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News Dispatches from Other Centuries

History Features from Town Records

The Town’s Journey to the National Register, Part 1

By Wendy E. Harris, HPC Volunteer Archivist As noted in the Congressional Record (Volume 126, No. 84), Washington Grove, in its entirety, was placed on the National Register of Historic Places on April 17, 1980. By this action of the federal government, the Town now joined other sites and communities on what the National Register's website calls...

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Aitchison Crossing. . . and the Bridge

by Patricia Patula, Town Archivist The agenda for the Town Council meeting of October 15, 1964, is an interesting combination of formal, politically correct titles of topics, such as Minutes, Treasurer’s Report, Old Business, etc., with an informal, chatty style reflecting a closely knit group. Instead of a more predictable listing, such as...

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