301-926-2256 [email protected]


Elections and Voting

2025 Elections

Town Election Day 2025 will be Saturday, May 10.  Nominations close April 14.  In-person voting will be held at McCathran Hall between 4-7 pm, followed by the Annual Town Meeting at 8 pm.

Absentee ballots are available for anyone who prefers to not vote in person. Through Saturday, May 3, you can drop off an application for an absentee ballot (PDF) in person at the Town Office or you can send an application by mail to P.O. Box 216, Washington Grove, MD 20880-0216.  After May 3, applications can only be dropped off in person, and ballots can only be received, at the Town Office. Please call 301-926-2256 to ensure someone will be present.

Voter Registration for Residents

In order to vote in Town elections and at Town Meeting, you must be currently registered to vote in Montgomery County at an address in Washington Grove. If you are not registered to vote in Montgomery County, instructions to accomplish that are available at the Montgomery County Board of Elections.

Residents can check their voter registration online here.

General Information about Voting in Washington Grove

Washington Grove is an incorporated Town and member of the Maryland Municipal League. It is governed by citizen volunteers chosen in annual elections on the second Saturday of May. Elections are conducted by a three-member Board of Supervisors of Elections, appointed bi-annually by the Mayor, and are held in the Town Hall.

Any Town resident registered to vote in Montgomery County is qualified to vote in Washington Grove elections.

Mayors are elected to one-year terms and are required to have lived in Town for two years immediately preceding their election. Councilors are elected to three-year terms and are required to have lived in Town for one year immediately preceding their election.

Nominations must be submitted in writing to the Chair of the Board of Supervisors of Elections, on or before the second Monday in April preceding the election. The signature of two qualified voters as nominators and an acceptance by the nominee are required.

Absentee ballots are available upon request from the Chair until ten days before an election.

Results of the annual elections are announced at the annual Town meeting held election night.


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