301-926-2256 [email protected]


Code of Ordinances

ARTICLE I—Public Nuisances, Morals and Conduct

Go to Article I—Public Nuisances, Morals and Conduct

This article includes:

Section 1. Public Trash Receptacles
Section 2. Destroying Public Property
Section 3. Unlawful Entry on Public Property
Section 4. Dirt and Trash on Highways
Section 5. Throwing Glass, Refuse, etc., Upon the Streets
Section 6. Animals
Section 7. Operation of Power Mowers, etc.
Section 8. Cruelty to Animals
Section 9. Disturbing Religious Worship
Section 10. Abandoned Ice Boxes
Section 11. Public Recreation Facilities
Section 12. Hunting; Fishing
Section 13. Condemnation of Buildings
Section 14. Use and Enjoyment of the Woods and any Town Park or Land
Section 15. Removal of Archeological or Cultural Artifacts or Fossils
Section 16. Injury to or Removal of Trees, Plants or Minerals in The Woods, Parks or other Town Land
Section 17. Penalty

ARTICLE II—Public Health

Go to Article II—Public Health

This article includes:

Section 1. Purpose
Section 2. Dwellings, Yards and Lots to be Kept Clean
Section 3. Dwellings to be Kept in Repair
Section 4. Danger to Life and Health to be Abated
Section 5. Garbage, Rubbish and Ash Receptacles
Section 6. Trailers for Habitation Prohibited
Section 7. Smoking in Public Buildings and Venues
Section 8. Conflict with Other Laws

ARTICLE III—Traffic, Vehicles and Transportation

Go to Article III—Traffic, Vehicles and Transportation

This article includes:

Section 1. Scope
Section 2. Traffic and Parking Control Signs
Section 3. Stopping, Standing or Parking Prohibited in Specific Places
Section 4. Notice of Violation; Payment of Penalty; Issuance of Summons
Section 5. Parking Restrictions; Vehicles Impounded
Section 6. Unregistered Vehicles; Parking Prohibited; Vehicles Impounded
Section 7. Reckless Driving and Speed: Penalty
Section 8. Parking Restrictions
Section 9. Designations of Streets and Walkways
Section 10. Removal of Trees, Bushes and Other Obstructions to Vision of Persons Traveling on Public Highways: Penalty
Section 11. Weight Regulations
Section 12. Horseback Riding Regulations
Section 13. Bicycle Regulations
Section 14 Construction in Public Ways and on Town Property

ARTICLE IV—Building Regulations

Go to Article IV—Building Regulations

This article includes:

Section 1. Building Permit Required
Section 2. Building Permit Applications
Section 3. Building Permits Issued by Montgomery County
Section 4. Connection to Sewer System
Section 5. Special Structures; Permits
Section 6. Compliance with Forest Conservation
Section 7. Referral to Historic Preservation Commission
Section 8. Temporary Use Permit
Section 9. Building Permit Expiration Limits
Section 10. Grant of Permanent Easement for Use of Town Land

ARTICLE V—Planning

Go to Article V—Planning

This article includes:

Section 1. Commission Created
Section 2. Composition; Appointment; Terms of Members; Vacancies; Compensation
Section 3. Chairman
Section 4. Powers and Duties
Section 5. Hearings on Plans and Regulations
Section 6. Duties of the Secretary and Other Town Officials in Connection with Commission
Section 7. Referral to Historic Preservation Commission

ARTICLE VI—Fire Regulations

Go to Article VI—Fire Regulations

This article includes:

Section 1. Adoption of Fire Safety Code
Section 2. Establishment of Office of Fire Official
Section 3. Burning of Trash in Incinerators
Section 4. Burning of Leaves in Open
Section 5. Burning Trash on Streets, etc.; Prohibited
Section 6. Fireworks
Section 7. Penalties


Go to Article VII—Zoning

This article includes:

Section 1. Purpose and Title
Section 2. Establishment of Controls, Zones and Zoning Map
Section 3. General Provisions
Section 4. Rules for Interpretation
Section 5. Non Conforming Uses and Non Complying Buildings
Section 6. Accessories to Principal Use of or Building
Section 7. Residential Zones, One Family
Section 8. Commercial Zone
Section 9. Schedule of Standards
Section 10. Forest and Recreational (FR) Zone
Section 11. Board of Zoning Appeals
Section 12. Variances
Section 13. Amendment of this Article
Section 14. Violations and Remedies

ARTICLE VIII—Office of Mayor and Secretary

Go to Article VIII—Office of Mayor and Secretary

This article includes:

