Dog Park Committee
The many tasks associated with keeping the Dog Park clean, healthy, and safe are managed by the dedicated members of this all-volunteer committee.
The Washington Grove Dog Park (Dog Park) is for the exclusive use of Washington Grove residents and their Montgomery County licensed dogs. As a condition of use, persons who choose to use the Dog Park agree to abide by the Rules and Regulations.
The Dog Park Committee is established to:
1. recommend to the Town Council:
- parameters for the construction of a dog park in Washington Grove, and
- rules and regulations for Washington Grove Resolution No. 2018-06, Dog Park Rules and Regulations (PDF),
2. assist, as requested by the Town Council, in the construction of the park,
3. maintain the condition of the park to ensure cleanliness, health and safety,
4. establish a registration process for dogs to be permitted to use the park,
5. register dogs,
6. establish hours of operation and any other rules and regulations for the park not otherwise covered by Resolution No. 2018-06, and
7. enforce the provisions of Resolution No. 2018-06 and any other rules and regulations established by the Committee.
Committee Documents
- Charter, Bylaws and Rules of Governance (PDF)
- Dog Park Registration Form Information (PDF)
- Resolution No. 2018-06, Dog Park Rules and Regulations (PDF)
- Resolution No. 2018-09 Authorizing The Construction Of A Town Dog Park (PDF)
- Guidance for Coordination of Dog Park Inspections (PDF)
- Dog Park Inspection Checklist (PDF)

Liz Gillanders
Committee News
The latest news from the Committee is described in the Dog Park Committee section of the most recent monthly Town Bulletin.
Agendas and Minutes
You can view all agendas and minutes for meetings in the Committee’s Google docs folder at