16 August 2005 | Approved: 18 October 2005
HPC members present: Bob Booher, Chair, Chris Kirtz, Ed Mroczka, Mimi Styles and David Neumann. David Stopak attended as Town Council liaison.
The August 16th meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission began at 7:30 p.m. with a welcome for its new Commissioner, Mimi Styles and an approval of the agenda. The Chair asked Chris Kirtz to take minutes and approved the minutes of the July meeting with minor revisions.
Public Review Session
The Commission then reviewed a proposed Sun porch addition for 202 Grove Avenue and a proposed covering for an open porch and foyer at 102 Center Street. Bob Booher agreed to write both certificates of review. During the review session, the suggestion was made that applications contain an index showing the items submitted when the application was filed.
Old Business
Facades and Decks: The Commission noted that Decks and Facades posed the issue of determining what items to review and not and the criteria to use to make these determinations. The Commission agreed to discuss this in more detail at a future time.
Archive Structure coordination and HPC input: Mr. Kirtz reported that, according to Mary Challstrom, Missy Yachup was about to start going through all the current categories to get a sense of how to organize the data and would be ready to enter data after the first of the year.
Archival Computer Software Status: The Software has been purchased but the Hardware has not on the theory it is better to buy the Hardware as close as possible to when they intend to start work to ensure they get the most current products on the market at the best price.
Heritage Committee Volunteers — Printing House Photos. Mr. Kirtz reported York Photo appeared to be the least expensive source for prints of the Contributing Structure digital photos. The Commission was concerned about the quality of the photos York would provide but authorized having three copies made.
FAR Subcommittee Questionnaire: David Stopak read and summarized the comments received from the sample questionnaires he and other Commissioners had distributed. After hearing the comments, the Commission encouraged Mr.. Stopak to edit the existing questionnaire as he thought appropriate, add a summary of existing ordinances and submit it in time to go out in the September Bulletin. Bob Booher, David Stopak, David Neumann and Mimi Styles agreed to meet at Mimi’s house on Saturday, August 20th, at 7:00 pm to assist in this effort.
ICC Involvement: After describing the ICC process and his efforts, Bob Booher requested and received the HPC’s endorsement for his past and intended ongoing efforts.
The next meeting was scheduled for September 20th, 2005.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.