • Report to HPC on the Town Council.
    David Stopak commented briefly on budget constraints that the Town will face in the coming fiscal year.
  • Master Plan
    An announcement was drafted for inclusion in the May Town Bulletin, calling for volunteers to establish preservation goals as part of the Town’s Master Plan and review and evaluate methodologies used by other communities to achieve preservation goals.
  • HP Award
    The recipient of this year’s Historic Preservation Award was chosen by unanimous consent. The award will be presented at the June 10 Town Meeting
  • Miscellany
    Bob Booher raised the subject of commemorative plaques, such as the one that marks the Sacred Circle, which was a private donation. He suggested we discuss at a future meeting whether with HPC would want to encourage similar commemorative plaques, for example to designate buildings that have been lost (e.g., the hotel and the auditorium).

The next meeting will be on June 20, 2006 at 7:30 pm.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 p.m.

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