Section 1. Purpose
Section 2. Town Records
Section 3. Security

ARTICLE IX—Penalties-Enforcement-Severability

Go to Article IX—Penalties-Enforcement-Severability

This article includes:

Section 1. Penalties
Section 2. Enforcement
Section 3. Lien Against Real Property
Section 4. Severability

ARTICLE X—Registration and Voting

Go to Article X—Registration and Voting

This article includes:

Section 1. Purpose
Section 2. Registration
Section 3. Nominations
Section 4. Voting
Section 5. Bar to Political Activities

ARTICLE XI—Commercial Regulations

Go to Article XI—Commercial Regulations

This article includes:

Section 1. Beverage Container Deposits
Section 2. Business License

ARTICLE XII—Subdivision Regulations

Go to Article XII—Subdivision Regulations

This article includes:

Section 1. Plat Approval before Use of Plat in Sale or Transfer
Section 2. Plat Approval before Building Permit
Section 3. Application for Approval of Plat
Section 4. Criteria for Approval of Plat
Section 5. Copy of Recorded Plat Required
Section 6. Compliance with Forest Conservation

ARTICLE XIII—Application of County Legislation

Go to Article XIII—Application of County Legislation

This article includes:

Section 1. Exemption from County Legislation
Section 2. Amendments to County Legislation
Section 3. Right to Further Exemption
Section 4. Enforcement of County Legislation
Section 5. Applicability

ARTICLE XIV—Forest Conservation

Go to Article XIV—Forest Conservation

This article includes:

Section 1. Purpose
Section 2. Definitions
Section 3. Applicability
Section 4. Exemptions
Section 5. Declaration of Intent
Section 6. General Requirements
Section 7. Forest Stand Delineation
Section 8. Forest Conservation Plan
Section 9. Afforestation and Retention
Section 10. Reforestation
Section 11. Priorities and Time Requirements for Afforestation and Reforestation
Section 12. Payment Instead of Afforestation and Reforestation
Section 13. Recommended Tree Species
Section 14. Financial Security for Afforestation and Reforestation
Section 15. Standards for Protecting Trees from Construction Activities
Section 16. Variances
Section 17. Penalties
Section 18. Annual Report
Section 19. Amendments

ARTICLE XV—Historic Preservation Commission

Go to Article XV—Historic Preservation Commission

This article includes:

Section 1. Purpose
Section 2. Commission Created
Section 3. Composition; Appointment; Term of Members; Vacancies; Compensation
Section 4. Chairman
Section 5. Powers and Duties
Section 6. Rules and Regulations; Right to Appear and Be Heard
Section 7. Duties of the Secretary and Other Town Officials in Connection with the Commission

ARTICLE XVI—Schedule of Fees

Go to Article XVI—Schedule of Fees

This article includes:

Section 1. Purpose
Section 2. Collection of Fees, Refunds
Section 3. Building Permit Applications
Section 4. Sign Permit
Section 5. Business License
Section 6. Subdivision Plans
Section 7. Zoning Map and/or Text Amendments
Section 9. Licenses for Private Use of Town Facilities
Section 10. Transcripts
Section 11 Public Ways and Property Permit Fee

ARTICLE XVII—Sale of Town Land

Go to Article XVII—Sale of Town Land

This article includes:

Section 1. Purpose
Section 2. Establishment of Sale Price
Section 3. Request for Purchase
Section 4. Planning Commission and Historic Preservation Duties
Section 5. Recommendations
Section 6. Conveyance of Land
Section 7. Deed Requirements
Section 8. Applicable Properties
Section 9. Costs

ARTICLE XVIII—Small Wireless Telecommunications Facilities

Go to Article XVIII—Small Wireless Telecommunications Facilities

This article includes:

Section 1. Definitions
Section 2. Access to Public Ways and Property (PW&P)
Section 3. Application Requirements for New Facilities or Substantial Modification
Section 4. Requirements for facilities
Section 5. Construction standards
Section 6. Violation and penalties

News about Town Ordinances

A Note about Noise

Article I, Section 7 of the Ordinances provides that “It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a power mower, chain saw, or other power equipment on Sundays before the hour of 12:00 Noon, except that electrically powered tools may be operated within a building with doors and windows closed.”

You can find a summary of Montgomery County’s noise regulations and a link to file noise complaints here.

Another Note:  Soliciting

Door-to-door solicitations are permitted in the Grove.

  • There is no provision in the Town’s Code of Ordinances that prohibits solicitations.
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