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Opinions, Minutes and Corollary Documents of the Board of Zoning Appeals

  • Cases that received a case number but did not receive a BZA hearing are not included on this list.
  • If a table cell is left blank, it’s because the information to populate it is not available.
  • If an opinion number in the left column is not linked, it’s because we have no record of the opinion.


Opinion No.Appellant(s)AddressVariance or Special Exception?Description of RequestHearing DateDecisionDate of Decision
1975-01Bradley, Betty419 4th Ave.VarianceSomething to do with the distance of a new shed from fence.1975-07-09DeniedUnknown.
1979-01Mueller, Helmut and Gioia319 Brown St.VarianceConstruction of garage and bedroom in violation of setbacks.1979-09-27Approved with conditions1979-10-24
1986-01Prime Choice, Inc.109 WG LaneSpecial ExceptionAllow loading of merchandise through the rear.1986-07-29Approved with conditions1986-10-21
1988-01Banachowski, Judy and Bruce Rothrock404 4th Ave.VarianceConstruction of addition in violation of standard for maximum allowable ground covered1988-03-29Denied1988-04-27
1989-01Debelius, Jim and Peggy410 Brown St.VarianceConstruction of eight-foot fence on rear lot line and part of one side lot line.1989-08-03Approved1989-07-14
1990-01Morris, Pat (developer)419 Oak St.Variance
1993-01McClelland, John and Charlene110 Grove Ave.VarianceConstruction of a three-car garage in violation of side lot setbacks1993-07-27
1993-02Haghighi, Azar and Daryoush Khashlak, d/b/a Washington Grove Carpet Sales105 WG LaneSpecial ExceptionAllow sale of retail floorcoverings1993-02-18 and 1993-04-22Approved with conditions1993-05-10
1993-03McCathran, Ken and Joli2 The CircleVarianceConstruction of a playhouse in violation of setbacks1993-07-15Approved1993-08-03
1995-01Khashalk, Andre d/b/a Washington Grove Carpet Discounters105 WG LaneSpecial ExceptionAllow expansion of retail sale of carpets into additional space at the Commercial Corner1995-02-01Denied1995-03-13
1995-02Brown, Tom and Marion16 Maple Ave.VarianceConstruction of a six-foot fence along Maple Avenue lot line1995-04-26Approved1995-05-15
1995-03Prime Choice, Inc.109 WG LaneSpecial ExceptionAllow loading of merchandise through the rear.1995-02-22Approved with conditions1995-02-22
1997-01Ward Corp. (Roberts Oxygen)Intersection of Brown and RidgeVarianceConstruction of a seven- or eight-foot (it's unclear) fence1997-08-27 or 1997-10-15 (it's unclear)
1999-01Murphy, Anna Marie203 2nd Ave.VarianceConstruction of fireplace/chimney in violation of setbacks1999-03-24
1999-02Harris, Doris113 Hickory Rd.Special ExceptionAllow retail of incidental items at beauty shop1999-05-26Approved1999-05-26
1999-03Poblete, Jaime415 Center St.VarianceConstruction of a porch on front of house in violation of setbacks1999-08-11
2000-01 and 2000-02Andrews, Paul and Vickie, and Michael and Gail Kane5 and 7 Daylily LaneVarianceConstruction of a 6'6" fence on lot line abutting Towne Crest Apartments2000-12-14Approved2001-02-02
2003-01Kuentz, Diana d/b/a Twice is Nice109 WG LaneSpecial ExceptionAllow operation of a specialty retail store (consignment)2003-07-19Approved with conditions2003-08-09
2004-01Winkler, Shelley and David Stopak501 Brown St.VarianceAllow construction of screened porch in rear yard in violation of setbacks2004-06-19Denied2004-07-22
2004-02Miller, William and Mary, and Avis O'Brien107 Pine Rd.VarianceConstruction of a six-foot fence across the rear property line2004-09-11Approved with conditions2004-11-18
2005-01Feinglass, Carolyn and Corinne Vincelette406 Grove Ave.VarianceConstruction of a 7'6" fence across front and rear yard lines2005-04-23Denied2005-05-07
2005-02Kershaw, Charles and Kathleen Higdon103 Brown St.Appeal of a potential Planning Cmsn errorAppeal of denial to permit to construct additions to house2005-05-07Approved2005-05-23
2005-03Haskett, Nancy and Richard205 Grove Ave.Appeal of a potential Planning Cmsn errorAppeal of denial to permit a covered walkway to connect garage to house2005-12-17Approved with conditions2006-03-22
2006-01Negin, Charles and Alice419 4th Ave.VarianceConstruction of a garden shed in violation of setbacks2006-09-30Approved and remanded to the Planning Cmsn2006-10-29
2008-01Ramlal, Elaine and Herman d/b/a Agape Flowers and Gifts109 WG LaneSpecial ExceptionAllow operation of a specialty retail store that sells food incidentally2008-02-16Approved with conditions2008-02-23
2008-02Sanford, Carolyn115 Chestnut Ave.VarianceConstruction of a house in violation of setbacks2008-04-26 and 2008-05-10Approved with conditions2008-06-03
2012-01Snyder, Jim201 Maple Rd.VarianceEnclosure and enlargement of an existing non-conforming carport2012-09-15Denied2012-10-17
2016-01Appleby, Tom and Sylvia112 Chestnut Ave.VarianceConstruction of a six-foot fence along a lot line2016-12-17Approved2017-01-03
2017-01Pollard, Aaron, on behalf of Highway Christian Church109 WG LaneSpecial ExceptionAllow church services and related activities2017-03-25Approved2017-04-09
2017-02Appleby, Tom and Sylvia112 Chestnut Ave.VarianceConstruction of a six-foot fence along a lot line2017-09-23Approved2017-09-27
2019-01Albanez, Silvia, on behalf of Movimiento Pentecostal Rios de Agua Viva Church105 WG LaneSpecial ExceptionAllow use of property for church services and other related religious activities2019-02-23Approved with conditions2019-03-28
2020-01Seegal, Jane315 Grove Ave.VarianceDemolition of existing non-complying shed and construction of replacement shed in same location2020-01-11No decision (unripe); remanded to the Planning Cmsn for further discussion and deliberation.2020-01-20
2021-01Iglesia de Dios del Septimo dia en Reforma, Inc. 105 WG LaneSpecial ExceptionAllow use of property for church services and other related religious activities2021-07-31Approved with a condition2020-08-21
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