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9 February 2015 | Approved: 9 March 2015

Mayor Joli McCathran called the regular meeting of the Town Council to order at 7:30 p.m. In attendance were Councilors Georgette Cole, Cindy Frei, Audrey Maskery, John McClelland and Carolyn Rapkievian. Also present were Treasurer Mary Challstrom, Planning Commission Chair Charlie Challstrom, Maintenance Supervisor Steve Werts, HPC member David Stopak, residents Ann Briggs, Barbara Raimondo, Jane Seegal and property owner Dennis Kane. HPC Chair Bob Booher arrived during the discussion about Resolution 2015-02 and Betsy Klinger arrived at 8:40 PM.

Approval of Agenda

Mayor McCathran added Recreation Committee Activities List for approval as item 7A. The amended agenda was accepted by general consensus.

Public Appearances

Ann Briggs urged the Council to seriously consider another $30K in the acquisition set-aside for land acquisition in the FY16 budget line 2A-8.4 for the future.

Approval of Minutes

Georgette Cole moved to approve the meeting minutes for 12 January 2015. Audrey Maskery seconded the motion. There were three (3) changes. Vote: 5-0, as amended.

Treasurer’s Report

  • Carolyn Rapkievian moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report for January 2015. Cindy Frei seconded the motion. Treasurer Mary Challstrom fielded questions about the Town’s retirement plan, seasonal tennis court watering and painting the exterior of McCathran Hall. Vote: 5-0.
  • Carolyn Rapkievian moved to transfer $10,000 from savings to checking in order to pay bills. Georgette Cole seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0.
  • Treasurers Report 2015-February pdf

Resolution 2015-02; Establishing Rules for Recreation Programs & Activities

Mayor McCathran gave a brief history. Georgette Cole moved to introduce Resolution 2015-02. Audrey Maskery seconded the motion. The Council discussed the following:

  • General oversight of such programs
  • Micro-managing this process
  • The need for better communication
  • No subsequent Council approval needed for on-going annual events
  • Using the Recreation Committee liaison to help improve the process
  • Keeping it simple and less arduous

Carolyn Rapkievian suggested a few changes to the proposed language. Carolyn Rapkievian moved to remove the words “each”, “specific” and “its” from the last bullet, to make the words “program” and “activity” (also in the last bullet) plural and to change the word “make” to “develop” in the 2nd bullet. Georgette Cole seconded the motion. The amended language was approved by general consensus. Resolution 2015-02; Resolution)

Establishing Rules for Recreational Programs and Activities, was adopted and effective on 9 February 2015. Vote: 5-0.

Mayor McCathran asked for approval of the following Recreation Committee sponsored activities:

  • Zachary Fletcher’s Film Making Class
  • Irish Dance Workshop
  • St. Patrick’s Day Ceili Dance
  • Samantha Beres’ Light Weight Workout
  • Art & Wine for Women

The activities were approved by general consensus.

315 Grove Avenue Permanent Easement – Discussion

Mayor McCathran reviewed the documents and explained the current recommendations by the Town Attorney. The enabling ordinance must be re-written if the Council wants to include the Easement Review process proposed by the HPC. In conclusion, without definitions of “homeowner’s intent” and “a manner respectful of the integrity to the Town” – changes to the façade of 315 Grove Avenue could occur without a review from any of the governing bodies in Town. There was an additional discussion about the following:

  • Insurance responsibilities of the homeowner on the Easement property
  • Local Government Insurance Trust (the Town’s carrier) participation in insuring the property
  • Tailoring each Deed of Permanent Easement individually to the specific property

This item will appear for further consideration on the March agenda after additional information from the Town Attorney has arrived.

Joint Work Session (TC, PC, HPC) – Preparation/Discussion

Mayor McCathran said there were two (2) items she would like to see discussed at this meeting; Permanent Easements and Railroad Street Improvement Plan. She asked if there were other items. Blighted homes and records management plan were suggested.

Council Reports

  • Georgette Cole moved to approve the February Council Reports for posting on the website. Cindy Frei seconded the motion. Vote: 5-0.
  • Town Council Reports-February 2015 pdf

Mayor’s Announcements

  • Public Hearing – Mayor McCathran reminded members of the Public Hearing for the ZTA 2015-01; Adopting Amendments to the Washington Grove Zoning Ordinance Article VII scheduled for 23 February 2015 at 7:30 PM in the Council Room.
  • Budget Items – Mayor McCathran reminded members to touch base with their groups and committees for potential budget items for next year.
  • Wade Park Boundaries Update – Mayor McCathran reported Town Maintenance is ready to go with this project but will wait to start until after the settlement date of February 18, 2015.
  • Proposed Addition to Maintenance Garage – John McClelland presented Steve Werts’ plans for an addition to the Maintenance Garage. He reported no Town or County building permit is not needed because plumbing and electricity are not involved in the construction and the building is on public land. The project will help with the storage challenges in McCathran Hall as well as the Garage. Steve reported the $11K budgeted for this project earlier in the fiscal year may not be enough because the cost of materials has risen since then. That said, he is fairly certain he’ll be able stay on target. This project was approved by general consensus.
  • 2nd Avenue Access Issue/Ed Roberts Driving on the Avenue – Mayor Pro Tempore John McClelland is handling this issue. Mr. McClelland met with Mr. Roberts and all of the neighbors and explained the issue would be handled in the following manner:
    • The rope gate is removed
    • Two (2) new 4 x 4 posts will be installed eight (8) feet apart (wide enough for a pickup truck) creating open access to the walkway
    • The open access is for pick up and drop off only of the resident at 6 The Circle
    • Resident at 6 The Circle will be responsible for informing his helpers about the rules
    • Mr. Roberts is responsible for repairs of Second Avenue from damage as a result of driving on Second Avenue
    • This allowance is occurring because of the health conditions of the resident at 6 The Circle
    • If the resident fails to adhere to this plan, the rope gate at Miller Drive and Grove Avenue will go back up along with ropes on Cherry Ave, Pine Ave. and 6th Avenue, in order to treat all avenues consistently. Voluntary compliance to current ordinances is being sought throughout the Town.

New Business

  • John McClelland reported, because of the new construction at 203 2nd Avenue and the survey ambiguities in a Town Park near 315 Grove Ave., 203 2nd, 319 Grove Ave., 8 The Circle and 6 The Circle, the Planning Commission decided to have Snider & Associates do the next survey in that park area.
  • There being no further business, the regular meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
  • Georgette Cole moved, John McClelland seconded the meeting be closed to the public in order to discuss personnel matters. Vote: 5-0.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m.

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